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Bob The Builder

Fellow UBotter
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Everything posted by Bob The Builder

  1. I hope when "library" support is added (and hopefully, this is not the extent of libraries as I want my private ones) it can be done in a similar fashion. I like the grouped functionality and encapsulation.
  2. From what John B said, it is just a start of something bigger.
  3. Quick solve and no decaptcha balance required
  4. I created one a bot that downloads from a specific location a tool I wrote in C# to get the hard drive serial number and motherboard serial number, then deletes the file. I ended up getting Protect Gold, but it really isn't polished and I don't like how you have to make so many copies of everything.
  5. Negative approach? I spent countless hours and been waiting two months now and it still does not work. Silence never fixes anything and without stable multi-threading and stable compiling I can't even use the product for what I bought it for. It is not a negative approach, it is just a fact.
  6. As far as I have seen and I spent many many hours wasted on this over 2 months of trying, multi-threading does not work reliably in ubot. Not when using in new browser, they lock up constantly. I have managed to do multiple threads using 5 threads but after that it locks browsers left and right. I've tried working with Eddie on it many times but it is still doing it and there is no fix currently. I believe Eddie found an in new browser bug but not sure if it is related to this.
  7. Join the club been trying to do it for months now, need to wait for it to be fixed.
  8. do a search I made a snippet that works well for this but much smaller list.
  9. Multi treading in v4 is very buggy and problematic right now if you use more than 5 or so threads. I spent A LOT of time trying to make it work, but still waiting for Eddie to come up with a fix.
  10. I have a bot that uses a public service ( without Captcha ) and no shell. Think you can do 500 a day, I also wrote one to get SEOmoz page authority which I think is better.
  11. TJ's is top notch. Just got back from a cruise just saw this. This looks great.
  12. np, if you don't have it, I highly recommend RegEX Buddy. Great tool, I don't use it often, but for the tricky ones it is freaking awesome.
  13. Here ya go, this should help: set(#text, " the cow and the dog ", "Global") set(#trimleft, $replace regular expression(#text, "^\\s+", ""), "Global") set(#trimright, $replace regular expression(#text, "\\s+$", ""), "Global") set(#trimboth, $replace regular expression(#text, "^\\s+|\\s+$", ""), "Global")
  14. Do you still need a database for every product you want to license?
  15. Do you have a full list of changes? Anything done to the admin interface? From what I understand it is only partially implemented.
  16. You can use the image filename if it is very unique. You can programmatically enter a bogus email to continue to something more unique if possible. It is likely Google indexed stuff behind it that you can use to find it. Would have to see it, but there is probably a way.
  17. Google search using something extremely unique to that page that isn't likely to be changed on a site by site basis?
  18. It is kind of hard to understand your posts due to the broken English, but I will give it a go. It can be done, is it 100% sure, no, nothing really is. I can guarantee though SSL hijacking is not in the skill set of 99.9999999999% of my customers and most likely yours as well. I'd say 100%, but there may just be one every 5M customers that has the skill. Let me put this simply. I distribute a bot with no protection, it will be on mediafire in 10 minutes.' I add protection, one that is relatively hard to break for 99.99% of the population, it won't likely show up on media fire. If it d
  19. there are ways around that using unique IDs and hidden data.
  20. You would have the end user fill in username and password and it would confirm they have an active account via a Wordpress install or any other system. Save the info to a file so they only need to do it once. It would be nicer with pop ups but not supported.
  21. I couldn't download it as the link is now broken. It if it is as Daune says, just places a file on the system, I don't see how it provides any security. The easiest way is to log into a remote Wordpress installation to verify a login, and then delete the login if they are no longer a customer. You have to make sure you secure that installation as best you can though. It's not perfect, but it works.
  22. I believe they will add licensing but only via their store. I wish they would add a self hosted solution that worked well and was supported.
  23. there are some issues with threads, Eddie has some fixes but waiting to test myself.
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