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Everything posted by Bot-Factory

  1. Hello Meter, i'm testing my first bot with Ubot-Locker. WebStuff is setup correctly. The protection and licensing works fine. It asks for my license and when I delete the license, I get an error. But after I enter the license details or when I restart the bot, it validates the license. But the bot doesn't appear. The process is running in the background. I see it in the process list, but that's it. Bot compiled with latest ubot 5. running it on windows 8 64bit. Any ideas what the problem could be? Thanks in advance for your help Dan
  2. All sorted! Thanks in advance for the quick help! Great plugin. Very handy for a lot of stuff. Dan
  3. Hi. Just purchased the plugin. But unfortunately the download link is not working. Got redirected to a: Error 404 - Page Not Found Sent you the purchase details via PM and skype. Cheers Dan
  4. Argh.. You are right.. Missed that one completely. Thanks Aymen! Rewriting the bot now. Simplification is always king :-)
  5. Awesome! Thanks Aymen. That works fine. Result: add list to list(%lista, $list from text(#test, $new line), "Delete", "Global")
  6. Hello. Is there a Constant for new line? Something that I can use as Dilimiter with: $list from text(#test, "????") Thanks in advance for your help Dan
  7. Ok, found a solution. There is an example in the forum: In this example it was using "cmd.exe" and redirected the DIR output to a file. And then imported that into a LIST. I found a simpler method with the help of the following plugin: http://www.ubotstudio.com/forum/index.php?/topic/13798-free-plugin-advanced-shell/ Then you can just use: set(#test, $plugin function("Advanced Shell.dll", "$shell batch hidden", "dir {#dirtolist} /b"), "Global")
  8. Hello. Is there a way to return all file names in a folder? Thanks in advance for your help Dan
  9. Yeah, that's what I do at the moment. I just thought, that someone knows the "correct" values do add ontop of the HTML UI dimensions. Dan
  10. Hello. Is there a way to figure out the correct dimensions settings in the compile menu? Let's say I have a HTML panel (400 / 600). What are the correct settings for the compiler? I want to hide the browser completely. So the bot should only show my UI stuff, but without scroll bars and anything. When I choose the same options 400/600, it's not enough. Is there a specific value I have to add for the Ubot controls? Thanks for your help Dan
  11. Hi. To learn Regex, I try to reproduce a lot of the examples here in the forum. I tried this the other way around: set(#text, "Buy new tv for 4000€ at mysite", "Global") set(#text, $find regular expression(#text, "[a-zA-Z]+[^0-9+€][a-zA-Z]+"), "Global") alert(#text) But my result has some <CR> in it: Buy newtv forat mysite Does someone know why that happens? ThanksDan
  12. How do you distribute updates to this plugin? Am I supposed to receive an email automatically? Dan
  13. I also signed up, but didn't receive the plugins. After confirming my mail address I only received: Early Bird Access - Sign up below Your subscription to our list has been confirmed. dan***.w*******@gmail.com Cheers Dan
  14. Thanks Edward, I looked through the plugins, but wasn't able to find anything that related to SSL validation. Do you have something specific in mind? I have no problems with a commercial plugin, if it does the job. Dan
  15. Hello. Is there a way to check the data of a SSL certificate? So that I can ensure that the communication from my bot to a HTTPS website is really secure and that there is no man in the middle software like fiddler running for example? Thanks in advance for your help Dan
  16. Thanks a lot for your example. Hope I understand it correctly. You add the tables to a list to identify to position of the right row? The one with the domain I want to edit. And then you use listposition-1 as the value for element offset? Is that correct? Dan
  17. Hello. I have to click an edit button on a website. But this button is there multiple times. And I have to identify the correct row first. I can do that relatively easy with $element offset. But that doesn't work if the position of the entries is dynamic. So I need to identify the correct row and then select the edit button in that row. Here's the html code from that part of the page: <div class="row" id="dns"> <div class="span10"> <div class="btn-group smallbottommargin"> <button name="template_show" type="button" class="btn btn-primary bulk-acti
  18. Awesome! Those are some nice ideas! I'm learning something new with ubot every day! Dan
  19. Thanks Aymen. From your experience. Is POST and GET enough for most websites? Or do you have another smart way to handle stuff like PUT and DELETE? Or are they not that common? Dan
  20. Hi Guys, is there a way to send a HTTP PUT and HTTP DELETE commands with this plugin? Thanks Dan
  21. Ok, looking at some of the example bots helps :-) I have to use {#csif} that works fine now. Thanks for your support guys! Appreciate it! Dan
  22. Great, that seems to work now. I had to set all three headers (x-csrf, origin and x-request). Now I only have the problem, that I can't use a variable in the HTTP-POST command: set(#name login, $plugin function("HTTP post.dll", "$http post", "https://www.name.com/ajax/account/login", "username=xxx&password=xxx&vip_id=&vip_pin=&vip_flag=off&csrf_token=#csif", "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.3; WOW64; rv:26.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/26.0", "https://www.name.com/account/login.php", "", ""), "Global") For whatever reason it's not accepting my #csif variable in that command.
  23. Hello Aymen, I'm scraping the csrf_token from the page. But unfortunately that still doesn't work. I think it has something todo with the header. I have a successfull and an unsuccessfull login monitored with Fiddler. And the body content is always identical. Exactly 213 bytes. But the header is different. 489 when I use your plugin from ubot. And 1005 when I use the browser within ubot. From my bot: POST https://www.name.com/ajax/account/login HTTP/1.1 User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.3; WOW64; rv:26.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/26.0 Referer: https://www.name.com/account/login.
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