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Everything posted by deliter

  1. Sory for the double post couldnt get out of the HTML box and it the html wouldnt post correctly,this is all working now,thanks HInsomnia for the display:none idea too All you need to do is keep the top of my table in tact and add the buttons at the end of the table <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta charset="utf-8"> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0"> <title>Untitled</title> <link rel="stylesheet" href="https://maxcdn.bootstrapcdn.com/bootstrap/3.3.6/css/bootstrap.min.css" /> <link rel="st
  2. maybe Im wrong,but it sounds like the page or element hasnt loaded since you can run it manually when it is loaded just to test,try wait 20 seconds and click see if that works,if so it is a wait for the element to load issue also a thread was started a few days with the exact same problem maybe their was a solution in that thread
  3. This thread should be stickied on the main /forum page
  4. nice thread just to elaborate on this particulary what ILoveUbot was asking about custom commands and functions A custom command just like the ubot commands,the blue coloured nodes, do not return a result,so they carry out an action Functions,the green nodes in Ubot,pretty much all of them return a result,data input-data output,so functions are made when you want to input something and have data returned in some form define $addNumbers(#first, #second) { return($add(#first,#second)) } set(#addMe,$addNumbers(1, 2),"Global")
  5. "How To Scrape Entire Table Rows Split Into Columns" each list item contains the columns for the TR you can then use list from text new line delimiter to split it into columns to input into a table load html("<table class=\"w3-table-all\" style=\"width:100%\"> <tbody><tr> <th>Number</th> <th>First Name</th> <th>Last Name</th> <th>Points</th> </tr> <tr> <td>1</td> <td>Eve</td> <td>Jackson</td> <td>94</td> </tr> <tr> <td>2</td> &
  6. Another way avoiding Regex,Ubot has a lot of nice features for manipulating the page with scrape attribute and element offset This will also actually click the href,so can help for SEO type of stuff define clickAsin(#myAsinNum) { set(#res,"false","Local") add list to list(%hrefs,$scrape attribute(<tagname="a">,"href"),"Don\'t Delete","Local") set(#list position,0,"Local") loop while($comparison(#list position,"<",$list total(%hrefs)) AND $comparison(#res,"=","false")) { set(#item,$list item(%hrefs,#list position),"Local") if($contains(#item,"dp/{#myA
  7. Hey Anyone have any info on the next release,any features or spoilers
  8. I dont even understand IM so Im not here for the same reasons as most,but I like making bots to facilitate me in the real world for my job,hobbies etc,and just to have a better or more customized internet experience I'd also suggest if anyone interested in their own hobby use,apps like tasker for android,you can communicate with your bots very easily,even make simple enough apps
  9. dont think you can do that,you can write some code to do something like that,but comments no,I suggest to have a text of the code saved where you can comment set(#prompt,$prompt("is this a test y/n ?"),"Global") if($comparison(#prompt,"=","y")) { then { } else { clear cookies } }
  10. remove delete duplicates on the %totalElements to Don't Delete, if you still have only 1,you need to create a different selector,that selects all elements,best is to post the html or site try add list to list(%totalElements,$scrape attribute(<class="blogg-collapse-left">,"outerhtml"),"Don\'t Delete","Global") You mightnt learn much from this but this should work too provided the links do not go to a different web page Done a simple load html example where it also has a title =more options like your HTML snippet above load html("<a title =\"More options\" href= \"http://www.g
  11. Hey,welcome,I have a CSS Selector plugin you might find usefulk,I think WA uses CSS Selectors to match elements This mightnt actually match the element you are looking for ,but should do,and it would do what you are looking for add list to list(%totalElements,$scrape attribute(<class="blogg-button blogg-menu-button DY0BBXD-r-k blogg-collapse-left">,"outerhtml"),"Delete","Global") set(#position,0,"Global") loop($list total(%totalElements)) { click($element offset(<class="blogg-button blogg-menu-button DY0BBXD-r-k blogg-collapse-left">,#position),"Left Click","No") increme
  12. heres what the lads above me said with the code define clickRandomLink { add list to list(%totalLinks,$scrape attribute(<tagname="a">,"outerhtml"),"Don\'t Delete","Local") click($element offset(<tagname="a">,$rand(0,$subtract($list total(%totalLinks),1))),"Left Click","No") } clickRandomLink()
  13. I am guessing your browser crashed,I am probably wrong however,sometimes that happens,that the selector doesnt show anything,usually just click the page,and try again should fix it reset browser navigate("https://www.google.com","Wait") wait for browser event("Everything Loaded","") type text(<name="q">,"ubot studio","Standard")
  14. forget about this,just use firebug and firepath,plenty of dev tools that are better then this oh you mean the .dll,yeah I'l put up a dropbox link in a few minutes added to new thread
  15. Hey Ive planned on selling this but I don't have the time and too much effort so I will give it for free 6 functions Easy HTML Parser CSS Selector CSS Selector Element Offset CSS Child Selector CSS Sibling Selector CSS Change Attribute Its a very much needed tool so download it and learn how to use it,your scraping will be enhanced 10 fold,I am new to this too and am only scratching the surface of its power Here is an example of how easy it is using firefox,with firebug and firepath plugins installed say I want to scrape all the titles of a google search result I simply right cl
  16. thanks,I am making a full version probably a free and paid,the above version is highly buggy but better than nothing I guess yeah they are super easy to get the hang of,if you open the web inspector,select an element with the magnifying glass you can get the CSS Path by right clicking on the highlighted area,but more importantly you will see the breakdown of the CSS path at the bottom of the screen,which is great for saying,I dont just want the element I selected,I want a whole bunch of elements
  17. Ive made many a complaint about how Ubots IDE could be made better! so sick of dragging mouse,dropping mouse,writing something then picking up my mouse again,great I guess for a day one newbie,but theirs people like myself and Im sure many others who have been customers for years and that simple drag and drop novelty is now a massive annoyance like codeview,is only viable for copying and editing,you need to know the inputs,the amount of inputs,and a reference to the name of the DLL which is so much typing,it would make no sense to even do that,so your stuck with the dragging,dropping,typing
  18. Yeah sometimes it works sometimes it doesn't, but I agree Ive been using Ubot for 2 years and I still don't know if I done it wrong or its Ubots fault, if you want to buy my plugin I'll sell for 20 dollars check out the video,which covers exactly what you are looking for,and a lot more http://screencast-o-matic.com/watch/cDf3YX1GHV By the way,your explanation is not how Ubots selector element is intended to work It simply parses, the child, sibling of the selected element, please post code too Dan has an Xpath parser for free too
  19. solved it actually remember that the variable in the input box is stored under #Password,not #Second Input ui text box("Password<input type=\"password\" variable=\"#Password\"/><script>window.onload = function()\{ document.querySelectorAll(\"[variable^=\'#Se\']\")[0].outerHTML=\"\"; \};</script>",#Second Input)
  20. The UI section is actually a HTML Window,so this is great but really annoying,ubot should have a UI html command, this example I use a ui text box, and in the label add some HTML for a form password input,this will show in Ubot as #Password in the debugger Would also be interested if someone else has a better idea,other than writing a UI ui text box("Password<input type=\"password\" variable=\"#Password\"/><br>Try find a use for this box",#Second Input) ​
  21. I was only a beginner back then,it wasn't a correct statement post site and what you are trying to do
  22. you want to change it on the website itself? use the function i posted above with the change attribute command or post the site here
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