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Posts posted by maBOT

  1. On 6/20/2023 at 4:53 AM, stanf said:

    Small problem

    fresh computer (win11)

    latest chrome download

    chrome doesn’t launch

    firefox launches fine

    I've returned to botting, tried this new plugin version and I'm also unable to launch the Chrome. I matched the version of Chrome with the version of chromedriver. Could it be because of the updated plugin?


  2. 9 hours ago, daemon said:

    Hello, can I use this plugin to login gmail account?

    Hi Daemon,

    I was able to automate Gmail/Youtube login with this plugin, using the plugin cookies function. It's pretty easy and straightforward.

    9 hours ago, daemon said:

    And how about developer edition? It says the price is $180/year, but it says "Use executables forever".

    As far as I understand, you would normally use the software compiled with the plugin even after your license expired. But if you try to compile a new software, the plugin won't allow you until you renew the license. In simple words, you won't be able to change any single piece of the code in your compiled software as the plugin won't allow you to compile it again.

    Hopefully I'm right about it. :)

    • Thanks 1
  3. I'm sorry, but I have another question.. is it possible to use the "wildcard" when trying to scrape some elements on the page? I can't seem to figure out and it doesn't seem it works the way it worked with the element selector. Or I'm missing something..?

    P.S. If possible, please paste an example of a code using a "wildcard"..

    I'm not very convenient using the regex. :)

    Thanks in advance.

  4. Quote

    We just updated the plugin recently to support chrome 108 now (latest version) and we will update it quickly in the future as soon new major chrome versions are released.

    Sure, I'll do an upgrade.



    If you want to stay updated about recent changes and developments I highly recommend to subscribe here: https://automaxed.com/newsletter

    Yes, I've just subscribed.


    One question, though, since I've started re-adapting the code with this plugin, I noticed the "Browser User Agent" can set the UA only after fresh browser launch. If you do some actions with the browser, you will no longer able to change the UA and you would have to close and start the browser again.

    I believe it would be a lot better (if possible) to change the UA w/o restarting the browser. Is that possible?

    (this is the process flow with inbuilt browser on uBOT)


    Wishing You a great weekend.

  5. Hey guys,


    I'm happy to let you know that the issue has been solved by the help from @LoWrIdErTJ - BotGuru !

    He checked the code and recommended removal of the browser's "crash checkers", precisely "auto close browser crash" from Advanced Ubot plugin. Please pay attention to it if you use it. It might eat up half or more of your CPU power.

    For some reason, the Ubot Studio was ignoring this plugin when running opposite to when it was running as a compiled bot. So, the bot is now running like a charm with 1-2% of CPU usage most of the time!


    Thanks you all for the support in this venture.

    • Like 1
  6. 9 hours ago, Varo said:

    i suggest to clear all ubot installation and reinstall,

    Make sure Net Framework and Microsoft Visual C++ installed correctly.

    And you need fast internet connection on first launch ubot.


    Exactly. Clean install is the best to start with. Don't forget to delete everything from App Data.


    Start --> type in "%appdata%' in search, ENTER on your keyboard, then open the "UBot Studio" folder and delete everything from it just in case.


    Once done, install a clean uBOT 6.1.14, which is in my opinion a most stable uBOT 6 version. Otherwise, let us know if you need to downgrade to uBOT 5, use 5.9.55 version. This is the version which works for me for years now.

  7. 5 hours ago, Kreatus (Ubot Ninja) said:

    Does your UI have lots of input forms? In my experience that's the one causing it.

    Try to load your compiled bot without UI. Hardcode the variables needed to test it.

    Not, un/fortunately. There are 23 checkboxes in total. The bot interacts with them upon starting only or if I do a manual interaction. It's a few seconds process which reads the selections from the local .txt file and then stop.  I will hardcode the variables I need for it to start and try it out w/o UI.


    4 hours ago, Varo said:

    You can try on another machine and compare the results. To find the problem is your system or uBot.

    Tried already. It gives the same issue.


    What I also tested is the older code w/o the new patches to reduce CPU. I've ran the uBOT Studio and standalone BOT, and the CPU was similar in both instances, between 13-20% (pretty high but I got used to it since start). *The older code was also compiled in uBOT 5.9.55. Based on this, it seems the new patches worked fine to reduce the CPU consumption. But for some reason that does not reflect when the BOT is compiled.

