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Posts posted by Eddie

  1. When you have like 500 accounts ... you will have the point ... everytime I run the bot I have 500 logins going ... its very time consuming, and even using proxies, you can really get flagged fast. Using threads and 10 to 20 batch tasks at any time ...

    so what's your solution on store cookies session local for further uses?


    Changed the dropdown to run a define "onchange" rather than "onclick"

    ui html panel("<select onchange=\"ubot.runScript(\'test()\')\" variable=\"#dropDownVar\" fillwith=\"value\" style=\"width:60px;height:30px;border-radius:4px;\">
    <input type=\"checkbox\" variable=\"#male\" fillwith=\"checked\">male
    <input type=\"checkbox\" variable=\"#female\" fillwith=\"checked\">female",200)
    define test {
        if($comparison(#dropDownVar,"=",4)) {
            then {
                alert("Execute something!")
            else {

    thanks for your info..


    Hi Kreatus,


    I had done the same thing but you need to be aware that there is one problem using that method with a dropdown. Using the example code you supplied, if a user selects 4 then the command will run, but the problem is if they click on the dropdown again but decide to click on the option that is already selected(in this case 4) then nothing will happen, until the next time they click on the dropdown. Then the next time they click on the dropdown, the command that is assigned to run when(in this case 4) is selected will run immediately before they make any other selection. Hope that makes sense.


    It's for that reason I think it's better to use a listbox to achieve the same result. The method works flawlessly with a listbox.




    [Edit] To use this method with a listbox the code below is all thats required:

    ui html panel("<span onclick=\"ubot.runScript(\'test()\')\"><select size=\"5\" variable=\"#dropDownVar\" fillwith=\"value\" name=\"dropdown\" style=\"width:\">
      <option value=\"0\">0</option>
      <option value=\"1\">1</option>
      <option value=\"2\">2</option>
      <option value=\"3\">3</option>
      <option value=\"4\">4</option>
      <option value=\"5\">5</option>
      <option value=\"6\">6</option>
      <option value=\"7\">7</option>
      <option value=\"8\">8</option>
      <option value=\"9\">9</option>
      <option value=\"10\">10</option>
    <span variable=\"#otherOptions\" fillwth=\"innerhtml\"></span><span variable=\"#selectedMenu\" fillwith=\"innerhtml\"></span>", 100)
    define test {
        if($comparison(#dropDownVar, "=", 4)) {
            then {
                alert("Execute something!")
            else {

    could you help to show the code for checkbox and dropdown as the code above in html,thanks!

  4. I use the later version 5.9.50 (Atleast is think it is the latest). And the bug is still there. Labels are updating normally but not the dropdown. But to be honest using plugins to overcome bugs. That is not a good way to deal with bugs. I gladly subscribe to updates but i do not see progress the last 5 months.

    it seems they have stopped updating, for a long time since 5.9.50


    To keep things simple I will probably not use HTTP Post but you can use it, all you need to do is not use the browser commands so you don't need to use in new browser. Instead you can do something like this:

    define YourCommandName {
        thread {
            comment("These should be local")
            set(#_get,$plugin function("HTTP post.dll", "$http get", "", "", "", "", ""),"Local")
            set(#_post,$plugin function("HTTP post.dll", "$http post", "", "", "", "", "", ""),"Local")

    thank you, HelloInsomnia, will test it.

  6. Okay I see what you're saying and you're right that it's a better way to do it if you want to ensure the total number of accounts was created. I did list that as a requirement and so I can see where you're coming from. I really wanted to demonstrate the multithreading part that was the main point of the video, the requirements were to make it clear what we were going to do.


    I will probably make a part 2 which talks more about other parts of multithreaing like including proxies, local variables and parameters and such. This was meant to show the basics and how to not use thread spawn. So I will make a note about this as well.

    great, do you have any ubot sample code to show the multithreading with http post, thanks!!

  7. You may find this plugin useful, I don't quite know the full extent of what it can do because I haven't used it myself in quite some time. So It may not do exactly what you need, however, if you are more comfortable working with CSS selectors then it will at least allow you to work with them in some ways: 




    You may find this plugin useful, I don't quite know the full extent of what it can do because I haven't used it myself in quite some time. So It may not do exactly what you need, however, if you are more comfortable working with CSS selectors then it will at least allow you to work with them in some ways: 



    Hi,dan, could you help to send me the css selector plugin,the download link stoped, thanks

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