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  1. Hello. I just tried it using Automaxed Browser Automation & Desktop Automation Plugins, it works.

    Recorded a video here:


    Code used:

    comment("launch real browser")
    plugin command("Browser Automation.dll", "browser cleaning up", "False")
    plugin command("Browser Automation.dll", "browser chrome add excluded arguments", "enable-automation")
    plugin command("Browser Automation.dll", "browser chrome add arguments", "--disable-blink-features=AutomationControlled")
    plugin command("Browser Automation.dll", "browser connect", "Chrome", "30,0,30,10", "True", "False", "False")
    alert("browser launch ok?")
    comment("login to your reddit account")
    plugin command("Browser Automation.dll", "browser navigate", "https://www.reddit.com/login/")
    plugin command("Browser Automation.dll", "browser element type text", "Id[0]:loginUsername", #username, "False", 0)
    plugin command("Browser Automation.dll", "browser element type text", "Id[0]:loginPassword", #password, "False", 0)
    plugin command("Browser Automation.dll", "browser mouse click", "Class[0]:AnimatedForm__submitButton m-full-width", "Left Click")
    alert("login ok?")
    comment("click \"create post\"")
    plugin command("Browser Automation.dll", "browser mouse click", "Attribute[0]:aria-label=Create Post", "Left Click")
    comment("fill in title")
    plugin command("Browser Automation.dll", "browser element type text", "Attribute[0]:placeholder=Title", "This is just a demo title", "False", 0)
    plugin command("Browser Automation.dll", "browser element type text", "Class[0]:notranslate public-DraftEditor-content", "This is just a demo description", "False", 0)
    alert("basic fill ok?")
    comment("click \"Image & Video\" tab")
    plugin command("Browser Automation.dll", "browser mouse click", "Class[1]:Z1w8VkpQ23E1Wdq_My3U4 ", "Left Click")
    comment("upload your image")
    plugin command("Browser Automation.dll", "browser element change file field", "Class[0]:sU2P34us34ODfjtvAFHEh ", "C:\\YOUR-PATH\\YOUR-IMAGE.png")
    alert("image upload ok?")
    stop script
    comment("alternative: go back to post area first")
    image to post area()
    define image to post area {
        plugin command("Browser Automation.dll", "browser mouse click", "Class[13]:Nb7NCPTlQuxN_WDPUg5Q2", "Left Click")
        plugin command("Desktop Automation.dll", "send keys focus active window", "C:\\YOUR-PATH\\YOUR-IMAGE.png", "Mode 1", 0, 0)
        plugin command("Desktop Automation.dll", "send keys focus active window", "\{ENTER\}", "Mode 1", 0, 0)


  2. Hello @bloodydox, thanks for your acknowledgement!

    I get you. An immediate solution can be to use the stable 5.9.55 version https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/ubotsupportfiles/5.9.55+Setup.msi and a specialized plugin for handling external browsers https://automaxed.com/plugins/browser-automation

    If you need help regarding the browser automation plugin and how to handle JS fingerprints with it, you can reach out https://automaxed.com/support

  3. Here is some example code how it can be done:

    plugin command("Data and Files Automation.dll", "Data and Files Automation Set License", "YOUR-LICENSE-KEY")
    ui text box("Input Small Amount",#input_number)
    ui stat monitor("Output: ",#output_number)
    ui button("Convert if less than 1 BTC") {
        set(#count_characters,$plugin function("Data and Files Automation.dll", "$char count", #input_number, "False"),"Global")
        if($comparison(#count_characters,"< Less than",9)) {
            then {
                loop(#how_many_zeros_to_add) {
            else {
        if($comparison(#count_characters,"> Greater than",8)) {
            then {
                alert("Attention. You have entered a large amount! Will set number to 0 for your safety.")
            else {
        plugin command("Data and Files Automation.dll", "set clipboard", #output_number, "Text")
        alert("Result: {#output_number}
    Copied to Clipboard!")


