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Everything posted by earthlingj

  1. wont this not work though if you are using multi threads? lets say you got 5 threads running... and 1 account is suspended so you remove item and then decrement.. but by that point the other threads have already pulled different accounts. Wouldnt that mess up the order?
  2. Hey guys! So... how do you delete suspended accounts without messing up the list order? for example.. if i delete a suspended account then the list order goes -1 which will mess things up so, whats the best way to do this? and also... lets say i want to UNFOLLOW users that dont follow me back. whats the best way to compare lists? Thanks <33 happy holidays
  3. did it stop working for anyone? i updated and it worked, but now when i try again it keeps failing
  4. werddd sonssss. this is killing me. i can get it to work manually clicking and stuff, but thru u bot, NOPE CRY ME A RIVER lulz
  5. Thanks guys is it possible to add random bites thru ubot without using a 3rd party?
  6. Hey is it possible to use ubot to make images unique? like change the data / file size? somehow a social network im using is banning my accounts when i upload image so im assuming they blocked that specific image.. so if i can make a bunch of unique versions.. wallah!
  7. lots of my bots are now crashing on browser since the 4.2/4.2.1 updates. really disappointed never had browser crashes before..
  8. who is lilly? why does she work with support? I put in a support ticket about this. explaining everything. how we are trying to get profile pics to work.. how poisedon shared his source.. and it works for some but not everyone.. so with the same source.. how come the problems? I then linked her to this thread.. her response? the forum is for help within the coumminity.. please submit a ticket with the problem. so im like... i just did that? but okay.. so i submit another ticket.. with the problem.. again.. linking to the forum thread for an example.. and she tells me the same fre
  9. hey im working on tables.. and i thought i had it.. but i cant figure out how to make it go to the next row. (when multi threading) i tried setting a variable #row and set it to 0 then i have it increment on each successfull login, but its not working right. is there a simple ' next list item ' like feature for tables? so what is this deliminating thing u talk of?
  10. ive never used tables before. I guess ill have to try it out. i just thought if i localized a list.. then i could clear that local list on the thread and then smiply have it pull the next list item. hotmails list to next list item to local thread list. split username and password to list item0 and liste item 1. then clear it so it can pull the next.
  11. so what im trying to do is... multi thread login with username:password lets say hotmails and hotmailssplit hotmails is the global list of username:password hotmailssplit is the local list for each thread which is the next list item split username (list item 0) and password (list item 1) soo on each new thread.. after it splits the username and password.. i want to clear the LOCAL list of hotmailssplit so that i can simply pull in the next list item from hotmails. but since clear list is clearing every thread of hotmailslist... its completely messing up the logging in.
  12. that will clear all. i want it to only clear on each local list.
  13. how can i clear a local list? its driving me crazyyy
  14. did that. still not working tearsss in my eyezzz
  15. haha i wish that was the problem, but nope, all up to date :/
  16. Thanks, tried it out, but unfortunately... it kept looping the header image pop up. there is no hope for us ken lol
  17. yup same exact thing... this is really frustrating that it works for others but not myself or ken. I really wish ubot support would do their job and try to resolve this issue. How is it that the EXACT same code works in one way for someone and differently for another doesnt make sense to me at all...
  18. Ken, what about you? is it popping up profile or header image for you? Thanks for your help manny. Trust me I appreciate it.. I just wish it would work for me
  19. yeah its strange.. it seems like it works for your computer but not for mine or the others. we're all on win 7. framework 4. u both have dev. and i have pro. hard to find where the problem is.. but it certainly exists.
  20. Same is happeningg with me, but is it popping up the PROFILE image or HEADER image? for me its popping up header image instead of profile. thats why its in a continuous loop.
  21. thanks man. will test it soon. going thru the video though my code seems to be the same but we'll see! thanks again I ran your source code. Unfortunately it didnt work for me it keeps attempting to load the header image instead of profile image.
  22. Yeah same using ie6 and doing the same linkage. im 100% im doing it correct.. it just isnt working lol. if P0s3id0n doesnt mind... compiling a demo bot that JUST does the profile pic upload.. that would be a good way to test if it is indeed our CODE or if it is something ubot/computer based. But id have to say with 99% certainty.. its ubot or something conflicting with it. sorry for the bold i guess it did that cuz i copy and pasted ur name
  23. of course they were the first people i contacted when having this problem. she then refered me to the forum for ' script related help '....
  24. Hey UBOT support. HELP us or I want a refund. its bull shit that i cant do simple tasks such as UPLOADING profile pics to sites like twitter/soundcloud etc! I know you guys see this forum post... so why not ANSWER with a solution?
  25. yeah but actually getting the profile pics to upload isnt working. even if you fill in the field. its just so much sadness in my heart! im gonna have to resort to spending $$ on an account creator all cuz pic uploading wont work :/
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