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What I've got is a list of 25 URLs that I want to post to 100 or so sites. I have my 25 URLs in a list, and I start accessing the list with NEXT LIST ITEM. It seems once I hit the end of that list, it doesn't just start at the beginning of the list, it just stops accessing data from the list.


Yes, I know I can use RANDOM LIST ITEM. That's what I'm using now.


I want to try and post an equal amount of URLs across my 100 or so sites. (just to be anal) How come when I get to the end of my list, it just won't start from the beginning again? Isn't the top of the list the next logical NEXT LIST ITEM when at the bottom?


I can imagine all sorts of convoluted ways to do what I want, any easy way of doing this?

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What I've got is a list of 25 URLs that I want to post to 100 or so sites. I have my 25 URLs in a list, and I start accessing the list with NEXT LIST ITEM. It seems once I hit the end of that list, it doesn't just start at the beginning of the list, it just stops accessing data from the list.


Yes, I know I can use RANDOM LIST ITEM. That's what I'm using now.


I want to try and post an equal amount of URLs across my 100 or so sites. (just to be anal) How come when I get to the end of my list, it just won't start from the beginning again? Isn't the top of the list the next logical NEXT LIST ITEM when at the bottom?


I can imagine all sorts of convoluted ways to do what I want, any easy way of doing this?


Can you post the .ubot file here and I will modify it for you to stop at the end of the loop.

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When you reach the end of the list it will now return blank. You need to set list position to 0 when it reaches list position 25.


This is exactly correct...this node was designed for, and allows you to re-use a list once it reaches the end.

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