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LoWrIdErTJ - BotGuru

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Everything posted by LoWrIdErTJ - BotGuru

  1. ty i figured that out one day when i was trying the same thing
  2. drag your nodes to favorites then in the one your making it as 1 bot drag from favorite to the node area
  3. have this one a go.. ^(http(?:s)?\:\/\/[a-zA-Z0-9\-]+(?:\.[a-zA-Z0-9\-]+)*\.[a-zA-Z]{2,6}(?:\/?|(?:\/[\w\-]+)*)(?:\/?|\/\w+\.[a-zA-Z]{2,4}(?:\?[\w]+\=[\w\-]+)?)?(?:\&[\w]+\=[\w\-]+)*)$
  4. compile it. (im sure you know) Make sure the PC you are running it on has .NET 3.5 or higher and if you are using the run in firefox you will need to install the firefox plugin first. also under forum user settings update your details to show the proper version of ubot you have right now states standard "License:Standard "
  5. Recently got Married on the 25th of March. Leaving on the 17th of April for the honeymoon. So right now things are hecktic but always willing to get things going in the right direction. As requested, posted see below Some ideas: Directory Submitter (web 2.0 directory's) Facebook auto commenter (search for pages by keyword/phrase) Facebook account creator Article Submitter Facebook iframe tab/app builder (using facebooks api, and pre-configured output) with user input Auto vote bot for certain voting sites Youtube (vote, comment, search *keyword) Youtube account creator Auto submissio
  6. Is there an update log to see what has changed, been updated, or added as new for Ubot Studio? I have look all over and can't seem to find it. Thanks, TJ
  7. update your forum profile info to show the version of ubot you have. helps to know when posting help requests.
  8. I haven't attempted this one before. But would like to know some insight on this from anyone and the email provider you use as well.
  9. I did one better for you included a Loop to go through the list of urls in the txt file and navigate to each with a 5 second delay Number of loops is made by the list total as well set list position to 0 for beginning This will only load from the the application folder in compiled format. Otherwise it loads from the folder ubot is installed to when editing the .ubot file for development Included is the .ubot file for editing url.txt for list of urls Compile the bot to the same folder as the above url list and run it. you will see it works flawlessly. TJ same folder.ub
  10. would be awesome I will keep an eye out.. Kinda noticed how old the thread was after i commented sorry bud...
  11. Here is a few problems i see with this and potentially getting banned from the ad provider. browsers headers (would be good to rotate them) tutorial in this forum Proxies (if not good solid proxies, your real IP can be leaked) IE: g00gle will find you, as well as others. I know of a small php code i use in my sites for referrals that catches something like this and im no pro. So imagine what type of system g00gle and others must have. Other then that I think the idea is very good. And I think this could easily be changed into a few other programs that it would work greatly for.
  12. Might be able to do this for you. let me know more details.
  13. I guess so long as limited items are still going to be made for dev versions which is the main reason so many bought it I guess its not a problem. However if that lacks and dev options become pro options then i guess there will be a lot of pissed people. I don't know the circumstances and I'm not going to try and figure it out. So long as the Developer version I purchased is still the best and gets the updates that other versions don't have and there is distinct differences I guess it was all worth it in the end. Not a poke to dis any other version types just expressing my concern and
  14. Tried using there api instead of the regular engine? and then parse your requests through the api rather then the direct web engine? Documentation http://www.bing.com/toolbox/developers/ PDF http://www.bing.com/developers/s/API%20Basics.pdf
  15. why 500,000? if you dont mind me asking. Seems a bit overboard. trim names: http://ubotstudio.com/forum/index.php?/topic/6273-how-do-you-trim-a-username-to-10-characters/page__view__findpost__p__29946
  16. site and forum is now in place. awaiting a few more replies to get started
  17. All those shown interest have been sent a message so far. Still looking for at least a couple more people. site: http://www.botguru.net Still building up the base of the site and forum. (if familiar with wordpress or phpbb3 let me know as well)
  18. responded.. Any partner or partners involved will have live access to sales data from the web site. a new site will be put up for us to sell the newly launched products from. Cant wait for your feedback and interest.
  19. First I want to say thank you for taking the time to read over this thread. I'm going to keep it short for now as I don't see why things have to be long and drawn out. Basically I'm looking for 1 or more people that would like to work with me building marketable bots as a joint operation for distribution and development. We would be learning from each other as well as making money together with "EQUAL" shares in the profits from any sales derived from the products created. While new I am a fast learner and have completed 1 very good bot so far in the time I have been playing with Ubo
  20. I was thinking about this case it happens again try the following.. If you encounter a security certificate error, then do the following: 1) Open internet explorer > internet options > advanced > scroll all the way down and find "warn about certificate address mismatch*" and uncheck that > scroll up a bit to "check for server certificate revocation" and uncheck that also. Hit apply and save or w.e and that should fix the issues. 2) Remember to click the "clear ssl state" on the content tab in the options. 3) Also, make sure that your system date and time are correct.
  21. yeah i was trying to search it but was to tired at the time to think.. LOl thanks bud. TJ
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