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Everything posted by whoami

  1. Thats awesome Dan. Thanks a lot. I might study your courses soon. By the way, last and important question. Do I need to create a Table on the Database.sql before I start adding content? Im not sure why the error is giving me that "no such table: NameOfTable" Do I have to create a table inside? What command shall I use? Just CREATE TABLE NameOfTable ?
  2. Just bought it.. If I have a couple of questions, can you help me over Skype?
  3. Will I be able to use all the Linkedin API with this source and tutorial? https://developer.linkedin.com/apis I really would like to know this because this will solve what I wanted to do connecting a Web App.
  4. Dan, you are the man! Working with NoSQL has given me problems forgeting SQL Thanks a lot! I will follow up your directions! Last question: I have this to create the table as you told me: add list to table as column(&profiles ids, 0, 0, %profile ids) How do I add and repeat a false statement in the column 1 and start from row 0 to assign it to every ID I add to table? Im not sure how to do this to add 2 columns, first column from list and add the boolean on the second column so later I mark it as true. Also I am doing the following: add list to table as column(&profiles ids, 0
  5. Is it possible to add a list directly to the database? plugin command("SQLlite.dll", "SQLite Query", "Database.sql", "INSERT INTO ProfilesIDs (UID) Values ({%profile ids})") Its just a list that later I will process. Also when I process it, how can I delete hte UID from the database?
  6. I migrated everything and backed up all my plugins in a folder on my HD. When I reinstalled Ubot and everything on my fresh Windows 8 install. It is giving me this problems with unreviewed plugins when adding them into the folder. Why this is happening. Can someone help me?
  7. Hello panther.. There is no risk since is a white hat tool. People who really find the true potential of this is buying it. So if you have spent hours doing benchmarks and some other research, this will help. Grab full leads from profiles, companies, groups and edu. We are adding a report with screenshots and analysis of websites to have a reason to email them. It will include a mailer which will not be spammy since within its core it will send 1 email every 60 seconds. So no spam at all. More updates will come soon and the price will rise too till the moment that I start charging per month, a
  8. Can I use spinned text on Sending? Also can I include column data from a table row as a template for message? For example names and so?
  9. Can we use the Token with all the Linkedin API? Are you planning adding more features to this in the future?
  10. Thats great! Im an absolutely buyer then. This will create great applications for UBot! Hopefully we can also do it multiplatform in the future.
  11. Are you going to add libraries eventually for owners of this plugin? I mean, some plugins here in Trade, Sell and Buy do some stuff that we could do using C#, for example: Tray alerts, minimizing to tray, licensing and so on. Do you think you will add libraries eventually for extra cost?
  12. I see Dan, the problem with the columns is that I have 2 empty columns right now that were intended for some variables. I will erase them, but the code is ok to save the table to database right?
  13. Aymen, Quick question. Why should I use C# instead of Javascript/Jquery/JS libraries?
  14. Im using this code to add the &Table I have to the database.sql : plugin command("SQLlite.dll", "SQLite Table To DB", "{$special folder("Application")}\\Database.sql", "Profiles", "Name, LastName, Title, City, Niche, URL, LastJobs, Studied, Connections, Null, Email, Null2", &profile leads) What Am I doing wrong?
  15. Hello everyone.. Im currently extracting IDs into a big list and allowing repeated IDs to count on the %list. My question is: Is it possible to count how many repeated items on a specific ID I have? And list them along with its ID? It could be on a &table. Any ideas?
  16. There is a trial if you access the landing page.
  17. How to use private proxys on requests? IP:PORT:USER:PASS
  18. Well yes, and actually if I generate it with the plugin I will eventually get same errors. I dont get same results, I just get a 503 error response from Google and not the normal DOM. Shall I post on your HTTP Post plugin Thread?
  19. Aymen, I keep getting errors when requesting frequently to google via sockets. I get a 503 error, and not working until I reset IP with modem or wait a day. This is causing me problems with clients since many functions depends on SERPs I tried using proxys but are very unstable which means sometimes do the GET and sometimes dont. So I decided working out updates with private proxys. My question is how do I do GET requests using Private Proxys? ip:port:user:pass
  20. Well I also have the Event UID Grabber, was planning of updating it. I have bought source codes before that are above $50 USD. I probably would sell it for that. Just PM for more info
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