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Everything posted by Sanjeev

  1. I don't get it?!! How do you guys sell bots if Multi threading is so badly implemented? Who would buy such bots? It doesn't make any sense.. I don't mean to offend anyone.. I consider myself a total beginner/learner of Ubot so I am just curious how is it possible to create stable multi threaded apps for sale with so many issues... Thanks.
  2. Could this be considered a slow but very stable solution? Limit multithreading to say max 10-15 threads? - (while running, do regular memory cleaning + when the bot starts, set a timer - maybe on load?- this is to shut the bot down after say 20 minutes.-the bot will check if this target has been reached or not - maybe via a separate thread...?) Also perform 'close page' for 'new browsers' - at the end of code block. After 20 minutes - save data + close bot + optionally before shut down ,let the main program 'open' a previously compiled bot ->which would just clean memory (os addin plugi
  3. I wish some experienced user would enlighten us noobs as to why and when this plugin is better than sqlite/lists/tables/xml?
  4. zap? could you kindly elaborate on how we could achieve this? some sample code please? Thanks.
  5. Fellas? When selling Bots which Of the OS versions can the bots run on - reliably? I am looking for the forum member's experience here and not the official line. Thanks.
  6. Illmill! Thanks bud! I needed to hear that!
  7. Hey Guys! Do you people realize what you have done ? You have just shattered my dreams of making it big with Ubot...
  8. Does this mean that obfuscation is an overkill and really not required If I use the UbotLocker?
  9. Yeah! Multiple selections would be a welcome addition!
  10. Could we have some real world examples of this plugin's Usage Please? One feature I would like to see is - the ability to insert/replace data into tables...
  11. Thanks. You just keep on adding value to this plugin!!
  12. Are there any disadvantages if javascript is disabled? e.g don't some sites like youtube - need javascript to be enabled to perform actions like - likes, subscribes etc? Thanks.
  13. Fellas? Is there a way to accurately scrape social mentions for a particular webpage? e.g - given a url like say - www.domainame.com/path/etc/etc/ I would like to know - the no. of times it has been -shared/liked/mentioned on - Twitter Facebook Linkedin Google+ ? Any suggestions.. ?
  14. @giganut. I really think You should try using private proxies - and see what happens. proxybonanza.com e.g is good and reasonable too.
  15. Out of the box ..in std. version - I do not know of a way to do this ..but this paid plugin might work...far cheaper than upgrading http://www.ubotstudio.com/forum/index.php?/topic/13444-sell-plugin-os-operating-system-addins/page-4
  16. thanks. I guess when you need to click on - stuff like 'subscribe' and 'like' buttons - on say a YouTube video page -this may not be advisable?
  17. I contacted Ubot support team regarding this , they had their programmer check out proxybonanza proxies in Ubotstudio - and the conclusion is - do not use socks5 proxies with username/password with UbotStuduo 4.xx!
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