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Everything posted by k1lv9h

  1. Hi, Small change. Added code to check that the value of #AccountsFile is greater then $nothing. sample-create-accounts-001.ubot Kevin
  2. Hi, Regex code to select url with the word new in it: (www[.]autotrader[.]com\/p\/.*new[^"]+)Regex code to select url without the words repair and wanted: (?!.*repair|.*wanted)(www[.]autotrader[.]com\/p\/[^"]+)Kevin
  3. Hi, Yes. You can. Provided you format the table data in API format. Ex. [\'Year\', \'Sales\', \'Expenses\'], [\'2004\', 1000, 400], [\'2005\', 1170, 460], [\'2006\', 660, 1120], [\'2007\', 1030, 540]Kevin
  4. Hi, You have some variables set to local. Sample: sample-thread-007.ubot Kevin
  5. Hi, Sample code: sample-email-changeup-001.ubot Kevin
  6. Hi, Yeah your right. It collects the blue colored title, green colored url and time if available. Then places the values in a three column list. It will process regular search results as well as results narrowed to the last 24 hours(&tbs=qdr:d). There is no possibility of the data to get out of order for each search result page. So you got me, Kevin
  7. Hi, See if this works for you. sample-loop-time-001.ubot Kevin
  8. Hi, Sample code: sample-google-search-format-001.ubot Kevin
  9. Hi, Once I fixed the html code to be ubot friendly the code worked fine. Sample code: darknode-list-001.ubot changed <a href="{#url1}">{#url1}</a> to this <a href=\"{#url1}\">{#url1}</a>The above code is only 1. The other 9 would also need to be changed. I added a tab to create the html code using a loop. Kevin
  10. Hi, Yes I see it is solved. Here is ubot code to do column color changes using CSS. Skip color change for column headings. Uses "Navigate" instead of "load html" to load the created php file. This change allows style sheet to load. sample-table cell colors-004.ubot Style sheet code: tr { background-color:#F7F7F7; } body { background-color:#8b9dc3; } td:first-child { text-align: center; font-weight: bold; padding-left: 5px; padding-right: 5px; } td:nth-child(odd) { background-color:#FFFFFF; } td.lightgreen { background-color:lightgree
  11. Hi, Code: set(#a, 21000, "Global") set(#b, 29000, "Global") if($both($both($comparison(#a, "<=", 30000), $comparison(#a, ">", 20000)), $both($comparison(#b, "<=", 20000), $comparison(#b, ">", 15000)))) { then { alert("do this") } else { } }Kevin
  12. Hi, Without looking at your code it would be hard to say why the data is not being saved. Kevin
  13. Hi, You could use $replace to remove mailto: from email value as it is saved to the table. For Name value "attribute to scrape" should be "outertext" not "name". Kevin
  14. Hi, Not sure if you put what you tried in a loop. Sample: set(#row_num, 0, "Global") loop($table total rows(&ttab)) { set table cell(&my table, #row_num, 2, $replace($table cell(&my table, #row_num, 2), "E", $nothing)) increment(#row_num) }Kevin
  15. Hi, This shell command sample code should play sound: shell("cmd.exe /C start \"Play Alarm\" /min \"%ProgramFiles(x86)%\\Windows Media Player\\wmplayer.exe\" %WINDIR%\\media\\Alarm01.wav /play /close")The Windows Media Player will not close when done unless you happen to be running an old version of player. Kevin
  16. Hi, This sample code should work with on character string without @: set(#emailstart, "johnpicock", "Global") set(#emailstartlength, $text length(#emailstart), "Global") set(#emailstartrandumloc, $rand(1, #emailstartlength), "Global") set(#emailstartdupchar, $substring(#emailstart, $subtract(#emailstartrandumloc, 1), 1), "Global") set(#emailupdate, "{$substring(#emailstart, 0, #emailstartrandumloc)}{#emailstartdupchar}{$substring(#emailstart, #emailstartrandumloc, $subtract(#emailstartlength, #emailstartrandumloc))}", "Global")sample-email-dup-char-003.ubot Kevin
  17. Hi, This sample code should do it: set(#emailstart, "johnpicock@gmail.com", "Global") set(#emailstartlength, $text length(#emailstart), "Global") set(#emailstartatloc, $find index(#emailstart, "@"), "Global") set(#emailstartrandumloc, $rand(1, #emailstartatloc), "Global") set(#emailstartdupchar, $substring(#emailstart, $subtract(#emailstartrandumloc, 1), 1), "Global") set(#emailupdate, "{$substring(#emailstart, 0, #emailstartrandumloc)}{#emailstartdupchar}{$substring(#emailstart, #emailstartrandumloc, $subtract(#emailstartlength, #emailstartrandumloc))}", "Global")sample-email-dup-char-002.
  18. Hi, Here is loop while with stop sample code: sample-loop-while-001.ubot Kevin
  19. Hi, Sample code: set(#pagedata, "<td class=\"fld\"><div id=\"178412972335796dv\"><a href=\"https://www.faceb00k.com/fashi0nandv0gue\" target=\"_blank\" );\"=\"\">View</a><a class=\"cursor\" onclick=\"skiplink(170100,\'178412972335796\',\'page\');\"> onclick=\"startlink(\'178412972335796\',\'page\',\'170100\',169);imageWin(\'https://www.faceb00k.com/fashi0nandv0gue\',\'Faceb00k\',\'170100\',\'178412972335796\',\'qlZpXoloamJedY0\',\'1015\',\'500\',\'page\'9)\">", "Global") set(#linkdata, $replace regular expression($replace regular expression($replace(#pageda
  20. Hi, During my testing with a compiled bot sometimes it would work and sometimes it would not work. I was thinking a timing thing. I adjusted your code. wait for element(<class="jcarousel-item jcarousel-item-horizontal jcarousel-item-1 jcarousel-item-1-horizontal">, "", "Appear") wait(1) set(#imageloopcount, $scrape attribute(<id="carouselText">, "innertext"), "Global") set(#imageloopcount, $replace(#imageloopcount, " images available", ""), "Global") With the above code adjustment I am getting consistent successful results. Kevin
  21. Hi, I use this site for what commands are available and syntax: http://ss64.com/nt/ I also will use Windows command with /? to provide syntax I then use search(google/bing) to find code samples. I put the check in just in case the file goes missing while getting file size. Keeps ubot from getting script error on set #filesize to list item 3 when there are 2 or less items in list. Kevin
  22. Hi, Sample code: set(#file, "c:\\downloads\\dirlist.txt", "Global") set(#filename, $replace regular expression(#file, ".*\\\\", $nothing), "Global") shell("cmd.exe /C dir /-C {#file} | find \"{#filename}\"> c:\\downloads\\file-size.txt") clear list(%dirresult) add list to list(%dirresult, $list from text($read file("c:\\downloads\\file-size.txt"), " "), "Delete", "Global") set(#filesize, 0, "Global") if($comparison($list total(%dirresult), ">", 2)) { then { set(#filesize, $list item(%dirresult, 3), "Global") } else { } } sample-dir-file-size-001.ubot Kevin
  23. Hi, Sample code: sample-goomaps-scrape-002.ubot Kevin
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