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Everything posted by cmoen11

  1. Earlier i remeber they released a lisenced system? Where is that? I really need that
  2. I got full source with it, maybe the host is blocking the ip?
  3. plugin command("SocketCommands.dll", "socket container") { plugin command("SocketCommands.dll", "socket navigate", "GET", "http://myip.is/") set(#test, $plugin function("SocketCommands.dll", "$socket page html"), "Global") } That worked for me. did you remember to put a container that hold the socket commands?
  4. Lol? I think this guy is about to try to scam us.
  5. Hit me up at christian.moen8 on skype, and i'll get you there for free
  6. Worked! WOOOH! Thank you very much! I'm pretty new to sockets and regrex! But everything goes so feaking fast with it! Thank you!
  7. <html style="background-color: #121212;"> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html;" charset="UTF-8"/><script type="text/javascript">window.NREUM||(NREUM={}),__nr_require=function(n,e,t){function r(t){if(!e[t]){var o=e[t]={exports:{}};n[t][0].call(o.exports,function(e){var o=n[t][1][e];return r(o?o:e)},o,o.exports)}return e[t].exports}if("function"==typeof __nr_require)return __nr_require;for(var o=0;o<t.length;o++)r(t[o]);return r}({QJf3ax:[function(n,e){function t(n){function e(e,t,a){n&&n(e,t,a),a||(a={});for(var u=c(e),f=u.length,s=i(a,o,
  8. Hey! i'm currently a pro user, but i have a question: If i update to dev, will i be able to download the new updates for ubot aswell?
  9. Hi, I want to get some information on a site that redirect to another page fast.. How can i stop it?
  10. I have lost my nodeview? EDIT: Found it... never mind, sorry
  11. Hey, i'm trying to create a status box on my bots witch includes status on what it is dooing, and i want it to slide in my ui stat monitor. Well, it starts and I see it is starting to slide, but suddently it refreshs,... how do I solve this?
  12. Get the bot to subscripe if possble...
  13. cmoen11

    Scrape links

    Okay, how am I going to scrape links with this tool.. when It's only allowing me to select two lists?
  14. cmoen11

    Scrape links

    Hey, I want to scrape links to a list, but when I start all the links go to the same item? how can I make it to go to each single list?
  15. I'm still waiting, any news on when it is comming?
  16. I wanna create a countdown of next time it repeats the action? how do I do that? define Kriminalitet(#kriminalitet_function) { loop while("true") { set(#status, "Utfører Kriminalitet", "Global") click(<href="index.php?p=kriminalitet">, "Left Click", "No") click($element offset(<tagname="td">, 4), "Left Click", "No") wait(180) } }
  17. Uhm.. well.. It is buggy.. I use the 4 version still.. Even tho I have the newer one..
  18. Dipswitch If you want it to be more secure you can do a random wait, and you won't make a pattern after a while... Like; wait($rand(4, 6))
  19. Okay, I'm thinking about it.. I work currently as a web developer.. So I need to figuer out some smart methods to use the ubot.. Because just by looking trough the forums I've a ton of people who are creative and effective with their bots.. And as the knowledge I have with CSS and HTML, it would be great to pitch something up.. Getting boored of the grey looking... I will defently look into it..
  20. Hey, I'm sitting here and wondring if it is really worth the money? What do you think`?
  21. Hey, I'm the only one that is still waiting for ubot secure? I want to sell my bots on the internet secure from the share world... Any updates on when it is ready?
  22. Hey, I've created a "loop while", and everytime the scripts starts over again, I want it to count + 1 on the UI bar... But how do I do that? I hope you all understood what i ment!
  23. I've set up my bot to play a sound when the user needs to check up on the bot. if($exists(<id="ayah-canvas-fg">)) { then { shell("start /min \"%ProgramFiles(x86)%\\Windows Media Player\\wmplayer.exe\" %WINDIR%\\media\\Alarm01.wav /play /close") } else { alert(":(") } } But it won't play.. Any solution to make it play?
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