    This script needs the Data & Files Automation Plugin to work (free starter version available): https://automaxed.com/plugins/data-and-files-automation

    Convert Small Numbers to 8 Decimal BTC Amount

    In the video the input 12345678 doesn't get converted to 0.12345678 - it is fixed already by now in the code above. Just didn't want to record another video after the correction 😄

  4. I think using "reset browser" is good, as it ensures the complete browser process gets terminated and started again thereafter.

    Also you can try utilizing additional plugins that allow to free up memory.

    And you may consider building your programs in such a way that after each task done the results are getting saved.

    So that if you need to restart the program, it knows where to go on.

    This is especially advisable if you try to automate a whole lot of tasks and want to prevent unforeseen events.

    • Like 1
  5. Reset Browser: The command restarts the browser process. This will clear cookies, user agents and any other settings in the browser.

    Clear All Cookies: This command will only delete all cookies, nothing more, nothing less.


    So, if you want to be sure to have a complete new session, I would recommend using the "reset browser" command. If you only want to clear cookies, use "clear all cookies" instead. Hope it helps.

    • Like 2
  6. Here I prepared some ready-made code as an example.

    You can run it and see how it works:

    comment("Go to the WYSIWYG editor and wait for it to load")
    comment("We simply type something into it")
    type text($element offset(<tagname="html">,2),"test","Standard")
    comment("Now we extract the contents from the WYSIWYG editor")
    set(#scraped_content,$scrape attribute(<(tagname="body" AND id="tinymce")>,"innerhtml"),"Global")
    comment("Now we will edit the contents inside of UBot, you can replace, append, whatever seems needed. Here we just insert new contents.")
    set(#scraped_content,"<h3>This is how to automate a WYSIWYG Editor in UBot Studio</h3><p>I have done it multiple times. If you use the inbuilt browser, it can be done like so :)</p>","Global")
    comment("Last step is to put the edited content back inside the editor. That\'s it!")
    change attribute(<(tagname="body" AND id="tinymce")>,"innerhtml",#scraped_content)


    How To Automate a WYSIWYG Editor with UBot Studio


  7. I have done it multiple times. If you use the inbuilt browser, it can be done like so:

    1. Use the "scrape attribute" function to extract the contents of the WYSIWYG editor text area element.

    2. Then, edit the content directly inside UBot however you want (append, edit, replace etc.).

    3. Last step is to update the WYSIWYG editor text area, putting the edited contents back in, using the "change attribute" command on it.

  8. Here is a simple example how to use a loop and counter:

    comment("Prepare a list")
    clear list(%your_list)
    add list to list(%your_list,$list from text("Input 1
    Input 2
    Input 3
    Input 4
    Input 5",$new line),"Don\'t Delete","Global")
    set(#tasks_total,$list total(%your_list),"Global")
    comment("Loop to perform a task for every list entry")
    loop while($comparison(#task_counter,"< Less than",$list total(%your_list))) {
        alert($list item(%your_list,#task_counter))
    alert("All done!")


    You can run this code and see how it works.

    PS.: I would recommend not to loop through 100.000 items at once. Would divide it into smaller batches and/or to append results after each iteration to a file. Because it would be very frustrating if you need to wait 50.000 iterations, didn't save results yet and something goes wrong.

  9. Hello Dankass,

    Not sure if it helps, but we have another plugin that can handle SQLite with UBot Studio: https://automaxed.com/plugins/database-automation

    Free starter version available.

    If you feel comfortable writing your own queries this might be worth a look.

    Example usage:



    plugin command("Database Automation.dll", "Database Automation Set License", "YOUR-LICENSE-KEY")
    plugin command("Database Automation.dll", "database connect", "SqLite:Data Source={$special folder("Desktop")}\\SQLite_Test.db; Version=3;")
    plugin command("Database Automation.dll", "database query", "CREATE TABLE `People` (
        `Name`    TEXT,
        `Age`    INTEGER
    );", "Execute Non Query")
    plugin command("Database Automation.dll", "database query", "insert into People (\'Name\', \'Age\') values (\'Jane\', 20)", "Execute Non Query")
    plugin command("Database Automation.dll", "database query with results", "select * from People ", &report)

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