    Are there any other way to compile a BOT or save the code than via the uBOT's inbuilt compiler? it makes me think the problem lies in the compiler process.. uBOT 5.9.55 is the most stable version ever since I'm using the uBOT, but I might need to give it a try to a few older versions and compare the results.


  8. 10 hours ago, Kreatus (Ubot Ninja) said:

    What is the UI of your bot? Is it UIStrap?


    Hi Kojak,


    Thank you for replying.


    As far as I know it's a basic HTML and CSS and some JS scripts which I can see. There are 4 tabbed panels. Btw, the UI html starts with the following:

    <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
    <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">

    The size of it, it is 237kb in .txt file.


    The same is loaded fine and fast in uBOT Studio 5.9.55 and works flawlessly as shown in the video. However in recent versions of uBOT 6 it lags a lot in both, uBOT Studio and compiled bot when I go through the tabs. I think I tried each single uBOT 6 version and it's similar behavior. This is something which other uBOT users reported, so I didn't pay too much attention to it.


    Do you believe that UI can make this to happen although the same works perfect with a few percent CPU from uBOT Studio?

  9. Hello guys,


    I'm encountering quite unusual issue with CPU consumption for a while now. In my venture to make the code less aggressive, I did literally everything I could thought off, but as it seems to no avail. I did a few additional patches and went to checking the bot's running process in the uBOT Studio software and thought I've resolved the issue given that uBOT was consuming up to 10% of CPU max. but usually it maintains just a few percent of CPU like 3-5%. When I proceeded to compile the same and run as a standalone BOT, the CPU consumption went up and kept it constantly over 30%  (oftentimes above 40%). I've recorded the video of the bot running inside the uBOT Studio and the same as standalone compiled BOT. It's astonishing, please check it below:




    My machine has pretty much power to be weighted 30 or more percent by a single bot of any kind. Please check the components on this machine:



    On the other side, I store almost all the defines and code externally with the "Include" plugin, even uiHTML is stored in the .txt file. There are 4 threads in total, which are not heavy at all, and are separated by "wait" commands on each loop - to lessen the CPU burden. I'm using uBOT 5.9.55.


    Anybody can sched some light on this?




  10.  Hello Ubotters,


    After spending some hours to get it work, I decided to consult with you regarding an issue that I'm getting with some basic things. It could be that I'm just tired, but I can't determine what causes the problem.. Let's get to the point.


    I have such code:


    if($contains(#currentBotModule,"module1") OR $contains(#currentBotModule,"#module2") OR $contains(#currentBotModule,"#module3") OR $contains(#currentBotModule,"#module4") OR $contains(#currentBotModule,"#module5")) {
        then {
            module basic()
        else {


    I have the function modulesList which is being initialized before the above one, which specifies the module1, module2.. module5.  E.g (apple, pear,..orange)

    The function currentBotModule is also being initialized before the above one at some point. (e.g. appleJuice, pearJuice,.. orangeJuice)

    I checked in debugger and everything seems fine, but when it's being ran, it simply doesn't work but goes to else if command while it should run the module basic.

    When I type in and replace module1 as its real value, (e.g. "apple") then it does work.


    Anybody knows/sees what is causing the problem here? If you have some advice on how to make this possible w/o using OR, with either function perhaps, please suggest.

    Thanks in advance guys!

  11. Hi,


    You can download/copy paste jquery into the "run javascript" command then do the same for your code.




    Hi, Nick. Thanks for replying.


    I'm not sure if I understood what you want me to do?


    Basically, above JS code is used in the site on which I'm trying to break this captcha. The JS rotate the images on a random base (i.e. https://prnt.sc/qnz0xa)and I need a way to somehow reset the images to its original state so I can pass the captcha. As I can see each image is temporarily generated and it retain the same link regardless how may times you refresh it.


    This is how it looks like when you don't click, when the captcha image is loaded:

    <a onclick="rotateImage('images0');"><img id="images0" src="../tmpc65821453/9c067dae9a3ad64b9a89ac6f5653a695_1579144077.jpg"></a>

    This is how it looks like when you click it once:

    <a onclick="rotateImage('images0');"><img id="images01" src="../tmpc65821453/9c067dae9a3ad64b9a89ac6f5653a695_1579144077.jpg" style="transform: rotate(90deg);"></a>

    (full URL to generate image from the above example: https://bit.ly/2Tz9nKi)


    Each click it gets increment by 90deg up to 360 of course, then it resets to 0deg. I can't find the particular function "rotateImage" anywhere on their site.



