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Everything posted by Monovski

  1. sorry unfortunately your video is blur I can't watch details
  2. hi, but how if I use ui open file not use ui button?
  3. they provide download button but I try to download in ubot but not working. The point is I just need to know how scrape tabel like that. thanks dan
  4. Hi Dan, What the exact method, scrape table or scrape by attribute? navigate("http://www.linkcheckpro.com/","Wait") wait(2) type text(<name="domain">,"budiharyono.name","Standard") wait(1) ui block text("Website to scan",#Website to scan) wait(2) type text(<name="urls">,#Website to scan,"Standard") click(<value="SCAN URLS!">,"Left Click","No") wait for element(<innertext="Download: Dofollow | Nofollow | Links Found | Links Not Found">,"","Appear")
  5. clean and tidy how you showing the result in UI?
  6. Hi meter, I have plan to buy your ubotlocker in the coming week but before please update your pdf file when integrating with paypal coz I didn't see any "My Selling Tools" under profile menu. thanks bro..
  7. links are dead sir anyone can reupload please...
  8. PM Sent Just purchased but unfortunately "determine window size min_max (this app)" not work for me please watch short video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e3gBq27TssI
  9. I agree Proxies are needed if you want to do multithreading where each thread has different IP.if for ubot (doing small task) VPN is my choice then for other tools/task e.g for mass scraping I use free proxy else buy dedicated private proxy
  10. you guys can try it at http://www.linkcheckpro.com/ this can save your bandwidht
  11. I will create automation bot for human lol....
  12. how about if I need to remove words from the list that not contain spesific words? E.g 0. ubot 1. ubot 3. ubot 4. tubo How remove tubo? I got stuck about it. Thanks
  13. Code is code but just don't leave your family behind bro so don't code them all
  14. Hello everyone, I have question about scraping table, How you scrape tabel like this: http://oi57.tinypic.com/oiafpy.jpg This is an online link checker which is: there 6 column where column "Found" "Acnhor" Follow" and "Pinged" is created by image how we scrape table like this? Thanks
  15. Hi botsimmer, I tried, but text box and other not in center when I click maximize windows. The only way method I use is add left margin to push panel from left to the center but the toolbar wont change
  16. yes you're right and I did it along time ago, but anyway maybe people need something new with ubot with disposable email service, with this we don't need to create thousand hotmail account or sacrifice your own domain
  17. Hello, What you think about Disposable Mail such as yopmail, discard.email, spambog ect. Due they dont provide any mail server, port ect for you guys Any meyhods to run verifiy email in those disposable mail? Thanks
  18. I just done it Zenos, I use your recommend http://i.imgur.com/v0LG6KZ.png and replaced it with stat monitor
  19. also there a lot of plugin in pash so what plugin you use?
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