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Mr Pheer

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Everything posted by Mr Pheer

  1. Managed to solve the problem myself.
  2. Yes, that is exactly what is happening. Do you know how to make it work?
  3. Thanks. I've been trying for days to get that plugin, even before I asked about this problem on the forum. Considering that when it was posted (December 2013) and the fact that the confirmation email from his system never arrives (yes I checked spam folder) I can only assume that he has let the support for that plugin die off. I searched for hours to find a solution to this myself before bringing a question to a forum. I have even asked Seth for help with this in an email, which he responded to but did not address the question or this thread at all. I spent 30 hours over the weekend doin
  4. Does anybody know how to get around the filesize limitation for $read file?
  5. You did't read my post in detail, either. This has nothing to do with not reading a wiki or incorrectly using a command, and has everything to do with the command not working once a text file is over a certain size.
  6. Did you even read what I wrote about the problem I'm having? I guess you didn't, or you would know that I already know how the command works. Why be a troll?
  7. Having a little problem here... I tried search but cant find a solution. I have a txt file that is simply a list of keywords, like 3 - 7 words per line I need to copy the txt file contents into a txt field on one of my websites... and that's it. This works fine when the txt file is only like 20kb type text(<name="replacement[keywords]">,$read file("D:\\data\\keywords.txt"),"Standard") But now my keyword files are 500kb and larger, and it doesnt work... it just doesnt put anything in the txt field anymore. Does someone know how to solve this? I'm using windows 10 64bit and ubot
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