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Everything posted by rolf5th

  1. Hi thanks for your reply. Your code scrape the actual url of the landing page. http://benchmark.us/top-10-best-selling-toys-on-amazon-com-for-christmas-2013/ What I want to scrape is the url when you right click the "visit page" This one: https://www.google.com/url?sa=i&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=images&cd=&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=0CAMQjxw&url=http%3A%2F%2Fbenchmark.us%2Ftop-10-best-selling-toys-on-amazon-com-for-christmas-2013%2F&ei=MagBVc7xLuPSmAX1vYGwCg&bvm=bv.87920726,d.dGY&psig=AFQjCNE4Y8iV6o6q85XL30bRfhtTdOd-9w&ust=1426258350731611 Thanks a
  2. I want to scrape the url of this one http://postimg.org/image/nwcny1aqf/ basically when you go search images in google and select one of the result, you will get to this page and I want to scrape the url of the "visit page" the url looks something like this: http://www.google.com/url?sa=i&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=images&cd=&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=0CAMQjxw&url=http%3A%2F%2Fimages.visitcanberra.com.au%2F&ei=8qn-VKfOKs2D8gWm4IG4Ag&bvm=bv.87611401,d.dGc&psig=AFQjCNGGe6SqJUaOmYecpw9fvO8Du5HwSg&ust=1426062191485309 I want to scrape the whole u
  3. Jesus!!! Why did I go for google to test the code!! Thanks a lot! That fix it!
  4. I actually search google before I asked, I even used site:ubotstudio.com "frameset" search operator just in case there is another thread with the same problem. I'm just wondering why this code seems not to work but seems to work with others. When I tried it, I got blank screen, like the attached image! can someone check whats wrong? http://postimg.org/image/czdbjocob/ or maybe i misunderstood the purpose of the code!
  5. I want to hide the real URL in the address bar by using frameset, I saw a thread with this code but it only display blank page. I remove <FRAME src=\"about:blank\"> but still blank page. What I want to achieve is for example display google in browser but display different from the address bar. Can someone make a working code for me. Thanks
  6. Or better yet, try to put a random user agent every account, or if you have to login in to one account multiple times, i guess you have to assign 1 IP one user agent to one respective account.
  7. Hi, I just want to ask if if you use multi threading in V4, Does it crash a lot. When I got to 150th and above url, it will crash... This is very frustrating since Im going to process thousands of URLS.. Please look at my script if something is wrong with it. When a list is below 100, it seldom crash.. ui open file("Sites To Test", #sitestotest) ui text box("Threads", #threads) ui stat monitor("URL Position", $list position(%sitestotest)) clear list(%sitestotest) add list to list(%sitestotest, $list from file(#sitestotest), "Delete", "Global") clear list(%goodsites) clear list(%badsites) di
  8. Hi I have attached a sample bot with add to list function and try to navigate using $next list item. It's not working for me.. is this problem the same with everybody or its just me?? edit:maybe I posted on the wrong section... P.S. Please separate V3.5 and V4 topics for easy searching and navigating.. thanks sample-notworking-addtolist.ubot sample-notworking-addtolist 2.ubot
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