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Everything posted by tomq

  1. i just fired up ubot studio 4.2.19 and i'm not able to drag any commands over for any web site...i'm not getting any errors either, not sure what's going on?
  2. ok here's the working code, i ditched doing it with the if-then statement and decided to just do ubot's version of a for loop with the max number of urls -1, i.e. the index is always 1 less then the total...basically all this script would do is given a list of urls it would search a web page for two specified strings, in my case off sale and sold out and the loop would continue until those words were not found on the set of pages in the list %changeurls clear list(%changeurls) add list to list(%changeurls, $list from file("C:\\change-urls.txt"), "Delete", "Global") navigate($list item(%chan
  3. change-urls contains this text: http://www.ticketfly.com/purchase/event/59869/tfly basically i'm trying to make a loop that waits for this page to change using "off sale" as the string keyword http://www.ticketfly.com/purchase/event/59869/tfly however i get a object reference not set to object error, and i think i'm doing the loop completely right setting the list position to 0 when the list position EQUALS the list total i.e. index would then be out of bounds so i reset the list position to 0.....not sure how to fix it, what does it look like i'm doing wrong? thanks in advance =)! add list
  4. i'm making a hotmail creation bot and i've come to a small stumbling block basically when i get to this page: http://sn137w.snt137.mail.live.com/default.aspx#!/mail/options.aspx?subsection=32&n=234865818 sign in to a valid hotmail email to see i can get my bot to type in the email address i want to forward to and also get it to select the radio button to forward, however i can't get the button clicking part to work with this code click(<name="ctl06$SaveButton">, "Left Click", "No") i'm wondering what special thing i need to do to get this to work, does it have to do with having t
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