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Everything posted by LonghornLeghorn

  1. Can anyone tell me why I would need a URL redirect for an API when the bot will be run locally on someone's computer and will never hit my URL? I just cannot grasp this in my mind. Everything is self contained in a bot and will never be run through my website. Can anyone help me...please!
  2. Can anyone tell me why I would need a URL redirect for an API when the bot will be run locally on someone's computer and will never hit my URL? I just cannot grasp this in my mind. Everything is self contained in a bot and will never be run through my website. Can anyone help me...please!
  3. Purchased last night. Could you please send me the Plugin? Blake Moody
  4. I was hoping someone could point me in the right direction. I am having trouble integrating the LInkedIn API into my bot. I do not want to include a URL for redirect since the bot will be the source. Also, I'm not sure where to begin as I have my keys from LinkedIn. If anyone would mind helping me. I have my Ubot with the text fields and drop downs. I need the bot to recognize what is text to search for within LInkedin. For example, I am doing profile views so the search is going to be based off of industry, keyword, or location. If someone could help me, I am new to coding but have picked
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