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Everything posted by Gogetta

  1. Sure, this is more than just an option for now. I see this as being the only way to ensure my scrapers are returning the correct amount of data. This bug where list and variables are canceling each other out needs to be fixed asap. But thanks for the workaround. I didnt even think to try using a table since all of the other commands I tried had the same problem. Add to list, remove from list, append to file, all of these commands become useless once you start using hundreds of threads. I am not sure why this hasn't been fixed yet and hopefully Seth will send out an update for both 4 and 5 si
  2. Yes, the code works perfectly for me when using a table.
  3. There is no problem with the threads counter plugin. But I am sure if you are using threads along with add to list there are problems with your scraping. The issue is even though the thread counter helps there is still a problem when adding data to a list at the exact same time as another thread. Run my code and you will see that not all of the items are being added to the list when running threads. Threads and Add Items (test).ubot
  4. Just create Create a new tab called Main UI (or whatever) and in this tab enter the ui html panel code exported from SSUB. Then when you compile your bots hide all of the tabs under the Compile Options except for the Main UI tab. This way when you as the developer views the source code you still have the default UBot ui coded in to work on your bot. Example of the source: http://i.imgur.com/HbjSB51.png Example of compiled: http://i.imgur.com/NJ9kgvF.png
  5. This sounds great. I cant wait to take full advantage of it.
  6. I updated my original post...
  7. Just look up the documentation for each search engine. Here are the url's for Bing and Google. Edit: Bing: http://api.bing.com/osjson.aspx?query=keyword Google: http://clients1.google.com/complete/search?hl=en&output=toolbar&q=keyword Youtube: http://clients1.google.com/complete/search?hl=en&output=toolbar&q=keyword&ds=yt Amazon: http://completion.amazon.com/search/complete?method=completion&q=keyword&search-alias=aps&client=amazon-search-ui&mkt=1&fb=1&xcat=0&cf=0&x=updateISSCompletion&sc=1 Yahoo: https://search.yahoo.com/sugg/gos
  8. No problem. Glad you got it working.
  9. You can test this code. I got it to work by scraping the form and submitted it using the load html. Newgrounds Example.ubot
  10. Yeah I checked the environment and everything seems ok. I did figure out why I was having a problem though. If I have Teamviewer 9 opened on my computer some of the Advance UBot comamnds doesn't work. I know it sounds strange but you can view the video yourself below. http://www.screencast.com/t/6oTPwpASq
  11. These commands don't work on Windows 7 or on Windows 8.0. I am only able to get them to work on Windows 8.1. Commands: window layer this app menu bar control menu box control minimize to tray minimize tray notification minimize to tray cancel fixed window size min/max There might be more but these are the ones I have tested so far.
  12. It's actually very easy using their api. ui text box("Keyword", #keyword) set(#suggestions, $plugin function("HTTP post.dll", "$http get", "http://clients1.google.com/complete/search?hl=en&output=toolbar&q={#keyword}", "", "", "", ""), "Global") clear list(%words) add list to list(%words, $find regular expression(#suggestions, "(?<=<suggestion data=\").*?(?=\")"), "Delete", "Global") load html($replace($text from list(%words, $new line), $new line, "<br/>"))
  13. Nice code. I just try to avoid using regex for somthing like this since I have seen them break with some special chrachters.
  14. The code would work either way. Maybe your file has a blank line at the bottom. If this is the case then change the 1 to a 2 in the code below. remove from list(%my list, $subtract($list total(%my list), 2)) Edit: Better yet here this should work with a balnk line left in th file or not. clear list(%my list) add list to list(%my list, $list from text("1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ", $new line), "Delete", "Global") remove from list(%my list, 0) if($comparison($list item(%my list, $subtract($list total(%my list), 1)), "=", $nothing)) { then { remove from list(%my list, $subtract($list t
  15. You don't need regex to do this. Use the remove from list command. Here is an example: clear list(%my list) add list to list(%my list, $list from text("1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10", $new line), "Delete", "Global") remove from list(%my list, 0) remove from list(%my list, $subtract($list total(%my list), 1)) load html($replace($text from list(%my list, $new line), $new line, "<br/>"))
  16. Set an if statement that when there is more than 10k items (or any number you want) in your list then append to file and clear the list. Just one way to help keep the memorey low.
  17. allow flash("No") Just add this command somewhere before you load the post ad section. Then just use the chanage file field command to upload the image. It worked for me when I tested it.
  18. Loop while exists and select the Next button but use the outerhtml so that it includes the href or something that's only displayed when the text is a live link. Remember you can always use the * (wildcard) where its needed also.
  19. Thanks for the replies. Yeah, I am thinking this one is a little to tough to get passed. I guess im stuck with having to use the windows commands. Thanks anyway.
  20. Bump... New price offered. I really need this script if anyone can do it. If $300 to $350 isn't enough PM me and we can discuss more. Thanks.
  21. Changed to in progress: I changed the status of these thread because I have pretty much figured this out. It was a stupid mistake on part for sending something in the request that weebly wasn't accepting. If anyone who was working on this would like my final code PM me. I need a define that will submit a blog post to weebly.com using Aymen's http post plugin. This project will require some skills. So if you aren't familiar with http request there is no need to apply. Thanks Edit: I should have mentioned I don't actually need a full bot, that part I can create myself. I am just having a d
  22. You were missing a wait command after you had the bot clicking the "Enter Now". ui text box("NUMBER OF CODES", #NUMBER) ui button("Click Me To Start") { clear list(%save) set(#run_script, "true", "Global") thread { loop while($comparison(#run_script, "=", "true")) { wait(0.5) if($comparison(#run_script, "=", "false")) { then { save to file("{$special folder("Desktop")}/Forza5.txt", %save) thread { alert("Aborted by user!") } wait(1
  23. It's saving to my desktop just fine. I have only ran it on v.4 and not 5 though.
  24. You should get into the habit of creating custom commands (define command) when using threads. This is because most of the time you will need to use local variables to keep each thread from overwriting the data being stored by another thread. More info on local and global variables here. I hope this helps: ui text box("NUMBER OF CODES", #NUMBER) ui button("Click Me To Stop") { set(#run_script, "false", "Global") } ui drop down("Threads:", "1,2,3,4,5", #threads) ui button("Click Me To Start") { set(#run_script, "true", "Global") thread { loop while($comparison(#run_script
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