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Scaping A Table

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Hi all,


Im trying to scrape a table of data from Yahoo Finance, but for the life of me I can't get it to get the info I need.


I'm trying to scrape this page:




I'm looking to get the main items which are: Contract name, Bid and Ask price and Strike.


Can anyone share a solution?

Thanks in advance!



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Might not be the cleanest but this should work. 

add list to list(%test,$scrape attribute(<class=w"data-row*">,"outerhtml"),"Delete","Global")
loop($list total(%test)) {
    set table cell(&out,#row,0,$replace regular expression($find regular expression($list item(%test,#row),"<td class=\"data-col0(.*?)/td>"),"<(.*?)>",""))
    set table cell(&out,#row,1,$replace regular expression($find regular expression($list item(%test,#row),"<td class=\"data-col2(.*?)/td>"),"<(.*?)>",""))
    set table cell(&out,#row,2,$replace regular expression($find regular expression($list item(%test,#row),"<td class=\"data-col4(.*?)/td>"),"<(.*?)>",""))
    set table cell(&out,#row,3,$replace regular expression($find regular expression($list item(%test,#row),"<td class=\"data-col5(.*?)/td>"),"<(.*?)>",""))

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Myself i would just take the whole tables, really depends how you like to skin you cat


scrape table(<class="calls W(100%) Pos® Bd(0) Pt(0) list-options">,&TableOne)
scrape table(<class="puts W(100%) Pos® list-options">,&TableTwo)

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Myself i would just take the whole tables, really depends how you like to skin you cat


scrape table(<class="calls W(100%) Pos® Bd(0) Pt(0) list-options">,&TableOne)

scrape table(<class="puts W(100%) Pos® list-options">,&TableTwo)

This did it for me, thank you Pete.


Thanks to the other solution providers also, UbotBuddy and ds062692

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