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Posts posted by earthlingj

  1. On 9/21/2020 at 3:43 AM, Secretus said:




    Hey! I figured out how to fix this after 5 days! I had the same issues as you. Here is the solution:


    .NET Framework 4.8 is not the only thing you need to download. You will also need to download the latest Visual C++ Redistributable. BUT; normally if you have 64 bit on your PC / VPS, you would go for the x64 version by default. But that is not the what you should be downloading! (Talking from 5 days of frustration!)
    But I found out, that since UBot Studio is running on x86 (hence being within the Program Files (x86)), you will need to uninstall the Visual C++ Redistributable x64 version (if installed), then restart your PC. Then you will need to download the x86 version of that. After successful installation of that, simply restart your PC again. - Now it should work flawlessly!
    Hope it works out for you, the way it worked out for me!

    Thank you. Was stuck on this for hours on hours. Turns out it's a super easy setup just needs x86..

  2. Yes please. That would be great... i think the 1000s of current customers being able to use it is far more important than anyone who may buy now. Also a question. How did you guys not have a backup of the server? I just don't understand how this happens in 2024 and there are no backups. 

  3. Thanks for the update. 

    When you say asap, and I know it's impossible to predict with these things.. but is it something you are thinking days? Or would it be weeks? Just so we can have an idea to tell our clients. That's my biggest concern is losing my clients because I cant tell them down time. A rough estimate even if it ends up taking longer would be much appreciated


    Thanks again 


  4. It's not like we want to say negative things but this is absolutely ridiculous that over 10 years later and Seth still knows nothing about proper support and communication. You can look at history and see it's been an ongoing problem for a decade. 

    Again. What is so difficult about updating us? We are paying customers. 


    And you say you're sure it will be resolved soon. This happened a few months ago and we waited over 2 weeks for a fix. And even when it was fixed there was no word from them. We just had to keep trying day after day after day. Is that good customer support and communication to you? Does that warrant praise? 

  5. It's not like we want to say negative things but this is absolutely ridiculous that over 10 years later and Seth still knows nothing about proper support and communication. You can look at history and see it's been an ongoing problem for a decade. 

    Again. What is so difficult about updating us? We are paying customers. 


    And you say you're sure it will be resolved soon. This happened a few months ago and we waited over 2 weeks for a fix. And even when it was fixed there was no word from them. We just had to keep trying day after day after day. Is that good customer support and communication to you? Does that warrant praise? 

  6. And I honestly hate to say all that because ubot could be really great but.. man oh man does their support suck. Almost non existent. Like what is so hard about having a Facebook or Twitter giving us updates? Sorry guys license sever went down. Please give us 2 days to restore. Instead it's silence and unknowns. Still not working for me. Not sure what's so hard about restarting a server. I still doubt we get it working this week since last time took them over 2 weeks. 

  7. Seth doesn't give a fuck. I should have known by the lack of support he still runs this ship. In my 20 years in this market, he is by far the worst business owner I've ever come across. He just gives no fucks really. And it'll never change. 


    I'd bet this doesn't even get fixed today....

  8. Thanks for the update. IS there any sort of eta? Also can you please tell Seth or whoever owns this now... they they really need a more open channel for updates and communications when these things happen? A lot of us depend on ubot for our everyday jobs and it effects our work. I lost a client that was going to pay me $500. He wanted to know when I could resume and I couldn't give him an answer so he asked for a refund. We NEED better communication. It's crazy to me that it's been 10 years and still to this day the support is almost non existent and there is no direct line of communication with whoever runs this now 

  9. Ninguno de nosotros puede acceder. El equipo es malo y no sabe cómo brindar un soporte o comunicación adecuados. La última vez que esto sucedió, tuvimos que esperar 2 semanas para obtener ayuda.

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