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Everything posted by Savan

  1. I clicked on your signature link and got to this site: http://ubotplugin.com I will definitely check it out. I see some great tutorials. But I don't see an affiliate link. Thank you again, looks like you have some great info for people and truly want to help people learn about automation.
  2. Hi Pash, thank you for the quick response. It's helpful to read about your experience. I have completed all the free Ubot courses. They were really helpful. I decided to pass on UIPath mainly because of the lack of community responses and music tutorials. IMacros seems really good for basic things but seems limited unless you buy the developer version. I was able to quickly create a few bots on the trial version. I am convinced about the power of bots and automation! Since you were the only person kind enough to share about your UIPath experience, do you have a website? Maybe I can sign up
  3. Hi, I recently came across Ubot Studio. I am going through the free courses to better understand Ubot. I am also testing out the free community version of UiPath Studio. Has anyone tried out UiPath Studio? The UiPath user interface seems cluttered and confusing. Using UiPath does not seem fun or enjoyable. I tried creating a simple text scraping bot. From the Ubot training videos, the user interface seems more streamline. I am currently watching the course 1 videos. I have not tried or downloaded Ubot Studio. I am not a programmer but I work with IT software and systems. I have learn
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