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Everything posted by the_way

  1. isn't the scroll bar at the bottom?
  2. yeah, its bad code, not sure if there are many members would use that technique,
  3. Hmm, i think you should update your signature Dan to read "Best selling ubot plugin of all time" this is definitely on my next to buy list, seems like everyone but me has it!
  4. Whats your first big meal to celebrate?
  5. Still having major problems with this, when i click on the get a deal button (retailmenot) i can get it to only sometimes bring up the popup in the new window. Other times it just doesn't bring it up. However here is a screen shot with the popup after i clicked in the new window, but there are no elements selectable. http://i.gyazo.com/1fa72cb90de7c64f063b44314b4f36f2.png I did try to scrape the tagname like mentioned here, but not sure how to get that working. I need to try and hit either the vote up or vote down, which has the <class=vote-up> but if i select to click that
  6. yeah, thats the way i was thinking of doing it with google search results, seems to be the only way, unless i though going to the sitemap, and scraping he urls from there and selecting a random one
  7. I'm just running a little bit of testing on a website, and there is a popup, i managed to figure out to open it in a new new window with "allow popups" (in new window) But when i try to click any elements they don't appear, i can get it working with the mouse click, but then i still have the popup window on the right inside the thumbnail showing up (in ubot) how do i close the thing down? Cheers people
  8. Got a fast response from support (as always) they also have the same issue, seems to be browser elements that ubot can't cope with, and they will hopefully have it resolved next update.
  9. I think ubot has the capacity to be the number one development tool. If you could output your code to php, python, etc, then there wouldn't be a need to learn some other programming code. I don't know about anyone else, but i'm a wizard in terms of speed of development with ubot, and i create quality bots faster than coders. I'm not just talking about click here, navigate. Most of my usage comes with defines, and loop whiles, threads and SQL commands which make ubot a real standalone product. Yes it does have a few bugs here and there, but if you want development speed. nothing matches it,
  10. Next project i've got coming up, need to select a random page from a website, any ideas how to do this? I was thinking of just doing a google search site:website, but this will be to difficult to manage, any ideas? Cheers
  11. yeah for me, i closed ubot down, so i could open the program up and run it through its final test, and it just happened, it didn't crash or anything while it was closing
  12. When i go to the page to load a campaign, nothing at all shows on the page. Damn had a great idea for a useful program, and now no chance
  13. the way i got my email client working was try all the various settings, and providers, and with each i sent an email with the subject header as the settings i was using, the one that made it through had the right settings i needed.
  14. OMG this just happened to me! lost about the same 5 hours work, dude, thanks so much for posting this, i just went right into the folder, and there it was. SORTED
  15. fixed it, i had it the wrong way around, what a noob add item to list(%quotes, $list from text(#quotes, $new line), "Don\'t Delete", "Global") set(#quote, $random list item(%quotes), "Global") Or Add list to list
  16. nice one, it should be a shortcut on ubot menu
  17. I just checked in ubot 4, and still the same problem, damn
  18. Not used ubot for a month, so go easy on me Just trying to add a block of text to a list. Need a new line as the delimiter and set this up. add list to list($list from text(#quotes,$new line),%quotes,"Delete","Global") set(#quote,$random list item(%quotes),"Global") My list doesn't get anything added to it, and instead a strange named list is created http://i.gyazo.com/f9db17dfa13194e5a2277767d30cab4f.png My blank list http://i.gyazo.com/ca2a85940a45d488cd99d6dbe3c1281a.png Whats going on with this? I thought it must have been my mistake with it should be item to list (which i
  19. thanks Dan, always wondered why this happened.
  20. account builder working fine for me, you have to remember to clear cookies completely too.
  21. would love to know too, as this was a big bug for me not handling popups correctly.
  22. you can use both at the same time, so just give it a try if you want.
  23. Just looking for a simple script to work from as an example, even if its just to fill out a text box, anyone managed to use the python feature yet?
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