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Everything posted by devpro

  1. Great news. Thank you for updating all the stuff.
  2. That is an awesome way to learn. I hope you can include some http post commands in there as well. That would really make this amazing for all the gold members... Thank you
  3. I tried to PM you Aymen but it says that you can't accept any new messages. Is your box full maybe ??
  4. How do we download this new version. I didn't get any updates in my email. Thank you
  5. I suggested only things that make sense. Your screenshot showed that you have proxy checked which is no good. Did you try to install chrome browser and just throw IE in the garbage. It's really not very good ... Thank you
  6. Just check automatically detect settings. Uncheck proxy . Restart IE and it will work.
  7. What type of connection do you have ? dial-up , broadband ... Your settings look jacked up. All i have checked is "Automatically detect settings" ... Nothing under proxy settings since i don't use proxy. Do you use proxy for some reason ? Seems strange to me that you would need to use that.
  8. Any update as to when will you have some http post plugin examples available. Thank you
  9. If there is an update to the http post plugin how will we know that there is one ? Will you let us know through email about the update or do we have to check this thread ? Thank you
  10. So what did they tell you Dan. Or does everybody on the forum has to go and open a support ticket to ask ? Just wondering
  11. Yeah that will help speed things up. Thank you for the suggestion.
  12. Ok thank you guys. This clears things up.
  13. Why don't you find a wordpress theme that i designed already for mobile version. I think that would work very well.
  14. When inside the ubot 4 and you go and click on tools and click on plugins and when you click the "x" to close the window the ubot will stop responding for maybe like 30 sec . Also when you would add a plugin or remove a plugin it will do the same thing ? Is that normal ? Thank you for your help
  15. Hey great tool there... Can you let me know as well which software do you use to license your files. thank you for your time.
  16. Hi Aymen Do you offer any specials if we buy this software with your http program ? Thank you for your time
  17. Wondering the same thing. How do we download it and test it. Thank you
  18. I don't think you can if your subscription is not active.
  19. Maybe you could open a ticket to let them add the list to the program itself. I don't think that would take a long time to do.
  20. Thank you very much This worked perfect. define List_manipulation { add list to list(%accounts, $list from file(#file_open), "Don\'t Delete", "Global") loop while(%accounts > 0) { set(#replace_email, $replace regular expression($list item(%accounts, 0), "@hotmail.com.*", $nothing), "Global") add item to list(%accounts_processed, #replace_email, "Delete", "Global") remove from list(%accounts, 0) }
  21. Hi guys I have a question about a list from file. When i load my csv into a list and assign it to a list For example i have user1@hotmail.com user2@hotmail.com user3@hotmail.com user4@hotmail.com I want than to manipulate this list and only have this left in it user1 user2 user3 user4 I know how to create a regex expression for this. I know how to manipulate a list and put it in a variable but than i have one long variable with one name. How do you either create a new list or update the list that is loaded from a file. Thank you for the help
  22. You have to have paid for the subscription in order to download version 5.
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