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Everything posted by barista

  1. Thanks guys, really helpful. It seems like Twitter is the most straightforward. Facebook would be tricky. G+ ... not sure! Even hootsuite sometimes has trouble with legit G+ posting.
  2. Thanks for the comment! We will be using accounts already created by 'volunteers' and hopefully we will be able to resolve problems if they arise. The alternative to a bot is to to pay someone on Fiverr. However we're generating 1 or 2 articles per day per client, so it could get expensive, which is why I considered a bot. Thanks for the encouragement.
  3. I want to creat a bot that clicks the Facebook Like, Tweet and Google +1 buttons on a webpage. The Facebook part would be like this: List of Facebook account logins Gets first login Ubot logs in to Facebook Navigates to blog post Clicks the Facebook Like button Logs out of Facebook Clears browser cache Checks if last Facebook account - if no, selects next Facebook login - if yes, finishes Facebook Liking The Twitter and G+1 would be more or less the same. Before I start creating this I wanted to ask you experienced developers here if there are any hidden traps to consider. In the pas
  4. Is it true that I need to add Variable Functions to my own variables before I can use the value in the UI Stat Monitor 'Corresponding Variable' field? Thanks, Barista
  5. thanks John the label is now visible above the browser. However, I am still unable to drag and drop the $list position variable into the UI Stat Monitor variable field. I got round it be assigning the value of $list position to a variable I created and dropping that into the UI Stat Monitor node. But shouldn't I be able to drag and drop the $list variables?
  6. Hi everyone, I have two questions about UI Stat Monitor 1. The Label etc is not displaying above the ubot browser. You can see this in the image below. 2. I want to add the variable '$list position' into the Variable field in the UI Stat Monitor node, however I can't drag $list position into the field. IN fact there is already a # sign in the field. Am I doing something wrong? Thanks! http://theappcats.com/lev/uistat.JPG
  7. Hi JohnB, I can't see any links in the page source
  8. Hi I've got two questions. I am writing a bot to interface with a website that runs a job every day. The job creates a txt file which contains the results of the job and I want to download the most recent file. The jobs are posted as text files, and displayed as links in a list on the page. Besides each job is a small icon [ ] representing a calendar. The date is displayed when you mouseover the icon. The names of the files are not standard and have no pattern: [ ] somefilename [ ] another-file-name [ ] yet-another-file-name The most recent job is always at the top and this is the job
  9. I can't get this to work using smtp.g mail.com which is a big pity. I managed to set-up an emailer using winautomation in about 30 minutes and it's chugging away nicely.
  10. How do we use the send email function? Looks like a great idea but I don't see how it can work. For example, smtp services usually require you to specify a port number, some require a secure connection (e.g. gmail). Or am I missing something? (which is likely). Barista
  11. cheers for this advice. it solved a lot of nasty things!
  12. Hey man thanks for putting those tutorials together. They were really great. I'd love to see any more you make. Thanks. Barista.
  13. Yes I figured this would be the case. thanks.
  14. Hi this is probably basic, but I scrape some data twice a week and save it to a text file. I use winautomation to append that data into another text file (which has all the previous data in it). Is this possible using Ubot? Thanks Barista
  15. I created a template which loops through a list of username/passwords in a text file, logs into a site, does the stuff and then logs out. Most of these functions are very similar so they fit a template. It looks like this:
  16. so is there a way in Ubot of emulating this, i.e. switching-off javascript support?
  17. I can't see that there is a setting for that. However, when I open the site in the Iron browser (Chrome) it displays a plain text editor. In IE it's a rich text editor. So ... it must be possible somehow.
  18. I have a bot with three scripts (1. go to the site and log in 2. Do the stuff at the site 3. Tidy-up and log out). I compiled the bot and ran it. It looks like only the first script ran. Is this the case? i.e. that only the first script in a compiled bot runs? Or have I got that wrong? It's fine if it is the case - I'll call the other scripts from the first script.
  19. there must be a way Meanwhile I am focusing on the many sites that do work.
  20. Sorry maybe I am not explaining myself very well. I am trying to auto-fill a blog and having problems. Within Ubot selecting the content area is proving to be impossible for some of these sites e.g. vox, 3Step. I was wondering if someone has figured out how to do this. When you are using the site it's possible to use the tab key to jump from the title to the content field. I haven't found a work-around on this site. Tony
  21. Hi I am still none-the-wiser about how to move from the title field of a blog into the text area, if the text area is in an iframe or the fckeditor or similar. Is there a tutorial on this somewhere? It would really be very useful. Thanks.
  22. I totally take your point and it's your call to decide where to draw the line.
  23. Does anyone know how to break out of the fckeditor? When I try to select it within Ubot (i.e. to choose by attribute) I don't get the Ubot menu, instead I get a small fckeditor 'edit' menu with copy,cut and paste. Any advice greatly appreciated. B
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