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Programming language under Ubots GUI?

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So what programming language is Ubot using under it's GUI? Visual basic?


Can I see the actual "source" code if I program/build something in Ubot? Let's say I get real good at working with Ubot and fully understand the work flow. Would I be able to take this knowledge and program directly in the "source" programming language? What sort of things is Ubot doing that's making my life easier instead of programming directly with it's "source" programming language? (other than the point and click nature of it)

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Nope, there is no direct code available to UBot users, unless you count Javascript or accessing things externally via the shell function, which some of the more advanced users do. UBot's primary purpose is to be easy enough to use for non-programmers who don't know a thing about code, and so all code is effectively hidden from the user.


If you want to truly code something and have way more power, go with something like www.autohotkey.com or similar.



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Oh and to answer the question of what UBot does to make life easier, I haven't found any tool that makes it easier to identify elements on a page and manipulate them, from simply filling out forms and pushing buttons, to scraping content for re-use later on. UBot isn't the most powerful tool on the planet, but it's sure one of the easiest to get useful results from.



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and so all code is effectively hidden from the user.


OK, but that was my first question, what IS that code that Ubot is using?

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Its just a custom scripting language Seth created. The program itself is coded in VB.net, and is an interpreter for said scripting language.

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  • 2 years later...

I would like to consider ubot a "VSL" - Visual Scripting Language. 


If someone were to ask me if i know how to "code", i would say, YES.. IF they asked me what language, i would say, Ubot. Alot of ppl refer to ubot as a WebAutomation tool. That, it maybe, in Standard edition. but Pro and better yet Dev, Dev is just as powerful as other languages. What it lacks in "power" it makes up for in time it takes to make thoughts reality.


I say ubot is a programming language that does a WHOLE LOT more then Web Automation.


Every time i think i have taken ubot to the edge of its capability, i buckle down. Hit the forums. try, try and try again. And some how i make it happen. So many times i was about to "hire a real coder" to only find a way to make it work using ubot.. 


Also, i must say. After getting "LoWrIdErTJ - BotGuru's " Plugin to clear memory, Ubot has got 100% better. 

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