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Everything posted by charliefinale

  1. Dataharvest.io. Finally run your bots in the cloud as a service and earn hundreds if not thousands monthly in this game-changing new platform for Ubot developers. We are looking for 50 top-notch developers to drive this revolutionary new platform. Sign Up Here Bring your own clients and charge them a fee of your deciding. Fix bugs immediately and online, we can run your code within seconds without even needing to compile it. Watch this!! We are offering huge discounts to everybody who signs up before the 15th of March 2020, and offering immediate access to the first qualified de
  2. I do not have Exbrowser at the moment, but you will want to use an Xpath similar to this //div[@id=main' and @class='style-scope ytd-comment-renderer] Also to get more that 20, you will need to scroll down by however much is required, as Youtube uses lazy loading. Javascript is needed for this. Along these lines.. loop(100) { run javascript("var inc = document.body.scrollHeight/100; window.scrollBy(0,inc);") } You can probably repeat this loop to get more comments, but I am not sure how you test to know if you have scrolled down enough to capture them all.
  3. True, but knowingly what the error is all about would still be good to know. Do you think it is a bug or an error in my code? For those who are interested in the Regex and Xpath solution, which seems to get around this issue, here it is. Scrapes Amazon reviews. add list to list(%section,$plugin function("XpathPlugin.dll", "$Generic Xpath Parser", $document text, "//*[contains(@id, \'customer_review\')]", "outerhtml", "False"),"Don\'t Delete","Global") set(#list_count,$list total(%section),"Global") set(#counter,0,"Global") loop(#list_count) { add item
  4. I have the same issue I am looping this code through different product codes from Amazon (I have not included that code as it is not where it is crashing) . After about a minute or so, and maybe 300 reviews from Amazon it crashes. Do I need to slow it down? Most pages are fine, but it seems suddenly it does not like something with this deseralize json error. After stopping the script and manually trying the add list to lists, they both crash again until I Run the bot again. loop($subtract(#do_list_total,1)) { navigate($next list item(%URL),"Wait") click(<class="a-link-emphasis
  5. The basic form is add item to list(%new list,$replace regular expression("however it also ends up removing the word and from understand and of from coffee","and of"," "),"Don\'t Delete","Global") If you want to do the words one at a time then you would need to loop through them from another list of words that you want to remove.
  6. I do not want to upgrade. And I am locked out of Ubot entirely. Cannot remove Exbrowser because I cannot open ubot S. My old subscription email (last paid December 24th) does not appear on my account. I requested a new ticket and got a new account - without my subscription details in it. Very poor if you ask me. He should not be interfering with my Ubot License because he wants to sell a more expensive Exbrowser license. It is not his place. Where is the Exbrowser folder you mention above? I do not see one to delete in the Program Files under Ubot 6
  7. I want to create a command that converts a csv file into HTML. That code exists already elsewhere thanks to Ubot, but how to make this into a command? One can only define a variable as far as I can tell. So if you drag a table into the empty parameter filed of the command , that is fine, but how do you get that to the table called &temp to be replaced by the parameter #table? One is a variable and the other a table? reset browser table_to_HTML(&temp) define table_to_HTML(#table) { set(#myHTML,"<table border=\"1\"> <tbody>","Global") set(#iRow,"-1","Global")
  8. Believe you me, I have my reasons!!So if anybody does want to devleop a plugin that disables some commands from being executed in a compiled bot, I would buy it!!