    I hope it helps a bit now.




  12. Hello all,


    I stumbled across a Javascript code last week which might help me in what I'm doing now, however, I have had hard times to use the same in bot I'm working with -- mainly because I had no experience with handling the Javascript code, except using simple JS code to scroll or refresh the page. I'm aware that I need to pass certain scraped parameters from the image I wish to apply JS on, but regardless of many attempts I couldn't get it done. I'm pasting the JS code and the code from the page which I'd like to run JS.

    // VERSION: 2.3 LAST UPDATE: 11.07.2013
    * Licensed under the MIT license: http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php
    * Made by Wilq32, wilq32@gmail.com, Wroclaw, Poland, 01.2009
    * Website: http://code.google.com/p/jqueryrotate/
    (function($) {
        var supportedCSS,supportedCSSOrigin, styles=document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0].style,toCheck="transformProperty WebkitTransform OTransform msTransform MozTransform".split(" ");
        for (var a = 0; a < toCheck.length; a++) if (styles[toCheck[a]] !== undefined) { supportedCSS = toCheck[a]; }
        if (supportedCSS) {
          supportedCSSOrigin = supportedCSS.replace(/[tT]ransform/,"TransformOrigin");
          if (supportedCSSOrigin[0] == "T") supportedCSSOrigin[0] = "t";
        // Bad eval to preven google closure to remove it from code o_O
        eval('IE = "v"=="\v"');
          if (this.length===0||typeof parameters=="undefined") return;
          if (typeof parameters=="number") parameters={angle:parameters};
          var returned=[];
          for (var i=0,i0=this.length;i<i0;i++)
          var element=this.get(i);    
          if (!element.Wilq32 || !element.Wilq32.PhotoEffect) {
                var paramClone = $.extend(true, {}, parameters);
                var newRotObject = new Wilq32.PhotoEffect(element,paramClone)._rootObj;
          else {
          return returned;
          getRotateAngle: function(){
          var ret = [];
          for (var i=0,i0=this.length;i<i0;i++)
          var element=this.get(i);    
          if (element.Wilq32 && element.Wilq32.PhotoEffect) {
                ret[i] = element.Wilq32.PhotoEffect._angle;
          return ret;
          stopRotate: function(){
          for (var i=0,i0=this.length;i<i0;i++)
          var element=this.get(i);    
          if (element.Wilq32 && element.Wilq32.PhotoEffect) {
        // Library agnostic interface
          if (supportedCSS) {
          return function(img,parameters){
          img.Wilq32 = {
          PhotoEffect: this
          this._img = this._rootObj = this._eventObj = img;
          } else {
          return function(img,parameters) {
          this._img = img;
          this._onLoadDelegate = [parameters];
          this._rootObj.Wilq32 =
                PhotoEffect: this
          if (img.complete) {
          } else {
          var self=this;
          // TODO: Remove jQuery dependency
          jQuery(this._img).bind("load", function(){ self._Loader(); });
        Wilq32.PhotoEffect.prototype = {
          _setupParameters : function (parameters){
          this._parameters = this._parameters || {};
          if (typeof this._angle !== "number") { this._angle = 0 ; }
          if (typeof parameters.angle==="number") { this._angle = parameters.angle; }
          this._parameters.animateTo = (typeof parameters.animateTo === "number") ? (parameters.animateTo) : (this._angle);
          this._parameters.step = parameters.step || this._parameters.step || null;
          this._parameters.easing = parameters.easing || this._parameters.easing || this._defaultEasing;
          this._parameters.duration = parameters.duration || this._parameters.duration || 1000;
          this._parameters.callback = parameters.callback || this._parameters.callback || this._emptyFunction;
          this._parameters.center = parameters.center || this._parameters.center || ["50%","50%"];
          if (typeof this._parameters.center[0] == "string") {
          this._rotationCenterX = (parseInt(this._parameters.center[0],10) / 100) * this._imgWidth * this._aspectW;
          } else {
          this._rotationCenterX = this._parameters.center[0];
          if (typeof this._parameters.center[1] == "string") {
          this._rotationCenterY = (parseInt(this._parameters.center[1],10) / 100) * this._imgHeight * this._aspectH;
          } else {
          this._rotationCenterY = this._parameters.center[1];
          if (parameters.bind && parameters.bind != this._parameters.bind) { this._BindEvents(parameters.bind); }
          _emptyFunction: function(){},
          _defaultEasing: function (x, t, b, c, d) { return -c * ((t=t/d-1)*t*t*t - 1) + b },
          _handleRotation : function(parameters, dontcheck){
          if (!supportedCSS && !this._img.complete && !dontcheck) {
          if (this._angle==this._parameters.animateTo) {
          else {
          if (events && this._eventObj)
          // Unbinding previous Events
          if (this._parameters.bind){
          var oldEvents = this._parameters.bind;
          for (var a in oldEvents) if (oldEvents.hasOwnProperty(a))
                // TODO: Remove jQuery dependency
