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Fujk last won the day on September 25 2011

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About Fujk

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  1. Goto the magic submitter website and scroll down until you see the headline: "How To Add Any Site That You Want To Magic Submitter" There you will see a video of the visual designer in action.
  2. There are many times I wanted a scripting language to do some tasks, and you are forced to pop in an $eval box and be pretty limited to what you can do. With a real script editor you could code stuff if you are an advanced user. And instead of creating a new scripting language you could just incorporate javascript into Ubot for this purpose. For example in javascript I could do string parsing or changing a variable on one line. In ubot I would need to create 3-5 steps just to change a variable... which do you think is more powerful for an advanced user? I rather write 10 characters on th
  3. Can't you just add full support for javascript so we are not limited to what we can do? Why re-invent the wheel? Being able to script some things is faster than dragging and dropping. For advanced users a full javascript editor would make daily usage less of a burden.
  4. Not sure how I would build that. Now I have: set #url { $find_regular_expression { #url http://(.+) Single } } That returns a url if found within my variable I scraped. With an if statment it would be moved into "evaluate" or something. But what do I put in then and else?
  5. I just got Ubot and my first bot is becoming huge. I have a problem when my regular expressions do not find the target on a page, the bot throws an error. I would like to silently continue the script as usual. For example I scrape URLs in a catalog, but not all catalog entries have URLs. So maybe 50% of the time it is a fail by the bot and it stops. But I still want the non-URL catalog entries to be saved and continue to next entry. How do I avoid this?
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