  9. Thanks . I use command line argumenets alot. But I really do want to disable some functions in the compiled bot for security reasons . Unless I am mistaken innocent code from an include could be changed quite easily to run "delete drive c" . I want to disable for instance shell commands so that an external include trying to run shell would not work. Even if you do not use shell in the compiled bot, it is still compiled along with all plugins even if you do not use those either. Not using includes at all is not the answer in my case though. I want to remove commands so as to make includes
  10. Is there a plugin or a way to restrict the access to the local folders to one specified folder? My bot uses the "include" command which allows someone to "define" some functions and I want to ensure that the define cannot be used to access local files other than one safe one I specify. My code is compiled so is there some code I can put in my compiled version that will achieve that in the external "define"? Does anyone want to design such a plugin? It is a security feature that some of us may want, to ensure that for instance "shell" and "special folder "commands are disabled in compiled
  11. Hi, the EXB function seems fairly straightforward except it does not specify what file should be loaded in the path. If I go to the directory where the extensions are stored I can see most of them have a json file. If I am only supposed to put the path to the directory then I do not seem to get it working. Any clues as to the exact way it should be used would be great. I have plugin command("ExBrowser.dll", "ExBrowser Launcher", "Chrome", "", "{$plugin function("ExBrowser.dll", "$ExBrowser Specify Binary Location", "C:\\Users\\me\\OneDrive\\bots\\browser versions\\GoogleChromeP
  12. Trying Regex now......I am wondering if find regular expression is buggy. Or is it me? I constructed one as follows (?s)(?<=class=\"\"><a href=\")(.*?)(.+?(?=\")) And tested/constructed it to the following HTML in the Ubot Regex Editor and it got what I wanted perfectly which is /ip/Fried-Green-Tomatoes-Anniversary-Edition-Extended-Version-DVD/4694735 But used in UBot on the same HTML in turns up nothing add item to list(%productlink,"https://walmart.com{$plugin function("XpathPlugin.dll", "$Generic Xpath Parser", #eachblock, "(?s)(?<=class=\\\"\\\"><a href
  13. OK, thanks for the info. My problem is that I have a quirky scrape that does not seem to respond to xpath. It is Amazon deal of the day. I want to scrape the Name of the Product and the Product link. I have isolated the individual items. This works as a $scrape attribute...but nothing worked as an xpath - it always came up blank. Same for the link set(#product,$scrape attribute(<class="a-size-base a-link-normal dealTitleTwoLine singleCellTitle autoHeight">,"innertext"),"Global") add item to list(%product,#product,"Don\'t Delete","Global") set(#productlink,$s
  14. Hi I like to load the HTML of a product from Amazon into a list and then extract the fields I want from that. It takes care of when fields are empty. So the HTML of the single product is a variable say #eachsection. It is easy to use xpath because I can set the input to be #eachsection. Is there a way to use scrape element on #eachsection without loading into the browser? It works fine if I load the variable as HTML into the browswer , it is just it slows down the whole bot by a factor of about 5. Here is the xpath example, I want to do the same with scrape attribute set(#price,$plug
  15. OK, After a few more hours this is what I have discovered. I opened an Azure account and put up a Windows server 2012 system with 8 gig of RAM. Same problem - actaully would not run the bot at all. Put up an Azure Windows 10 Virtual Server on Azure and voila, it worked. It did require the Visual Basic C++ x86 before it did, but now the bot runs and if I exit it I can run and exit over and over again as it should. In the Windows 10 both .Net 3.5 and 4.7 were installed and I installed the 3.5 manually from an exe although it fetched its own files or so it seemed. My categorical conclusion i
  16. The bot I am testing with is as simple as Navigate to anotheer page, that is it. I tried others, but this is as simple as it gets. https://charliev4m-gmail.tinytake.com/tt/MzUxOTA3MV8xMDU3NDQxOQ Here is a video link of the freeze https://charliev4m-gmail.tinytake.com/tt/MzUxOTA4MV8xMDU3NDU1MA
  17. BTW this server is set up only to test whether Amazon AWS can be used to run Ubots...there is no confidential information on it, so if anyone wants to have a try and make a Ubot work on it, I am happy to supply access to it, All the Amazon servers I have tried (2008,2012,2016 and 2019) can run a bot once before the machine needs a reboot to be abe to run it again. Removing the bot from memory usuing Task Manager does not do it.
  18. Thanks. I have tried everything on Windows 2012 and 2019. I am able to run my bot(s) once and then they freeze. Here are the screeenshots with Fiddler of before first bot execution, after first bot execution and then the freeze on the second execution of the same bot (after the first bot window has been shut).This is 2019 with defender off and Framework .Net 3.5 and 4.7 installed and the Visusla Basic C++ x86 installed. https://charliev4m-gmail.tinytake.com/tt/MzUxODY1Ml8xMDU3MTc0NAhttps://charliev4m-gmail.tinytake.com/tt/MzUxODY1M18xMDU3MTc0NQhttps://charliev4m-gmail.tinytake.com/tt/MzUxO
  19. Hi After nearly a week of trying I have concluded that compiled ubots do not run on any Windows Servers and I have tried 2019,2016,2012 and 2008.I am hoping someone will be able to shed some light on this. There are some threads about this which suggest Visual C++ x86 and .Net Framework 3.5 are neeeded, both true to a certain point, but exe files fail after the second attempt after a reboot whether they are triggered by the exe directly, a bat file, or even Windows Scheduler. It apears in most cases (Windows 2019 and 2016 in particular) that the bat files execute multiple times and that t
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