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Everything posted by danoctav

  1. I have just tried this piece of code and it works ! No problem with curly braces : set(#variable1, "car", "Global") set(#variable2, "house", "Global") set(#variable3, "tv", "Global") set(#spinned_text, $spin("\{My {#variable1}|Your {#variable2}|His {#variable3}\}"), "Global") ui stat monitor("Spinned text:", #spinned_text)
  2. A "Case" statement will be awesome. I have asked from the beginning this in a future update, but nothing....maybe now, if we are more which require this instruction something happen. Imbricated IF-ELSE statement can replace , but the code will be more clean with "CASE".
  3. Just make the next settings on "connect to mail server",and try again to "verify emails" : Connection Type : Imap with SSL Server : imap.gmail.com Port : 993
  4. Ok,If I understood well your requirement ....,a solution can be creating a list from comments,delimited by comma : clear list(%listfromcomments) ui text box("Comment", #comment) add list to list(%listfromcomments, $list from text(#comment, ","), "Delete", "Global") ui stat monitor("My random comment:", $spin($random list item(%listfromcomments))) where the text introduced in ui text box (comments) is: Hello {Guys|girls|boys}, How are you {doing|feeling|}, This is {Juan|Mike|Jean} ,
  5. I have tried your script without any user agent and it worked !
  6. I have the same opinion....Tested with high solve rate captchas and is awesome,for this captchas will save lots of money,not to mention what fast it is ! The only minus is RE-CAPTCHA !
  7. I have reproduced your querry,creating the db from scratch ,and sending to table(&whomtosendemail) just the results you need : plugin command("DatabaseCommands.dll", "connect to database", "server=localhost;uid=yourroot; pwd=yourpassword; database=mysql; port=3306; pooling=false") { plugin command("DatabaseCommands.dll", "query", "CREATE DATABASE IF NOT EXISTS userdata") plugin command("DatabaseCommands.dll", "query", "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS userdata.myuserdata ( `Name` VARCHAR( 55 ) NOT NULL , `State` VARCHAR( 55 ) NOT NULL , `Email` VARCHAR( 55 ) NOT NULL ) ENGINE = MYISAM")
  8. What about a private facebook mastermind group ? I've seen this are used a lot by everyone !
  9. Use "wait for element" and select captcha picture "as element" ,in this way when the captcha is detected will be sent automatically to captcha service (or whatever).
  10. I have similar problem,trying to download a file(and to use with new windows automation commands)...after I click the download button. The strange thing is this happen just when I run the bot.In that moment appear a window like yours (from screenshot) and nothing else. When clicking "Run Node" inside the UbotStudio it WORKS, 1st appear that popup and after that, the "Save As" window appear. Update: When running bot but I change the tab also WORKS(the "Save As" window appear) ! I'm also curious if someone know why when "run node" work and when run bot, not?
  11. I guess you want to read list from a file with thousand of values: Here is the code: clear list(%mylist) add list to list(%mylist, $list from file("{$special folder("Application")}\\listwithelements.txt"), "Delete", "Global") set(#sum, 0, "Global") loop($list total(%mylist)) { set(#sum, $eval($add(#sum, $next list item(%mylist))), "Global") } ui stat monitor("Result:", #sum)
  12. I bought when I have seen the fancy interface(from pictures)... the price is awesome and should not miss from SEO arsenal.Wiki links are very powerfuls,even if some people think nofollow links are not so important. I have maked my own wiki bots,so it was no need for me to get a new bot for this platform...but I was impressed by interface,so I was not resisted to not seen. Good job,Praney Behl!
  13. I'm also request this feature. Every time when I want to show someone a bot ,I must read the password from a file(or in a variable) and this is not convenient in many cases.
  14. Thanks for sharing ! This can be very useful !
  15. Yes, in this way I use also CaptchaSniper(1.4 not updated yet to 1.5) and works like a charm(of course for captchas that can be solved).Whatever, can save lots of money. Let's see how will deal with re-captcha(in development,if I understand well)
  16. My skype id, the same as my username on this forum. I would be glad to join this group.
  17. Really nice list...of footprints ...Now let put the bots to work ! )
  18. I have tried and work each time with image navigate("http://www.ebayclassifieds.com/m/QuickRegister", "Wait") wait for browser event("Everything Loaded", "") click(<image=___IMAGE___0___IMAGE___>, "Left Click", "No") where ___IMAGE___0___IMAGE___ is the snapshot of registration button
  19. Yes,this is a very good ideea ) . Thanks ! I really need this option,because each time when I show someone an example which involve credentials in URL is not convenient.
  20. Happy new year to all (and an bot army to conquer the web)!
  21. Thanks JohnB, But "set visibility" will hide the browser content,not the broser link... I want the link to be hided... I have talk with Lilly meanwhile and she said that this option is not avalaible in ubot studio... Really, I want this option in a future update....
  22. I want to navigate to a specific link in UBOT Studio... Can be hided the UBOT browser link? There are 2 reasons: 1.Link where you navigate contain the user and password,after you write credentials for login... 2.Can be an affiliate link Thanks!
  23. Yes, I have implemented in a bot(v3.5),with spinnerchief api,and adapted for SEO needs: Spinnerchief api , permit to spin 500 times/day What make the bot : 1. Can give you the text in spin format {word|similarw1|similarw2} or a spun article variation 2. You spin each word from text,or just at 2nd,3rd or 4th word(for better readability) - from API 3. Generate a choosen number of spun articles(in txt files)and spinned text file(txt)...
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