          this._parameters.bind = events;
          for (var a in events) if (events.hasOwnProperty(a))
          // TODO: Remove jQuery dependency
          if (IE)
          return function() {
          var width=this._img.width;
          var height=this._img.height;
          this._imgWidth = width;
          this._imgHeight = height;
          this._vimage = this.createVMLNode('image');
          this._vimage.style.position="absolute"; // FIXES IE PROBLEM - its only rendered if its on absolute position!
          this._vimage.style.top = "0px";
          this._vimage.style.left = "0px";
          this._aspectW = this._aspectH = 1;
          /* Group minifying a small 1px precision problem when rotating object */
          this._container = this.createVMLNode('group');
          this._container.setAttribute('coordsize',width-1+','+(height-1)); // This -1, -1 trying to fix ugly problem with small displacement on IE
          this._rootObj.style.position="relative"; // FIXES IE PROBLEM
          this._eventObj = this._rootObj;    
          var parameters;
          while (parameters = this._onLoadDelegate.shift()) {
                this._handleRotation(parameters, true);    
          else return function () {
          var _widthMax=Math.sqrt((this._imgHeight)*(this._imgHeight) + (this._imgWidth) * (this._imgWidth));
          this._width = _widthMax * 3;
          this._height = _widthMax * 3;
          this._aspectW = this._img.offsetWidth/this._img.naturalWidth;
          this._aspectH = this._img.offsetHeight/this._img.naturalHeight;
          this._canvas.style.left = -this._img.height * this._aspectW + "px";
          this._canvas.style.top = -this._img.width * this._aspectH + "px";
          this._canvas.Wilq32 = this._rootObj.Wilq32;
          this._eventObj = this._canvas;
          var parameters;
          while (parameters = this._onLoadDelegate.shift()) {
                this._handleRotation(parameters, true);    
          if (this._timer) {
          this._animateStartTime = +new Date;
          this._animateStartAngle = this._angle;
          var actualTime = +new Date;
          var checkEnd = actualTime - this._animateStartTime > this._parameters.duration;
          // TODO: Bug for animatedGif for static rotation ? (to test)
          if (checkEnd && !this._parameters.animatedGif)
          if (this._canvas||this._vimage||this._img) {
          var angle = this._parameters.easing(0, actualTime - this._animateStartTime, this._animateStartAngle, this._parameters.animateTo - this._animateStartAngle, this._parameters.duration);
          if (this._parameters.step) {
          var self = this;
          this._timer = setTimeout(function()
          }, 10);
          // To fix Bug that prevents using recursive function in callback I moved this function to back
          if (this._parameters.callback && checkEnd){
          this._angle = this._parameters.animateTo;
          _rotate : (function()
          var rad = Math.PI/180;
          if (IE)
          return function(angle)
          this._angle = angle;
          this._vimage.style.top = -(this._rotationCenterY - this._imgHeight/2) + "px";
          this._vimage.style.left = -(this._rotationCenterX - this._imgWidth/2) + "px";
          this._container.style.top = this._rotationCenterY - this._imgHeight/2 + "px";
          this._container.style.left = this._rotationCenterX - this._imgWidth/2 + "px";
          else if (supportedCSS)
          return function(angle){
          this._angle = angle;
          this._img.style[supportedCSSOrigin]=this._parameters.center.join(" ");
          return function(angle)
          this._angle = angle;
          angle=(angle%360)* rad;
          // clear canvas    
          this._canvas.width = this._width;//+this._widthAdd;
          this._canvas.height = this._height;//+this._heightAdd;
          // REMEMBER: all drawings are read from backwards.. so first function is translate, then rotate, then translate, translate..
          this._cnv.translate(this._imgWidth*this._aspectW,this._imgHeight*this._aspectH);    // at least center image on screen
          this._cnv.translate(this._rotationCenterX,this._rotationCenterY);            // we move image back to its orginal
          this._cnv.rotate(angle);                        // rotate image
          this._cnv.translate(-this._rotationCenterX,-this._rotationCenterY);        // move image to its center, so we can rotate around its center
          this._cnv.scale(this._aspectW,this._aspectH); // SCALE - if needed 
          this._cnv.drawImage(this._img, 0, 0);                        // First - we draw image
          if (IE)
          document.createStyleSheet().addRule(".rvml", "behavior:url(#default#VML)");
          try {
          !document.namespaces.rvml && document.namespaces.add("rvml", "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:vml");
          return function (tagName) {
                return document.createElement('<rvml:' + tagName + ' class="rvml">');
          } catch (e) {
          return function (tagName) {
                return document.createElement('<' + tagName + ' xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft.com:vml" class="rvml">');

