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About yoram

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  1. if you run the code i inserted you will reach to a website which has an iframe on the right site. in this iframe there are 3 input text box.one text box is enabled for input and the other 2 are disabled. in a normal browser when i enter the right value in the city text box, then the street text box become available. but in the ubot browser the street text box stays disabled and i cant reach it's values.
  2. I have a problem in reaching a field which is disabled until value in another field is populated. in the case below i need to chose a city name and after i choose one i should choose street name. but the street field is disabled although i choose the city name. anyone have any idea how to get to the street field? here is the example for this case navigate("http://www.govmap.gov.il/", "Wait") wait(1) click(<id="SelectAddress">, "Left Click", "No") wait(1) click(<name="Search1$lstCities$ctl03">, "Left Click", "No") type text(<name="Search1$lstCities$ctl03">, "ד", "Standard
  3. i have a question2answere website and i want a bot which will update answers and question through database (i have already a web bot). the bot should follow all data constraints of the website database. i would like to have the source code. any idea how much it will cost? input data from csv
  4. thanks, this works. i tried iphone user agent and it works thank you all for the advice's i changed the loging details so the script wont log in.
  5. thanks for the suggestion but it didn't work
  6. yes, i can do it manually. they didn't banned my ip. i see that few people here made test and succeeded to submit the article. since yesterday i cant figure up what is the problem.
  7. were you able to submit? if yes, any idea what could be the problem (i restarted and computer an ubot)?
  8. I am trying to submit an article in an article directory. after filling all the data i am trying to press the submit button, but no response. doing it manually with the same data is ok. anyone can help me solve this? thanks here is the code for login and submitting an article clear cookies navigate("http://www.articles.co.il/Members_login", "Wait") wait(2) wait for browser event("Everything Loaded", "") navigate("http://www.articles.co.il/Members_login", "Wait") wait(2) change attribute(<name="email">, "value", "dodikgalit85@walla.co.il") wait(2) change attribute(<name="pas">
  9. Thank you Kevin for your replay, the code you wrote is scraping only part of the code between the tags. and unfortunately its not the part i need (i need the onclick code in brackets, or blank if nothing in this specific cell). MyPopUpWinJV('פרטינעל מומחיות ד\'ר ×Âדלמן בוריס','18204','www.old.health.gov.il') it seems like ubot function (page scrape) has problem scraping this code because all the special characters in it. thats why i thought regex is the solution (hope i am wrong, am i?).
  10. I am trying to scrape data from an html page (code sample below). The data I want to scrape is between two td tags: Starting at : <td align="center" bgcolor="#F3F7F8" > Closing at </td> I need to get the data between those tags. After trying to learn rejex for two days, I didn't succeed to do it. Anyone has any suggestion? Thanks <td align="center" bgcolor="#F3F7F8" > <b><font face="Arial" size="2"> <img border =0 name="DDD" src="../Images/esh.gif" style="cursor: hand;" onClick="MyPopUpWinJV('פÃ
  11. I am trying to open an html window in a rich text editor but with no success. I tried several cods to identify the html button but it doesn't open. Anyone can help? Thanks navigate("http://www.articles.co.il/Open_a_free_account", "Wait") click(<id="sig_code">, "Left Click", "No") click(<outerhtml="<a id=\"sig_code\" href=\"javascript:;\" class=\"mceButton mceButtonEnabled mce_code\" onmousedown=\"return false;\" onclick=\"return false;\" title=\"Edit HTML Source\"><span class=\"mceIcon mce_code\"></span></a>">, "Left Click", "No") click(<title="Edit H
  12. the fastst way would be to use the google api i am using it with imacros but with ubot i didn't succeed. you can use it with such code set(#searchterm, "fitness", "Global") navigate("http://google.com/complete/search?q={#searchterm}&output=toolbar", "Wait") if you copy the url created to a browser like ie or firfox, you will get a file in xml format which is easy to scrap. but, the ubot browser doesnt respond to it. anyone has any idea why the results can't be seen in the ubot browser?
  13. hi there, if i want to write an if statment in a loop, that should do someting every fifth iteration of the loop. is there any math function to get the remainder after dividing by 5? or is there another way to do it? thanks
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