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LoWrIdErTJ - BotGuru

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Everything posted by LoWrIdErTJ - BotGuru

  1. Also don't forget your updated and modded Ubotlocker Files here http://network.ubotstudio.com/forum/index.php/topic/22684-ubotlocker-ultimate-supports-php-7-check-inside/
  2. If there is anything else you would like to see added to the new system please let me know.
  3. es use the shell command inside ubot and you can execute shell commands can also use advanced shell from a ubot user that made a plugin https://network.ubotstudio.com/forum/index.php/topic/13798-free-plugin-advanced-shell/
  4. Update 12-24-2019 Christmas Eve Update for everyone.. Modified files to overwrite IpnFunctions.php * modified to properly insert activation logs PaymentNotifier-JVZoo.php * modified to properly disable licenses when payment failed, canceled, refund, missed payment ManageLicenses.php * Added ability to select more than 1 license to delete in bulk AddBundle.php * can now select 1 product to give instead of required 2 or more. This is so that you can list a product under any name in a payment processor, or item name and have it issue a corresponding Project (will replace / remove getrespon
  5. Could always build out the calls with http post requests https://rudrastyh.com/woocommerce/rest-api-create-update-remove-products.html
  6. Purchasing Options I have updated the sales page with all latest features list. I have added purchase buttons for : UbotLocker Desktop Software onlyUbotLocker Ultimate the updated web admin panel files and modsUbotLocker Desktop software and web panel updates and mods I have also added below those options if you dont have paypal and want to use credit card, there is alternative options to go through warriorplus and use credit card with stripe. Purchasing Desktop Software is manual delivery if bought on its own at the moment. Packaged with web panel and mods is automated.
  7. Updates 12-14-2019 Overwrite the following files VerifyWPPlugin.php DoAddGR.php PaymentNotifier-ThriveCart.php config_ext.php Upload and run delete after running. Update.php
  8. Affiliate links are being setup so you can sell the system to your customers Links to come shortly Also buy links are being created to allow options for you: Buy just meters desktop software and php filesBuy Just the modded files for Ultimate version that development will be continued onBuy both of the above together
  9. Update 12-11-2019 Updated Files to overwrite config_ext.php (version number increase for alerts in Home page) Header.php (fixed small error in file) ImportToReports.php (performance changes) Home.php (fixed small errors that could show up on some environments) AddProject.php (minor fixes) Update.php (adding in for notes to licenses) Install.php (added in for notes to licenses) AddLicense.php (added in for notes to licenses) EditLicense.php (added in for notes to licenses) DoAddLicense.php (added in for notes to licenses) DoEditLicense.php (added in for notes to licenses) IpnFunctions.php (add
  10. I would contact support on http://2captcha.com As they tend to adapt to new captchas quite often for solving.
  11. I use close tab all the time, just today actually. close page was failing but with close tab working its fine. I've never really seen a need for drag and drop anywhere. but i guess there is use cases for it. Have you tried latest Firefox with Exbrowser and using updated extensions? I use Chrome latest personally even though not tested or supported, and works flawlessly for me. But you might have some issues, but I wouldn't go as far as you did to say many more. You have a couple isolated issues that your wanting an update for. Understandable. As soon as its ready it will be out. It
  12. You do realize the current exbrowser plugin is still working quite fine yes? I automate some quite difficult stuff with the current version of the plugin still. V2 will be here as soon as its hear. Calm your tits honey.
  13. Just paying it forward. I had a lot of help from the community when I got started
  14. I've never had that saving issue. What version of ubot are you using?
  15. right click and check the javascript in the html, who is it being served from? captcha provider
  16. 2 Updates in 1 day (UNHEARD OF) Updates 12/10/2019 Updated Files to overwrite Header.php ManageBundles.php DoEditBundle.php AddBundle.php DoAddBundle.php Install.php Update.php PaymentNotifier-**.php *(all files) PaymentNotify.php custom1.php EmailListHook.php Home.php config_ext.php Upload Update.php and run it. Delete when complete. Edit your bundles to include Maximum Available. Must include value. This update adds the ability to show number of times a bundle has been issued (used) and number of allowed uses. When it reaches its max uses it will auto close the bundle for you
  17. Updates 12/10/2019 Updated Files to overwrite ManagePayPal.php PaymentNotifier-**.php *(all files) PaymentNotify.php custom1.php IpnFunctions.php EditProject.php DoAddLicense.php EmailListHook.php DoCHangeSettings.php ManageSettings.php ManageProjects.php ManageLicenses.php ManageGetresponse.php ManageBundles.php ManageActivity.php ManageActivations.php ManageStaff.php ImportToReports.php ManageReports.php MailLicense.php Header.php ManagePayments.php config_ext.php config.php (place your DB details in the new file before uploading) Upload Update.php and run it.
  18. create folder($special folder("Desktop"),"flickr") navigate("https://www.flickr.com/search/?text=marketing","Wait") comment("Number of times to loop down page to show more results") loop(5) { run javascript("window.scrollTo(0,document.body.scrollHeight); ") wait(5) } clear list(%images temp) add list to list(%images temp,$scrape attribute(<class="overlay">,"fullhref"),"Delete","Global") set(#var,1,"Global") loop($list total(%images temp)) { navigate($next list item(%images temp),"Wait") wait for element(<class="ui-icon-download">,10,"Appear") click(<
  19. Adding slight blur changes enough to pass I believe while not changing enough to mess up the image
  20. 1 day 15 hours from now the price will increase and the special sale pricing will be gone. If you've not acted on this yet now's the time. If you have questions. Let me know.
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