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Everything posted by cүвεя_נυηкιε

  1. Hi Macster, Been watching some pretty splendid improvements/additions, good job man Do you accept payment in Bitcoin by any chance ? Cheers CJ
  2. Here you go mate : https://www.virustotal.com/en/file/d75dde97dc534e8066837793f42ced6ac6e0c68a68e3b8bff14da02b4e7c6ccc/analysis/1456319603/ CJ EDIT : I should probably mention whats in it, .. Probably the simplest bot ever compiled, .. goes to site, clicks link, waits, repeats, clicks link, waits, repeats, clicks link, waits, repeats, you get the idea so yeah, nothing that should fire any AV off.
  3. Thanks Dan, worked like a charm so did I just need some human emulation with the "Move Mouse" commands ? only asking as i had tried "x://iframe[@title=\"recaptcha challenge\"]" before with no luck, no matter anyway, your a damn life saver Thanks again CJ
  4. Thanks Dan, Ill give that a try and let you know CJ
  5. Most of my bigger bots have a similar system to what Darryl posted above, However I have found that no matter what is pressed, checked, stopped or whatever the define being run will not stop until it has reached the end of the define, It can be achieved with a lot of If statements through out the define but other that that i have never ever managed to definitively stop a define once it starts executing, There is a method on Wiki using the "return" command but i never got it to work properly in a large define, although in fairness i havent tried it with any of the newer version of UBot
  6. Hi Dan, Im having a problem downloading the reCaptcha image/images, ive read throught the thread and see some have had issues but nothing is working for me, Ive tried every single element tag but always the blank image, not even the code supplied by you a couple of pages back as it gives a blank result for the scraped "src", and if i try to download the image directly with the location that would have been scraped then nothing is downloaded at all, .. Im stumped The problem im having is that I can download an image the right size but its always an image of the top left of page, I
  7. Wow, that was staggeringly quick You may have just solved a shed load of issues i was having Thanks Pash, .. eternally grateful ! Cheers CJ
  8. Hi Aymen Im having a problem, I can not get the "datagrid styler" to fire off via the "Context" menu options, it will execute from a define attached to a button but not execute from the same define if run from the context menu, I tested a few other methods but it seems that the styler will only run from an "on load" or a button, I even tried having it loop within a thread to continuously fire off but it wont execute if run in a thread either. Any ideas ? Im stumped Thanks CJ
  9. Hi Pash, Im trying to add extra settings to a task using the "task scheduler/special settings" but when i include the "special settings" command it wont even create the task, Ive tried a million and 1 different configurations but I cant create the task until i remove the "special" command, can you possibly provide a working sample please, .. obviously if you have a minute to spare Also could I possibly request a feature to be added to either the "scheduler/time triggers" or "scheduler/daily triggers" ? Im trying to add the ability to add a task that will run daily, but at set i
  10. Ahh, yes the first one ..... THE FIRST ONE!!!!!! That my friend has caused me I dont know how many hours of support tickets, team viewer sessions, re-builds, un-necessary updates ive had to deal with because of the browser warning, not to mention having to explain why probably one of the most reputable "safe" browsers wont allow even an empty bot to be downloaded, .. So yes I just read a few previous posts and a Digital Signature seems to be the only way to go, expensive for those who dont sell much to cover the cost, but i guess we arent the only ones suffering from this. and to a
  11. Hi Learjet, i mentioned a few installers in another thread and they alll work with Meter's licensing, to save you searching for it here is what i posted before : Cheers CJ
  12. Holy Epic-ness batman !!! Awesome product ... absolutely rubbish timing I will be all over this in a few weeks (skint .. just bought a new car) How long will the promotion be on for @Macster ? Id hate to miss out on a discount that big .. Cheers CJ
  13. Nice mate, Im pretty sure a lot of new comers will find that pretty useful CJ
  14. Nice tip dude Its funny its little things like this that make all the difference in an end product, I usually add little tit bits like this to improve functionality without even thinking, .. like autopilot you know .. but to a new user things like this can make all the difference Cheers CJ
  15. Dont panic chaps the developer of this is pretty on the ball I expect he will be along to help you guys out shortly
  16. I get this a lot, I dont think it makes a difference which OS you have as i had seen it on 7, 8.1 and 10 :/ If you see this and cant find your previous "unsaved" work dont panic your ubot files are stored somewhere in a temp folder ... there is a mention to it somewhere here in the forum
  17. Thats typical, .. Ive had that and been using for years, .. hadnt even thought of using it for this hahha Nice !! Cheers CJ
  18. here it is and a few others, all available on the page HelloInsomnia posted Name of plugin: Close bot Link to the plugin thread: http://www.ubotstudi...se-bot-command/ Name of plugin: Advanced ubot (set 1) Link to the plugin thread: http://www.ubotstudi...rograms-easier/ exit this app: Force Quit Applications.restart this app: restart your program. Name of plugin: Advanced Ubot 2 Link to the sales thread: http://www.ubotstudi...3-day-discount/ $app crash check : last start app crash or not (Beta).app crash restart : auto restart when app crash (Beta).app crash test : test
  19. I have a sort of "semi" solution that im currently in the process of coding for 2 of my bots that crash no matter what extra implementations i add, ... maybe it will work for you, .. Im not sure as im not 100% sure what your bots process is, ... I have a bot that loops continuously using multiple threads and most users of it say it crashes without fail around the 3-5 hour mark (on average) Ive added/modified/optimised/ it so much that it really has no where else to go and is as "efficiently" coded as its gonna get, so after a couple of head scratching days of re-reading through the code I
  20. That tutorial is from 2011 its likely the site your scraping from has changed, just a thought CJ
  21. Cool, keep us updated and yes i guess $500 is pretty reasonable, and would be nice to display a badge stating it for potential buyers to see CJ
  22. I wanted to jump in on this one if i may, .. I will be starting a new venture in the coming weeks and was concerned about this, Ive browsed around the big G and did find a ton of intersting info and all that, but my question is does it matter where a certificate is purchased from ? Only reason im asking this is because i found a load of companies while searching, and actually a lot of companies that I wouldnt have expected to sell them, ... prices varied quite a lot and I indeed saw the ones at Symantec as UBOTEM menioned, also this is a good idea, something on my to do list I never
  23. Just a quickie .. (thats what she said ) Thread title covers it really, what happened to the new store ? (and the freelance and learn sections for that matter) All im getting is : This site has been archived or suspended. Im guessing its being updated or something but im like the digital version of a "curtain twitcher" ... or simply put, nosey Cheers CJ
  24. Here you go cob007 : On the first line i have it looping "$comparison(#Stop,"=",$false)" while a variable "#Stop" is set to "$false" when my start button is pressed, but you can either alter it to suit your project or just remove it, up to you lol loop while($comparison(#Stop,"=",$false)) { clear list(%CPUStat) add list to list(%CPUStat,$plugin function("Advanced Systems.dll", "$system performance counter", "True", "True", "True"),"Delete","Global") wait(.5) set(#cpu,"{$find regular expression($list item(%CPUStat,0),"[0-9]+")} %","Global") set(#ram,"{$find regular expres
  25. Sweet Jesus Man What a gem !!! nice share dude, If there is one thing that consistently F*C*S me off its farting around with a regex string, and to quote somethin' you said in my thread a few days ago, .. Thats a whole new level of handy right there ! Cheers CJ
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