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Everything posted by gl00se

  1. Hey, thanks. Your code is working, but that was never the problem. After I run complied .exe, the bot won't choose files from the folder, it is opening a window dialog instead. That is the problem all along, not the code.
  2. I said that I can open the compiled bots. Here is the ubot file, could you please check and see if it's working for you? But you have to compile it and then run it. You will also need one text file with some generic titles such as "Horny babe", etc. and one folder with few images. sex com bot.ubot
  3. ui text box("Minimal Value of Cycles",#minVal) ui text box("Maximal Value of Cycles",#maxVal) ui text box("Minimal Pause (Seconds)",#minPause) ui text box("Maximal Pause (Seconds)",#maxPause) ui text box("Full Path for Picture Upload Folder",#picUpload) ui text box("Full Path for Title Upload File",#titleUpload) loop($rand(#minVal,#maxVal)) { allow popups("No") click(<id="dropdownAdd">,"Left Click","No") wait for browser event("Everything Loaded","") click(<innertext="Upload a Photo">,"Left Click","No") wait for browser event("Everything Loaded","") add list
  4. Hey there! I just started using uBot recently and it's an amazing piece of software. Unfortunately, I have a small problem, which I am sure can be fixed really fast! To explain my situation, when I am running this bot in the uBot, it's working perfectly, no errors what so ever, but when I compile it and make it a standalone .exe, it won't open the file from a folder anymore. Basically, what happens is that a dialog windows appears so that I can choose a file. The whole point of writing this bot was NOT to do that hehe . Hopefully, I explained it well enough. If you can see from the sourc
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