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Everything posted by wakins4u

  1. I tried updating ubot to the latest revision 14 of ubot6 but it's forever stuck on that update screen with the "Setting up Bionic API..." message. I've retried it several times to no avail. Same issue. Help, please.
  2. Have you tried changing useragents to match those of your real browsers?
  3. ...But i've also got to admit that those comments are mainly still surviving partly due to the stale news. I suspect if it was a latest news some knuckle heads wld have thumbed me down. But I don't care, i just keep thumbing myself up...
  4. Forgot about the proxy feature. will add in now (gimme 24hrs) It depends on 'how' you place your comments. Here's the exact link I used in the video demonstration, you can clearly see that I'm still on the top3 comments. Yes, i made those top 3 comments. So really, it's about how smart you place your comments/ promotions. W.
  5. Hi, Nice neat tumblr bot you got there. What's the name of the theme on your website imautobots.com? And wat plugin are you using for checkout? W.
  6. I've just updated and released new versions. Please bear with me to update your versions (i.e customers) in 48hrs. I'lll get intouch in your emails
  7. Yahoo Comment Rater Sorry, the bot has been discontinued
  8. Ran the bots 2days ago and they worked perfectly! Perhaps I don't understand what you mean by being slow. Kreatus' bots have been exceptional (from personal experience). W.
  9. Is it really Seth's birthday today or his alter ego's? (i.e different account profiles ) I know cos I've lost track of my own actual birthday (filled so many different ones online - j/k) #DarkSideOfAutomation Anyways, Happy birthday if it's indeed today.
  10. still working on it (I know, it's taking forever, but the goalpost keeps changing everyday with G)
  11. Hi Adam, don't worry about all that, I'm only selling a copy, I still have 'the' source code with me. Don't stress too much about it; this and my other thread are two different things. cheers W.
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