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Feature removed or broken in update?

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I have been a Ubot user for years, and came back to it recently. I now find I can't create a list from list of text in a TextArea box.

I'm using this code (where the list is called "URLs"):

add list to list(%URLs,$list from object(#TextArea0),"Don\'t Delete","Global")

And the error message is saying this isn't supported in my version of Ubot (standard) - but I'm sure I've done this loads of time in the past with earlier versions. Currently using 6.7.6.

If this doesn't work, how can I create a list from text that's entered into a TextArea box?

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Thx - tried that - use newline as delimiter and still doesn't work. Set setting to Global - nothing. Reboot and try again (because Ubot is sensitive to errors) - nothing. Set variable to TextArea and nothing. So frustrating when Ubot fails to work like it used to. Nothing I do can pull in data from the TextArea.

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Well tried all that - nothing worked, so I decided to uninstall Ubot, download a fresh package and start again.
All good except the licence server is down so I can't start the program. And I can't send a support request email. Jeez, this is so frustrating - what a shambles.
(I've no idea why anyone would trust Seth and his pals to programmatically trade their crypto - I wouldn't let them anywhere near it!)

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OK here's the latest weirdness after reinstalling Ubot 6.7.7
I decided to write a short script to demonstrate the issue:

clear list(%test)
add list to list(%test,$list from text(#TextArea0,$new line),"Don\'t Delete","Global")
alert($list item(%test,0))


Note that the TextArea box looks a bit weird - it should fill the header area, not be partially obscured by the browser bar. But anyway...

After running:


After running in Code View mode, the alert gives the correct answer, but the content of the TextArea box gets partially deleted.
But when I run the script in Node View mode, nothing unusual happens - the TextArea box remains untouched.

That said, I can't edit the script: when I enter text it appears in the Search Toolbox window, which makes me think the whole installation is hosed, despite it being freshly downloaded.

Any thoughts?

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