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Everything posted by Gogetta

  1. C:\Users\windows_user\AppData\Roaming\UBot Studio\AutoSave
  2. How full is your inbox? Also, I had problems in the past with gmail.com and switched over to using yahoo.com. The problem I was having is that the change proxy command doesn't work with the connect to email command. Not saying this is the problem you are having just giving you a heads up.
  3. http://i.imgur.com/gdb2wGV.png I made this script for a client and I decided to share with UBot members. This script requires two plugins: This first plugin is the Http Post Plugin which is a paid plugin and can be found here. The second plugin is the Threads Counter plugin which is a free plugin and can be found here. We are not allowed to list EXE's so if you want the compiled bot PM me. Small Demo Video: http://www.screencast.com/t/hpY5fHeKI On the Proxy Scraper the bot will hang at the very end. This is due to a small bug in the Threads Counter plugin. So just make sure to a
  4. This can't be done using the regular set variable command. Even the way that quite_interesting explains it is not possible. Why not just use the table cell like a variable. Just think the logic out beforehand and you can set or call each table cell from inside of a loop, or at anytime using the row and column number. Small example: This example requires UbotDev's free plugin ui stat monitor("Threads Open:", #threads_track) clear table(&my_table) set(#running, "true", "Global") comment("This thread is running just for reports.") thread { loop while($comparison(#running, "=", "true"
  5. Man I'm glad I found this thread! I needed this script and I didn't save it anywhere on my computer.
  6. Yes, but since I have been a customer since 2009 I had to be on a monthly subscription in order to get the version 5 upgrade and any updates. New customers within the first year of purchasing UBot get the updates for free. So, that is why I stated it the way i did.
  7. I would like to see updates being released once a month until Ubot Studio 5 is more stable. When paying monthly to receive updates its kind of a let down to see only a few updates come out to fix the issues with version 5.
  8. The answer may be as simple as to scrape all of the domains into a list and in your loop locate the domain you want edited. Once you have located the domain subtract 1 number from the position of the list and use that number for the element offset function. Its kind of hard to explain so I made an example. For this example just enter in a domain you want to edit. By default google.com is used. Hope this helps to come up with some ideas. Table Example.ubot
  9. Here is a work around that works. ui open file("Image:", #file) click(<innertext="Add Photo / Video">, "Left Click", "No") wait for element(<name="composer_unpublished_photo[]">, "", "Appear") change file field(<name="composer_unpublished_photo[]">, $nothing) wait for element(<name="xhpc_message_text">, "", "Appear") wait for browser event("Everything Loaded", "") change file field(<outerhtml=w"<input type=\"file\" class=\"*\" title=\"Choose a file to upload\" name=\"composer_unpublished_photo[]\" id=\"*\" multiple=\"\">">, #file) wait(1) wait for browser e
  10. Your looking for the Append to File command. http://wiki.ubotstudio.com/wiki/Append_to_File Or you can just use the add item to list and save the list where ever also.
  11. I was going to test proxyrack with proxycap since you can use proxycap to tunnel your software through a specific connection I think this will work. I'll test it out and let you know if proxyrack works this way. Or if you want proxycap has a free 30 day trial and you can test it yourself. http://www.proxycap.com/download.html
  12. Use a loop while command along with the exists qualifier. I created a small example below showing how this can be done. Loop While Explained: http://wiki.ubotstudio.com/wiki/Loop_While Exists Explained: http://wiki.ubotstudio.com/wiki/Exists Demo: Scrape Google Example.ubot
  13. Scrape the page number into a variable and navigate to the reply url . Example: http://anchorage.craigslist.org/reply/4191539433 Demo: Craiglist Email Scrape Example.ubot
  14. New Released: http://store.steampowered.com/search/tab?bHoverEnabled=true&cc=US&l=english&style=&navcontext=1_4_4_&tab=NewReleasesFilteredDLC&start=10&count=10 Top Sellers: http://store.steampowered.com/search/tab?bHoverEnabled=true&cc=US&l=english&style=&navcontext=1_4_4_&tab=TopSellers&start=10&count=10 Tweak the start= and count= parameters to fit your bots needs. Scrape Titles Code: add list to list(%titles, $scrape attribute(<tagname="h4">, "innertext"), "Delete", "Global")
  15. set(#string, $find regular expression("<a class=\"likebutton\" onclick=\"checkclosed(\'3ZbimtT73MY\');\" href=\"javascript:void(0);\">Like</a>", "(?<=onclick\\=\"checkclosed\\(\\\').*?(?=\')"), "Global") alert(#string) I used this regex code and guide found here. http://www.ubotstudio.com/forum/index.php?/topic/7162-using-regex-to-catch-text-between-sections/
  16. Here you go try this... comment("Fill in the details to connect to your server...") clear table(&emails) connect to mail server("POP3", "", "", "", 110) { create table from emails(&emails) } clear list(%from_emails) set(#row_count, 0, "Global") loop($table total rows(&emails)) { add item to list(%from_emails, $table cell(&emails, #row_count, 0), "Delete", "Global") increment(#row_count) }
  17. Yes, you have to use regex to scrape in sockets. Here is a good regex code that will work in most cases while scraping with sockets. http://www.ubotstudio.com/forum/index.php?/topic/7162-using-regex-to-catch-text-between-sections/ Now If you really want to scrape using the scrape attribute command you can always use the load html along with the $sockets page html function. But since you are still using the browser it would make sockets pointless.
  18. This is a confirmed bug and I reported it almost a month ago here. http://tracker.ubotstudio.com/issues/84 Please add an update to get it pushed through faster.
  19. Your looking for $subtract lists. http://wiki.ubotstudio.com/wiki/$subtract_lists
  20. Research this command to load your emails form a file. http://wiki.ubotstudio.com/wiki/$list_from_fileInstead of random list item try using $next list item in your loop. As far as generating new names in your loops use the reset command. http://wiki.ubotstudio.com/wiki/Reset_AccountIf your using v.5 there is a bug and it will not generate any new names at this time.
  21. This is an unlimited free online OCR website. Try to upload an image here and test it out. I dont have time right now to code an example on how to have ubot make use of their service but it should help. http://www.i2ocr.com/ Only problem I am noticing is that on your 5th image a number 5 is coming back as an S. Example: mxzS78
  22. Yes, use the reset account command. But if your using UBot v.5 there is a bug with the account data command. You can follow the report here: http://tracker.ubotstudio.com/issues/84
  23. I am also frustrated with the the lack of commands needed for sockets. But I am sure they will be added eventually.
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