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Everything posted by Xochipelli

  1. Any way to contact Meter? Can't seem to access PMs, even while logged in. Thanks.
  2. Hoping for just a little more insight/help. What I have is two different dynamic interactive dropdown menus in a display/none div, similar to the sample HelloInsomnia provided. The first is acting as a main menu, and the second as a sub-menu. I'm using sqlite and attempting to auto-populate/re-populate each on a change to one and the other. I have it working beautifully without the interference of javascript it's fancier menu interactions. However, I immediately found I couldn't solely rely on ubot, since it wouldn't trigger without first re-triggering one of the initial dropdowns in e
  3. Thanks a million, HelloInsomnia. Exactly what I was hoping for. I really got to get me some of those magical JS skills.
  4. I want to change dynamic content, in this case input fields, within a UI HTML Panel based on item selected in dropdown menu. I've been using "onchange" with dropdown menus which has worked fine for me - until now, since it doesn't appear to play very nicely with input fields. "onchange" is clearing the input fields as soon as they're immediately selected, and will not accept any values for variables. Is there an easy way to deal with this? TIA ui html panel("<div> <select name=\"category\" class=\"dropdown\" variable=\"#Dropdown\" fillwith=\"value\" onchange=\"ubot.runScript(\'Swi
  5. Thanks, CJ. Can wait. Please, enjoy your vacation.   Awesome stuff AtmoPress! I felt the same way.     Appreciate the insight with your experiences while building, CJ. I put in considerable time already. I haven't even added Easy Crypt to the equation, simply trying to use ppk as a string.   The only related info I've found that provides any optimism involves scripting on a Linux machine: #!/bin/bash KEY="${ YOUR SSH KEY HERE INSIDE }" echo "${KEY}" | grep -qw "less" | ssh -q -i /dev/stdin username@IP 'hostnamectl' exit 0 https://stackoverflow.com/questions/1204
  6. No problem... easy when it's deserved. After working with it and seeing some of the use cases you've presented for Easy-Crypt, I love it. You blew my mind. I had no idea most of that was possible. I wanted to post this in support, but had issues in completing support registration. I haven't received a support activation email. I've hit a snag with an application of Easy-Crypt. Thought you might have some insight or a workaround in mind. I'm using TJ's SSH plugin, and wanting to encrypt and obfuscate private key filename. This kind of problem is tailor made for and begging for help from E
  7. Brilliant! You made my day! I just picked up a copy today. I knew I was staring at this problem begging for an elegant solution now for a couple weeks and it just landed in my lap today while I was searching for something else. Couldn't be happier. Took me a beat to figure out I needed the Open.Framework plugin and found without a hitch. Overall, great value for the investment. Thanks for all your efforts CyberJunkie!!!
  8. Please reset my license... rebuilding laptop. PM sent - thank you.
  9. Thanks to Nick at EliteBotters for recommending this great plugin... Appreciate your efforts to develop and share Heopas!
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