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Everything posted by hienquoc

  1. Has anyone notice that exbrowser type text2 is no longer working? I even reverted my code to a time long ago where i know it works but no anymore. All it does it clear the text but doesn't type my value into it. Did chrome do an update or did I miss something? Hien
  2. I tried compiling but it doesn't look like my design. missing some css files i'm guess. see video. What should I do.? https://www.dropbox.com/s/13u8bvk0b1g4q03/Ustrap%20Compiled%20GUI.mp4?dl=0
  3. nevermind i got it i use offset /div[1]
  4. How do I grab just the a <div> with no attributes but there are other <div> in with attributes.
  5. Since I'm no longer using the ubot studio built in browser and only kick off the exbrowser, how do I disable it on the compiled bot? I would uncheck the box but it shows a big empty white area where the ubot studio browser would be. I haven't created a ui html panel, but can i just put everything there and launch an exbrowser? Hien
  6. I'm not sure what you mean?, I have a new line in my list along with my expath? so.. //div[contains(@id,"MadHatterTotalProfit")];//div[contains(@id,"MadHatterTotalFee")];//div[contains(@id,"MadHatterTotalGain")];//div[contains(@id,"MadHatterRoi")] should be //div[contains(@id,"MadHatterTotalProfit")];//div[contains(@id,"MadHatterTotalFee")];//div[contains(@id,"MadHatterTotalGain")];//div[contains(@id,"MadHatterRoi")] ok i think i got it, thanks
  7. I think i found a bug... when I put exbrowser commands on a list and try to run it by looping through the list of commands it only works for the first item in the list and the rest doesn't work. I made sure I incremented my counter. Can you duplicate this error Dan... by running xpath expression in a list to a loop https://www.dropbox.com/s/n2jmxdt9omukntd/exbrowser%20command%20on%20a%20list%20bug.mp4?dl=0
  8. I figured it out!!, i needed the exbrowser generic xpath parser in order to figure it out, with it i would be flying blind... thanks everyone...
  9. Hey Dan, I've went through the all the xpath tutorials and tried to read as much of the forum as I can, and searched hidden elements but nothing comes up. Here is a video of my problem. https://www.dropbox.com/s/aqc798vlajj6q6g/Can%27t%20Find%20Hidden%20Element.mp4?dl=0 Demo Account Demo is publicly available to see how it works (better not use your real money )http://demo04.haasonline.com:8098/ http://demo03.haasonline.com:8094/ http://demo02.haasonline.com:8090/ username: showmePass: evolution How to I change the Text Box for Length, Dev.up, Dev.down, etc.. i just need to figur
  10. Hi, I'm getting the MD5 Error and I can't even open up ubot studios cause it closes ubot when I hit cancel on the exbrowser plugin, I've reset my license and I still can't login. What to do?
  11. Does this plugin connect to business.facebook.com I would like to create a bot that manages my adspend, track results, turn off non performing ads.
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