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Need help with clicking submit button

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Can anybody help me clicking the submitbutton on lil.io

It is no problem to fill the field an send key "new line", but if you want more than one URL than you have to click this button.

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Can anybody help me clicking the submitbutton on lil.io

It is no problem to fill the field an send key "new line", but if you want more than one URL than you have to click this button.


Does using Form Commands --> Click link not work for you? I tried it and it did for me. It expanded the text box to make more room. Maybe I'm looking at the wrong thing though.


Edit: After looking at the source of that page it is using jQuery and I don't think UBot handles that. Anybody know for sure?



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I have no idea what the site does. When I put an url in the text field and hit the button, it just refreshes.



OP, more details please.


Ok, I can do it but there is a catch and it may be just my system. In UBot and standalone IE when I navigate with the URL I constructed it wants to save a file, but using Firefox with the same URL it displays the shortened URL that needs to be captured. So, it is entirely doable by the looks of it. I'll finish it later if I get time.



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Ok, I can do it but there is a catch and it may be just my system. In UBot and standalone IE when I navigate with the URL I constructed it wants to save a file, but using Firefox with the same URL it displays the shortened URL that needs to be captured. So, it is entirely doable by the looks of it. I'll finish it later if I get time.





Here is the script. It has not been made all neat and tidy as I'm too tired to do that :)



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Thank you for your quick answers!

This is just a URL-shortener like tinyurl etc, but you get paid for German traffic.

So no download should be made but you fill in the URLs to shorten click the button and scrape the shortened URLs (max 50 each run).


The_Brit: Thank you for your bot but on my system happen strange things when I start it, it says unable to download file and the download-window don't disappear anymore!

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Thank you for your quick answers!

This is just a URL-shortener like tinyurl etc, but you get paid for German traffic.

So no download should be made but you fill in the URLs to shorten click the button and scrape the shortened URLs (max 50 each run).


The_Brit: Thank you for your bot but on my system happen strange things when I start it, it says unable to download file and the download-window don't disappear anymore!

Can you post a screenshot with the error message and the node that is in red and we may be able to resolve that for you? Are you using localized version of I.E and Windows e.g not US English?



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Just in case, I tried it again at work where I use XP and not Vista (on which I developed the first version) and it did error doing the page scrape. So, here is a new version created on XP and IE7.





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