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Everything posted by hannahmcintyre

  1. Since they changed up the platform a couple days ago I'm trying to update my bot. The problem I'm having is that now when you create a similar ad it defaults the campaign to the first one you ever created, whcih obviously is not the one I want my ads added to. Using the change chosen attribute feature I can get the dropdown box with the ads to go to the right campaign, but I think it must be connected to something else because the daily budget/created dates don't change and it still creates in the default campaign. Does anyone know how I can get around this? Also, I know nothing about ja
  2. I've found that anything that uses tinymce will usually do this as well.
  3. I'm more than happy to spend 30 minutes watching a video that will show me how to use a function to make a bot that will make me thousands of dollars. I have no problem with it at all. I've done one with 52 sites so far. It's all about subs, running them one at a time to do the troubleshooting before getting them to all run together in a loop. I know how frustrating the error messages are, but bots will ALWAYS have errors, and I'm more than happy to have paid for this software rather than having to learn to program.
  4. I'm not a programmer. Hell, I can barely get by in CSS, literally all I know is HTML. I know absolutely nothing about any programming language. The videos were perfectly fine, I understood exactly what was going on and as someone who cannot program anything, I don't think they could have made it much easier to use. Most things that are usefull will have a learning curve. I didn't come in expecting to have my hand held. I spent 2 days playing with Ubot, making random silly bots and figuring out the functions. From there I've made the bots I want and need to make with very little trouble. I
  5. Have you watched the tutorial videos? If I remember correctly, they show every one of those things. Here's a link if you need it: http://ubotstudio.com/tutorials.aspx
  6. Then do an if command. If command, delay for 30 seconds or however long you want before you figure your proxy is dead, then search for the text you want. If it's there, continue, if not, have it start again.
  7. The problem is you're using the wrong command. Rather than searching for soemthing on the page, use the "wait for" command. Then, the bot won't continue until what you're searching for has loaded.
  8. Yeah, this is really easy to do. I do this after almost every command to make account creation look more random.
  9. Position comes through as the same thing. inner and outer HTML are identical, and since it's being called from javascript I can't change the html code for one box and not the other.
  10. Ugh, this is really killing me. Does anyone know how to deal with more than one tinymce thing on one page? Articlesbase.com is a perfect example: the author bio and content boxes are indistinguishable.
  11. I did, yes, sorry. I figured out how to do it, but I'm having problems with pages that have more than one tinymce, as they all have the same id...
  12. If it's just a javascript window, then no, it's never going to click anything except exactly what shows up in the JS window and if it's not then it will just keep going through the script.
  13. This it here? http://ubotstudio.com/forum/index.php?/topic/2324-cant-change-text-in-chosen-fieldhow-do-i/
  14. How do you get around posting in iframed boxes? I can't seem to find a single attribute that actually works, and for the ones that I can't link to directly, I don't know a workaround and am wondering if anyone else does? An example of what I mean is vox.com posts and I THINK also ArticlesBase. Thanks!
  15. Turns out that actually was right some_guy, thanks for that, I'd made a tiny error in it that screwed it all up. Here's a more detailed account of how I did it for anyone who might want it: Set .#spuncontent .$spin ..$read file ...#content Choose by Attribute name name exact match Change Chosen Attribute value $replace .#spuncontent .WORDS TO REPLACE .WORDS REPLACING WITH
  16. Yeah, this was what I tried. Unfortunately when I set the variable to the contents of the text file in spin format, rather than filling the text box with the spun texts it just posts the whole thing still in spin format. Thanks though!
  17. What I'm trying to do is a wee bit complicated so let me know if I haven't explained it right: In a bot I'm building, I'm filling out a field with spun text. The node looks like this: Change chosen attribute .Value .$spin ..$read file ...#content The field is then filled in with a spun variation of my text. What I want to do then, is analyze the text that has been inputted into the field, and replace certain words. I can't seem to be able to do it; whenever I try it then fills out the whole field with the text in unspun format (ie. instead of "Hello I'm Hannah" it changes the text in
  18. Yes, you need to run the sub and THEN have the if command see if whatever you want is true.
  19. I'm not sure this will work because I don't really scrape anything, but you should be able to right click the table you want to scrape, at the top where it might say "TD", hover your mouse over that and choose "TABLE", then choose by attribute and $scrape.
  20. Whatever the flash text changes to. There's always SOMETHING that changes on the page.
  21. In the bit where you've gone Change chosen attribute => read from file => random list item => names Just change it to: Change chosen attribute => $random list item => %names You don't need the $read from file there
  22. If you're using my example then yes, you would. I don't get my files randomly, I pick specific ones, hence the need for the file box. In my description of how you'd get a random file I suggest using a text box to go to the appropriate folder.
  23. I know you can grab a file and upload the contents to a text box because I've done it. I add a file box in the UI, set it to #whatever. Then when you want to grab the file, Add to list -> %whatever -> $list from file -> insert variable -> #whatever To do this with any file from a folder I would imagine this would work if you had a text box leading to the folder and then add your #whatever variable followed by a list of the filenames. Then you could use $random list item to grab a random file from your list of files. Then the second bit you would have to then set it so
  24. Yeah, I've found that almost every single page has a constant you can use it for. I normally use "wait for" when I log in, and have it continue when it finds "sign out" or "log out" on the page. I use wait for instead of wait finish for pages that use a lot of flash/ajax/javascript, since they usually read as being finished when they aren't.
  25. Isn't a modal box just made with Javascript? In which case it would just be action commands -> click dialog button.
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