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Everything posted by mk21

  1. Ok I think I got it done. If anyone wants help with this, here's a link to another topic addressing this. My issue was that I wasn't running it out of a define. Once I did that, all the local variables and lists cooperated. http://www.ubotstudio.com/forum/index.php?/topic/13847-local-lists-multi-threading/
  2. Ok, that last try didn't seem to work for me either. Here's where I'm at right now and what it's doing: ui drop down("Threads", "1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10", #Threads) add list to list(%events, $list from text("http://www.stubhub.com/katy-perry-tickets/katy-perry-raleigh-pnc-arena-22-6-2014-4450701/,http://www.stubhub.com/katy-perry-tickets/katy-perry-washington-verizon-center-washington-dc-24-6-2014-4450702/,http://www.stubhub.com/katy-perry-tickets/katy-perry-nashville-bridgestone-arena-27-6-2014-4450703/,http://www.stubhub.com/katy-perry-tickets/katy-perry-brooklyn-barclays-center-24-7-2014-44
  3. @blumi40. I tried your script, but it didn't seem to work either. It would only fill in one of the table rows. Could some try to run my script? It takes just a couple minutes to run, and you can see what I'm seeing. I'm starting to think maybe you can't scrape data in thread mode because any data that is scraped is being copied into the table as all the same, even though the numbers should be different from each url. Is scraping different data in different threads possible?
  4. I've pasted my code below. It appears to be doing exactly what I ask. I get a table with 5 rows and 7 columns of data as a result. However, the data isn't correct. Can anyone tell me what I'm doing wrong? clear list(%events) add list to list(%events, $list from text("http://www.stubhub.com/katy-perry-tickets/katy-perry-raleigh-pnc-arena-22-6-2014-4450701/,http://www.stubhub.com/katy-perry-tickets/katy-perry-washington-verizon-center-washington-dc-24-6-2014-4450702/,http://www.stubhub.com/katy-perry-tickets/katy-perry-nashville-bridgestone-arena-27-6-2014-4450703/,http://www.stubhub.com/k
  5. Just to update on my situation, I have resolved the problem. It seems to have been an issue with either a missing or misplaced quotation mark. The documentation on the plugin says to use the CMD with "shell hidden", but for some reason it didn't seem to work. It would return "file not found". My only guess is because it wasn't just running a .exe, it was running a command line .exe which require more input to tell the program what to do in the command line. For whatever reason, this required that I used "shell batch hidden" instead of "shell hidden" to run the .exe. So the problem appear
  6. Yeah that works fine for me too. It's the shell batch hidden command that doesn't seem to be running the CMD.
  7. Has this just all of a sudden stopped working for anyone else? The ubot native shell still works, but this plugin doesn't seem to anymore all of a sudden. Delete file permanently still works, but I was using shell batch hidden with no problems, and now it's not working at all. I can get by with shell, but with shell batch hidden, I wasn't getting the cmd popup, which was much nicer for selling the bot. Can anyone help me out as to why this might have happened?
  8. Are you saying most email providers block multiple attached files via smtp? I am using gmail. Is this the case with their service?
  9. I have no problem sending a single .pdf file, but I'm not sure how to send multiple .pdf files in one email. Is this possible? If so, how? Thanks.
  10. The problem is occurring when I convert the pdf to txt and try to rename the pdf. For some reason, I can rename the txt file I just created, but not the pdf I created it from. Does anyone have any help they can offer to unlock the original pdf file?
  11. Set a variable to 0 Do a loop of each list item Set a variable as the substring of the the list item corresponding to the original variable. Starting position will be find index of /. Number of characters will be find index of " minus find index of /. Add that variable to the list. Remove position 0 from the list This should give you the list the way you want it
  12. A couple other ways would be to do the $substring of the variable using $find index to find your start point and $text length minus $find index to cut off the first portion. Then do another $substring from 0 to $find index of the last character in the string you need. Another solution would be to load the variable as html and run $page scrape that way.
  13. I'm sure this is easy and I just can't find an answer, but is there a way to verify a computer's ID? My idea is to check the computer's ID against my database with the allowed computer IDs to verify that a computer is authorized to run the bot. Is this possible? Are there any concerns with doing this?
  14. Try click(<innertext="#headlines">, "Left Click", "No") instead possibly?
  15. Ok just for the hell of it, I tried this, and I'm still having the same problem.
  16. Yeah I understand that, but wouldn't it just prevent the compiled bot from running completely? Why would it let the bot run the script up to the point of the database command but not any further script?
  17. Why would this matter if both are being run on the same PC? Why would the firewall block it as a compiled bot and not in the uBot program. Also, why would it run the steps up the point of the DB command if it was a firewall issue?
  18. I am having this same problem. When I try to run a DB command, it works in uBot, but when the program is compiled, it never makes it past the first DB step. So for instance, I can navigate to google, run a query, then navigate to yahoo, and it works fine in uBot. When I compile, it navigates to google, and that's it. It never makes it past the query, and it doesn't run the query either. I am very frustrated. I submitted to support weeks ago, but nothing has been done about it.
  19. I try and it connects on the wizard test, but when I click OK, the connection string is never filled in, and I can't run any queries. I reported this problem the day v5 came out, and I was told it would be added to the troubleshooting list once they duplicated the scenario. I followed up to ask what that meant, and I was given the same answer. I'm very frustrated as this was one of the biggest selling points for v5 to me, and I'm not even sure if they're telling me that they aren't having the same problem on that end or that it is in queue to be added to the list or what. So I wondered if
  20. I've had success using this feature before, but I can't get it to work in my current bot. Here's what I'm trying to do. I create a list of folders and then in each folder I create a list of multi-page pdf files. Then, I use TJ's PDF splitter to make them single page files in each folder. I then convert each pdf to txt and scrape some of the data to use to rename the single pdf page. I delete the txt and then try to rename the pdf file with the scraped data. Most of the time I'm getting the error message "The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process." Th
  21. I noticed this issue and reported it right away. The same problem exists with the debugger. I did figure out a workaround until they fix it though. Just double click the top bar, and that will reduce the window. You can then move it around and resize as you see fit. It will also activate the reduce button that doesn't work on the first try. It's a weird fix, but a fix nonetheless.
  22. Is there a coupon out there for the Standard version? I have a friend that I am trying to sell on it.
  23. Thanks for the help. Unfortunately, it's something that's time sensitive, so I want to run it as soon as possible after the email hits. I've kept it open, and it doesn't seem to be much of a drain since the email account stays empty most of the time.
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