    Scraped image element (uBOT)

    <a onclick="rotateImage('images0');"><img id="images0" src="../tmpc65821453/45ee090ad71f8f89cf85b3f826ab561c_1579084879.jpg"></a>

    Screenshot of the same image --> https://prnt.sc/qnz0xa


    If I need to provide something else, please let me know.



    P.S. Some of you might know what I'm trying to do and where! :)



    Any help is appreciated!

  13. By last update do you mean this version i am using? if it is its buggy, i have sent a sample project to the support but they failed solving it.




    Or may i subscribe to get other updates?



    This is the last one, I referred exactly to it. I don't use any User Agent when navigating, just left it to the one Chrome 49 returns. However, I'm forcing it to 'load html()' before it does any navigation in either main browser or shared browser. I'm also using clear cookies define with reset browser - I recently added reset browser since Chrome 49 supports it. So these are the only two changes I made with Chrome 49, the rest of the code is left intact. Everything works our well, Pi nt ere st, G +, Y T, S C, F b, I nst a gr@m...


    You may try to delete older uBOT in apps folder, uninstall all of these and install a fresh one. I read somewhere on the forum that it helped. I hope it will help.

  14. Sorry regaram

    My problem is not solved totally .

    Thats why i did not add anything

    Randomly my bots freeze (not crash) but freeze and i still not abble to know why!


    Anyway the things i think i will now avoid are :


    - chrome 49 (better use chrome 21 in ubot)

    - waiting for element (picture)

    - close browser

    - in shared browser


    Things i m using now are :


    - load html() before each navigate



    Chrome 49 appears to be almost stable as Chrome 21 :rolleyes:


    I did an upgrade day before yesterday, desperately to be honest since no update has solved my problems till now. I upgraded let's say 4 or 5 times - 6 months pack.. The results which Chrome 49 gave amazed me. My bots are running as before with Chrome 21. Just for the record, with previous update I was able to get to the uBOT 5.9.44 and Chrome inside it didn't work well like with the latest uBOT version (5.9.50) Things appear to be fixed although no mentioning on update logs were made. I'm testing my bots 48+ hours so far and trust me, they work well, no stuck no 'close' errors. I'm currently using restart plugin set up at 4 hours, bots are doing their work continuously without even increasing a memory above 90MB. It's easy to notice the changes, since none of the previous Chrome version (38 and if there was some other) didn't give out results like Chrome 49. For another record, my code is old, the one used with Chrome 21. The only thing I spot is solving captcha thing.. Actually, browser gets increased and it appears like stucked for 2-3 seconds and then gets back to normal, also no close errors point reached with this for now. Though it seems to me like it gets failed 2-3 times intil it resolves captcha... I'm not sure if this is caused by Chrome 49 behavior or site I'm making a bot for perhaps introduced a new captcha pack. I'm thinking to report this to developers anyway.


    I'll update this post if I notice something unusual, but again I'm saying it's very easy to notice the difference since I've tried many things by now with other uBOT releases that were published after Chrome 21..


    I'm really happy because uBOT gives a hope back!!! Thumbs up for the team :)

    • Like 1
  15. BTW I own the Community edition and the V4. All legit and in the V4 doesn't work. It works on the Community Edition but in the community edition I cannot find a way to change the user agent. I probably wasted 4h to look for a workaround...


    As far as I know it works only with newer Chromium browsers,  newer than Chrome 21..

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