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LoWrIdErTJ - BotGuru

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Everything posted by LoWrIdErTJ - BotGuru

  1. Separate license emails, and keys. Refunds for a bundle will cancel all bundled items as well. aweber can be done using the integromat option of the project. Then you pass the details back as needed to the custom ipn file to process giving a key or bundles.
  2. Juat checked the release notes for php v 7.4.0 and this should work on that newest version released today.
  3. I gave a link to the information regarding bearer tokens, and how they are obtained and used with their library. the token thats given after login is merely a 1 time token to authorize the app. Shouldn't have to keep logging in after you have authorized the app with software. Should use a bearer token to keep having access to that particular account later.
  4. Your welcome bud glad you like it. Any feedback on suggestions, or features, or special 1 off customization's just let me know. I'm sure I will be expanding more areas of this if I find a need.
  5. FULL WALK THROUGH VIDEO OF PREVIOUS PANELS COMPARED TO NEW SYSTEM AND MODS Skip to 3 minutes in to see the new system.. This code is for a Web Based Licensed Admin Panel. Easy to access from Desktop, Mobile, Tablet, and all other platforms. To overwrite your existing UbotLocker installation or fresh install. Technologies used to make this theme better and cool: – HTML5 – CSS3 – BootStrap – jQuery – JavaScript – PhotoShop – Theme originally by Waqar Updated all files to run on latest PHP 5.6 and 7+ and Supported MySQL
  6. And this returns the bearer token of the logged in account, that can be used in the command plugin command("Advanced Twitter.dll", "twitter connect", #bearertoken, "")
  7. https://developer.twitter.com/en/docs/basics/authentication/guides/bearer-tokens
  8. Thats the entire point of OAuth2 access, is you authorize the app access to the account, and then re-use the bearer token to access the account later.
  9. add list to list(%scrape all,$plugin function("ExBrowser.dll", "$ExBrowser Scrape List Elements", "//yt-formatted-string[contains(@class,\"channel-name\")]/a"),"Delete","Global")
  10. Should be able to or you can just make the DB changes manually, and overwrite the files as well.
  11. set PHP version on server to 5.6 if installing the unleashed mod on top of it after initial install set to 5.3, then bump back up to 5.6
  12. And need a way to return bearer token for the user connected as well
  13. In the connect with verifier token the proxy format is what? ip:port What about with user and password?
  14. Is it possible to set these items: Description Recorded date Tags Location Puiblic, Unlisted, Private It would be good if these sort of plugins used the OAuth authentication to be able to tie an app to the software and any account details can access via the app.
  15. Open app data folder Delete the browsers folder. Run program as administrator
  16. My experience in the last decade and back further to 20+ years doing business online has given me the opportunity to figure out what works. Now while you will find some customers will spend hourly they ha e the thought that a developer is charging hours they are not doing work. Most times these customers are found on freelance sites and even higher percentage of them have been scammed or screwed in the past. So.... 1. Only start producing and building bots for others if your confident in your skills to produce working without issue software or be willing to go to the ends of the earth
  17. Stop the caps in all your posts on the forum. People will comment when they can to help. This is a Member driven forum. Now I would recommend you use Pash's plugin for working with PDF documents to make it easy to do.
  18. internal browser cant I recommend using Exbrowser for it. then you can use a plugin for changing location if you like.
  19. yes I have it and added some changes to add things PM me on skype: emw-dgn
  20. In the launched add the browser option function headless or just offscreen to move offscreen
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