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Everything posted by Sanjeev

  1. Hi, Thanks for sharing your method with us! But,could you please expalin a little more when you say - what usually fixes the problem for me is clearing the cookies for each browser when a loop is completed. -Let's say, in each 'in new browser' -> I [run a set of commands in a loop] --> and, at end of each loop , I use some method to 'clear cookies' before the new loop begins -is that what you mean? If yes, what happens when I need to login to a site to perform a set of operations in a loop? clearing cookies at end of each loop would mean having to re-login into the site everytime
  2. . Yes! this would be a great tutorial. specially stuff like Screen Size..etc. Thanks.
  3. If you are looking for a way to save all the UI Element variables as a 'preset' to a file - for -loading,editing,and deleting at the user's discretion - I have a ready made solution which I already use. PM Me if you are interested . Its a plug n play kind of presets manager - Based on all UI elements you have in your bot - The user can - manage presets - Create n load presets,edit presets and delete presets . Also - wont let the user save presets with existing names. A UI Stat -gives updates when any action happens -load,save,delete,update etc.. Also -optionally -integrated with Aymen's Li
  4. Hello Frank. Thanks for your generous offer! The most important thing I want to know is How do I make sure that the bot does not crash while working -I want to know all of the best practices for ensuring 'Crash free ' performance . Also , how to catch and account for all the common errors which may crop up while working with the browser . Thanks.
  5. Another Way ? set(#decimal number, "35.66 ", "Global") set(#decimal number, $add(#decimal number, .01), "Global")
  6. Hi, Thanks for your reply - But I think ,what I have used is Valid code - (I may be wrong about the brackets though..) This is Eddie's video below ,also Ubot Blog has a post similar to this which has even more similar examples- http://screencast.com/t/L7UR89vJQaSV http://ubotstudio.com/blog/2011/11/19/871/ Here you'll see brackets being used exactly as I have used -no reason why it shouldn't work properly as In my example. Thanks.
  7. Hi All, I just wanted to confirm if Others are getting the same error as me - The thing is, when using conditional statements as shown below - Ubotstudio simply removes the brackets around this last part of the condition - (#b1 = "false" OR #d = "false") Just toggle between node view to code view and back - and the brackets are gone! Those brackets are required in some cases for the conditional logic to be correct as removing them changes the entire logic! I am aware of qualifiers like 'either' and 'both' etc -but this way I can quickly build very complex conditions easily.so having
  8. http://www.ubotstudio.com/forum/index.php?/topic/12678-failed-loading-page/ Fellas? any ideas on workarounds for this issue? Thanks.
  9. TJ? is this worth adding in? ------------------------------------------------------------------- a .vbs script for cleaning up dead browsers. save the below code to a .vbs file strComputer = "." strProcessToKill = "Browser.exe" SET objWMIService = GETOBJECT("winmgmts:" _ & "{impersonationLevel=impersonate}!\\" _ & strComputer & "\root\cimv2") SET colProcess = objWMIService.ExecQuery _ ("Select * from Win32_Process Where Name = '" & strProcessToKill & "'") count = 0 FOR EACH objProcess in colProcess If objProcess.WorkingSetSize < 1048576 Then
  10. Thanks TJ ,Ubotdev. Updated main post. TJ? - would it be possible to have some sample code on how to use the 'Monitor Running Processes' node for monitoring and closing crashed browser.exe instances? thanks.
  11. Guys n Gal? I have tried to collect here what I found relevant and important with regard to working with the browser by searching this forum- Most of the credit for this goes to UbotDev and TJ. If I have missed crediting someone please let me know I'll add them in. Please contribute to this post by sharing your knowledge and correcting my post as you see fit. i would like this to be central place to store all info related to working with the browser. Thanks. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  12. If some one knows of any bugs or issues with loop whiles and returns as Frank mentioned earlier please do tell us what they are.
  13. How could I do that? Sorry, This may sound dumb, but I didn't understand what you saidhere. Could you please care to explain? Thanks.
  14. Do you mean for the Bots Being sold? well In that case I have been after meter to implement it..but not been able to convince him so far
  15. I am afraid it is still not clear to me .. sorry for sounding dumb.. but let me understand what you said.. --> It is all right to run multiple functions located in multiple tabs in any browser - main or "in new browser" - as long as they run sequentially one after the other but in a multi threading scenario - you can have a situation where different functions from different tabs are running at the same time..so does that mean it cannot be used in multi threading? thanks.
  16. So this means - if - tab01 - contains my main program loop - let's say , I call all functions and commands from here. tab 02 - contains e.g- - function 01,function 02,command 01 tab 03 - contains say - function 03,command 02 so.. this means if I am calling functions and commands from tab 01 - then - in the 'default browser' or in 'new browser' - I cannot call both tab02 and tab 03 functions from within the same browser ? i.e - in new browser { run function 01 run function 02 run function 03 run command 02 } is not possible? Please clarify. Thanks.
  17. Frank? Could you please let us know what those bugs are which you have noticed..so we can be careful too.. in our coding. Thanks.
  18. Don't see that in my Ubot.....
  19. I downloaded from the link you provided -and re-installed it twice -Open.Framework.dll . File Size: 22.50KB I searched through all the nodes - there is no open db command?
  20. I couldn't find any new databse options in the downloaded plugin...?
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