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Everything posted by Bliss

  1. Cheers Rich.... yeah its nice to see ubot running at 150 threads its faaaaaaaaaaaaast oh and not crashing lol
  2. Thanks TJ. It saved me 63 sites when i first ran it just after a server move too.
  3. Update: Added Ignore UI Html Variables option Fixed some bugs when running on windows 8.x Updated UI http://www.dedi-box.com/images/ObotObfuscator1.5.png Special Offer for a few days only $77 PM me for discount Current clients, please download again from Jvzoo and pm me for your new license
  4. BlissSitesChecker - Check your website for errors / downtime - don't loose money! First thank you for looking I am not making no fancy sales page, the video will show you all It is very fast as you will see in the video (upto 150 threads) This is a website checker that will check multiple websites for errors such as :- Website MySQL errorsDefault cPanel PageCloudflare ErrorExpired DomainParked Domain (not live)Too Many Connections ErrorProxy FailedAccount SuspendedGeneral Error Messages (404 etc)Connection TimeoutBandwidth OverageResource Overage More checks added
  5. UPDATE Software will auto update next time you re-open it. Added in captcha Added in Age filter (if someone posts an age less than 18 the chat is closed)
  6. I have never used Craigslist for traffic myself
  7. Its not specific to adult sites, its just that is what i tested it one first. the video i sent you want made for an adult forum / affiliate group you can type any niche / or none and just get general (everyone interests)
  8. It was built for adult market first... but there are tests being done now on mmo etc. I know it works in adult and gambling for sure I will pm you the video
  9. I don't think i am going to disclose the site to be honest as anyone could make it then. BUT i do have a video of traffic proof and some live too if anyone wants to see it.. (pm me) The main point is.. IT WORKS!!
  10. THIS IS NOW AVAILABLE AS COMMENTED SOURCE CODE for $97(PM me to purchase source) http://www.dedi-box.com/images/TrafficClawSalesPage.png 3 Day Special Offer! Save $50 on Pro Version and $30 on Standard Version - 3 Days Only. Ubotters Discount C o u p o n Save $20 enter the c o u p o n code ubotters20offtcs for the Standard Version and ubotters20offtcp for the pro when purchasing. ** All Sales are final due to the nature of the software! ** Should you have any questions please do not hesitate to ask me If you want to see a video of it in action
  11. As far as i am aware using standard methods they only detect the item you click / access. If you are talking about the site preventing you then there may be many reasons why this would happen. One of the newer methods is using your browser to fingerprint you, i don't just mean window size etc. I mean loading times and all sorts.. Check out this site also for some interesting info about your browser https://panopticlick.eff.org/index.php?action=log&js=yes Hope that info helps ya Jane
  12. you could put the content as a picture.. BUT that would not do your SEO any good!
  13. I have never tried to spoof the OS, but i do know there are some plugins out that do screen resolution / window size etc. Check out TJ's plugin http://www.ubotstudio.com/forum/index.php?/topic/16572-sell-software-windows-botguru-ui-plugin/ Hope this helps Jane
  14. I already have made bots to do this.. so can put them in one for you if needed. pm me and let me know or skype me on blissuk PS Check out my Cloudflare / ParkDomains / WHM Account creator bot http://screencast.com/t/MGrmMS34aeS I am just making some sales pages and will be releasing a few bots over the next couple of days which will include hosting bots too
  15. Cant wait to find some time to try it.. Nice one Kev!
  16. I have sold quite a few copies of it and people are happy.. Sometimes like Dan said you can have issues with the ui html but that is because its not true html at times! so its not a bug as such. The obfuscator itself does a great job though of making the code really hard to understand etc. IT works perfect with ALL protection systems, its just changing the ubot code which has nothing to do with any protection system. So its all good!
  17. Has anyone come across a problem with $dropdown dialog ??? This is the code im using for it. It works once, sometimes up to 3 times but after the bot does its run then you press start again the 2nd or 3rd time the dropdown will not show, it does not show the popup. Any ideas? set(#selectniche, $plugin function("Advanced Dialog.dll", "$dropdown dialog", "Popular Niches", "Select Niche", "ALL,{#PopulateNicheDropdown}", 330, 350, "False", "FFF3F3F3", "FFBEEAC4,000000", "FFF3C1C1,000000", "Center App"), "Global") Thanks in advance Jane
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