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Windows 7 on MacBook Pro

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Don't know if this is the right place to ask this question but anyway,


I just got asked by a potential customer whether my bot would work for him as

Quote:"I'm running Windows 7 on my MacBook Pro using Parallels 6 desktop."


Anyone know if uBot would work on that system?



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There are a couple (if not a few people in here) that use some sort of software for doing this.


Just note that UBot does not support it. What they do support is on the http://ubotstudio.com/faq.aspx .


As a developer of bots. I make it a point to tell my customers that I do not support that Mac platform in the way they are trying to use my bot. A customer could eat up your time trying to get it to work which is not helping your wallet.


Second comment. While I am a huge goof at poking fun at fellow botters playing with macs. There are some mac users who are Zealots and have insisted the same entitlement as PC users. Just be up front with all mac users and you will avoid the pains.


For what's worth.

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Don't tell me you have a mac Eddie! I thought you were cool. Now I am going to have to re-think my opinions of you. LOL

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Ah, BotBuddy is going on about us Mac owners again. :-)


OK, if it makes you feel any better - I now have my Mac Laptop formatted for and booted into WIndoze JUST to run Ubot. I also own two other PC's that are sitting 5 feet from my MacPro. (which I'm typing on now) I own parallels for the Mac which allows dual booting but I don't bother with it. Running natively just works better.


Ever notice that some people don't care where they live or what their house looks like? Those are PC users. :-) It's cheap and functional. Try explaining aesthetics to someone living in a trailer. :-)


Oh, did I mention that I haven't installed ANY virus software on my Mac in over 6 years?

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LOL! Thanks Biks! I live in a trailer now. Maybe I should post a picture of my house. lol


I would say that mac users live in trailers because in reality they want to be totally portable and trailers can be outfitted in many many ways. lol The problem is those trailers aren't cheap.


But enough about PCs & mac. I DO have my issues with Microsoft.


What I want is an OS that is supported across the board. IMHO mac has the best OS. Windows just sucks and that is because they still need to tie it to IE (the most corrupt browser on the planet).


macs problem is two fold. One is the hardware. Every couple of years they are changing it. It's like their corporate mantra, Apple IIe, Apple II plus, MacIntosh, some other fruity version, and now the mac. The second problem is Steve Jobs. Not that he is the problem but he is the mac. When he dies (and unfortunately it is looking very likely which is sad) the mac will die as well.


I really do believe they have a winner with the OS and they should spin that off in a VERY concerted effort to be THE OS of this age and for it to be installed on virtually any hardware.


IBM tried their hand at it with OS/2 & OS/2 Warp but IBM's problem was IBM itself. They wanted a resurgence back to the glory days of IBM when they dominated the OS market. Their leadership killed OS/2.


Microsoft on the other hand is not an OS developer but rather a quilt maker as in bad code on top of bad code. Never a re-write from the ground up.


Linux was a glimmer of hope but Red Hat and others have killed that.


At one time OSes were written in Assembler, the absolute fastest language. I still subscribe to that theory until someone or some company steps out of the shadows to provide.


Don't even mention the Google OS. As far as I can tell that is just a bootable browser.


But today. As of 3/30/2011, mac does have the best OS. I just wish it was portable to my laptop where I can run other truly business apps without some sort of VMware or shell.




I am off my horse now. lol

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