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Everything posted by Electrumguy

  1. I posted the URL in the original post.
  2. Hello, I was wondering if anyone had worked with funcaptcha before? here is an example of it: http://www.gtop100.com/topsites/MapleStory/sitedetails/MapleRoyals-The-Nostalgic-MapleStory-Server-79510?vote=1
  3. Hey, Any update on the issues i am facing? I haven't heard back from you...
  4. I am using 2captcha. It seems that I keep getting "session expired. reload the page" whenever a solve is done. Any ideas? I tried using DBC, I have the PHP parser setup and everything but it is not setting the #captcha variable. Any chance you could PM me your skype so we can do a teamviewer session? Also, any chance of a report bad solves feature? So many of these solves are dead wrong.
  5. I paid and am waiting for the package. Could you send it please?
  6. The captcha is a pain even for legit solvers.
  7. You sure its deathbycaptcha? I don't see them offering it on their website.
  8. I am looking for a solver/bot for funcaptcha. Below is a sample: http://www.xtremetop100.com/in.php?site=1132348699 Point of the bot would be to get votes through. If a service is required (solver or Amazon AWS) its fine. Budget is flexible, within reason. PM me if interested.
  9. Hey guys, I am having some issues with recaptcha. It seems any recaptcha page I go to, I get an error when browsing with the ubot browser. Here is an example: http://www.topservers200.com/in.php?id=11308 When I go there, using the ubot browser, I get an error stating "an internal error has occurred " followed by a series of numbers. This happens after a while of using ubot. Its happening on any website that uses recaptcha. Its very strange. Any ideas?
  10. So I came across an interesting captcha: http://www.xtremetop100.com/in.php?site=1132348699 It seems like some sort of puzzle based system. Was wondering if anyone had any feedback on how to solve it. I would also be willing to pay to get a solver if anyone is interested...
  11. It cycles through a small number of questions. the div ids for the answers all stay the same, just the ordering changes.
  12. I am trying to solve the captcha here: http://www.planetminecraft.com/forums/ucp.php?mode=register It requires you sort the list. The id of the answer is always the same, I just need to find a way to drag + drop the correct item based on name. Does anyone know if ubot offers this sort of functionality?
  13. Hey guys, I am running into a bit of an issue with ubot. I am multithreading, I have a counter that will only allow x (in this case, 10) browser windows open at a time. After it executes, it will close the page, and reduce the thread counter by 1, allowing for a new window to open up. The problem is when I open up task manager and I go to processes, there are a TON of browser.exes. I am not sure why. Has anyone experienced this issue before?
  14. Could you explain a little bit more what you mean by request? How could i modify a request?
  15. Mobile user agents cannot solve the captcha. any other suggestions?
  16. Hello, For some reason within ubot I am unable to interact with flash. Here is an example: http://www.serverpact.com/vote-20129 From within ubot, i cannot slide this slider. Any ideas?
  17. I used a simple python downloader to fix this.
  18. I have a ubot script that will scrape the page for a url, modify the url, then download it in a new browser. This is an expensive way to download the image, I was wondering if there was a better way? Here is how it works: 1. Navigate to a website 2. While staying on the first website, download http://coolimage.com/#imagescrapedfromoriginalwebsite.jpg Can anyone think of a less resource intensive way to do this? Opening a new browser window is consuming a LOT of cpu.
  19. Hey guys, I have the following code: <div class="confidentcaptcha_image" style=" display: table-cell; background: url(https://api.confidenttechnologies.com:443/vs/captchas/83qn7sp6Tg/image?width=120&height=90) no-repeat -240px -180px;"><div class="confidentcaptcha_image_highlight" style="display: none;"></div></div> I need to be able to change this segment: width=120&height=90 while keeping 83qn7sp6Tg a wildcard (i.e. it can be anything). to something else, how could i accomplish this?
  20. *Update* Bot seems to still be crashing. Any other suggestions?
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