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drop down problem

Guest cooper

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Thank you for solving my former problem with lists!


As I am going deeper and deeper and I stucked on the problem which I am unable to solve by myself.


1) If you got to this site:



2) Then put any testfeed in the following field by this place:

"RSS-Feed im Verzeichnis anmelden

Schritt 1 von 2"


3) you will be redirected to the 2nd step, where you will find the drop down near the "Kategorie"


I couldn't find any solution with ubot, how to read data from this drop down.


Is there any solution, how to send variable - with any of the "Kategorie" name - to this drop down which has been select in the ui_list_box?


THank you very much for your help and any ideas.


This drop down seems to be damned tricky!

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This is one way to do it.







John, thank you very very very much! That was the key!!!


I have tested it and I have found out that there is an another problem.


For instance I want to choose Shops in the drop down. So I send "Shops" to the "send file keys choosen" function. This function doesn't really search for "Shops" it takes the first line which begins with 'S'. Just try it out John.


I thank you for your time!


Here a couple of screenshots


In script1.jpg you see the script.


If you run it, this will happen - Take a look at the screenshot dropdown.jpg


As you can see, the first entry with "F" at the beginning has been choosen but NOT the right entry "Familie"



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Right, it's alphabetical so if shops is the fourth s, you would send keys "ssss"


You are only sending the first letter of the word. So if "Marketing" was the third "m"word on the list you would send "mmm"(without the quotes of course)

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Right, it's alphabetical so if shops is the fourth s, you would send keys "ssss"


You are only sending the first letter of the word. So if "Marketing" was the third "m"word on the list you would send "mmm"(without the quotes of course)



Thank you, guys! I will try it tomorrow as soon as I am "on the machine".


@JohnB: Sure, Mastah JohnB, its a nice solution but not really the one. If I am choosing my wish cathegory from the ui_list_box and sending it to the variable which will be send to the drop down, I will have to know the absolutely position of the cathegory. Looks a bit too complex, but I will try out.


@Seth: Mastah Seth, is there ony other function I could let compare param and drop down list exactly? This could solve this problem "on the fly". :unsure:

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You're exactly right. It basically requires as many if/then evaluations as there are items in the list. Right now there is not a solution that isn't relatively complex, or very time consuming. There are some lists where can can input the while word, but this isn't one of them.

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Is there any update on start which will adapt the new function, JohnB?


I have visited your site and I saw that you wrote the bot which can regist automatically in rss. Didn't you face the same problem?


Sorry that I have to ask you. Should it be you business secret just say I will understand it. All of us have to earn money.

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I definitely faced the same problem. in some of the sites I checked for the option "General" and used that if it was available. For others I just used random choices. Not the best solutions, but to sell a bot for under $20, I wasn't going to spend two months customizing thousands of category options. I made that clear in my sales letter on the original posting. Most people didn't seem to mind at all.

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there's another way to do this, but I don't have time to work out the code right now. the trick is that the attributes will change when you select the elements. you can use this to create a while loop. the coding is kind of tricky, but essentially, you'll say "while the drop down box's value is not the value that I want, send the first letter of the value I want."


give it a try and if you have trouble figuring out the code, let me know and I'll try my hand at it later.

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Seth, I understand what you are saying, and have a question about it. Will this be worth pursuing where the words in the list are represented by numbers?


In other words, the list category may show "Marketing" but the actual variable sent through scripting when chosen may be 149 (Do you know what I mean?)



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Thanks for supporting me in my hard job :-)


Please, take a look at my screenshot first before you read the text. It will help to understand what I mean.


I'm trying to solve it by the following way:


1. I have a tab "Kategorien" where I have an ui_list_box with the some entries from the drop-down of the rss-verzeichnis site. For instance: Mode, Produkte etc. [works]


2. I run the subscript "Kategorien" in the main script and get the choosen value from ui_list_box into the variable #chk1_kat. [works]


3. In the IF I want to evaluate if the value of #chk1_kat = Mode or smth. else. If "Mode" I send mm (Solution by JohnB) in order to get the correct entry in the drop down. [DOESN'T WORK]


At the step 3 - nothing happens. :unsure: What is the mistake I do?


Thanks for help!


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johnb- yeah that's a good point. you might still be able to work it using some ninjitsu. for instance, you might choosing the actual


cooper- it's hard to say based on what you show in the picture. what is the variable set to?

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johnb- yeah that's a good point. you might still be able to work it using some ninjitsu. for instance, you might choosing the actual <option> tag to get more specific information. about the value. or else you might even be able to automatically create a database (or a table) that tells ubot how to select a certain selection, even if it meant using your original method. I'm a big fan of not having to do tedious manual work, and I suspect that there's a way to automate this otherwise complicated process.


cooper- it's hard to say based on what you show in the picture. what is the variable set to?



Variable is set to "Mode".

So in evaluate I try to examine

var #chk1_kat = "Mode";


if(#chk1_kat == "Mode")



do things



But that doesn't work.


I've tested in #chk1_kat have the value "Mode". But why don't evaluate work for me?

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when I ran it the first time it didn't work because the variable wasn't set to anything. then I saw that it calls a separate script which has a ui control in it (which is kind of a confusing way to set it up). I selected "Mode" in the ui list and re ran the first script and it worked correctly. make sure you select an item in the list in the second script.

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