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I'm trying to scrape a google url only, and my regex works in the online tester but for some reason in Ubot studio it does not match


this is my regex




this is what html looks like 

<img class="rc-image-tile-44" src="https://www.google.com/recaptcha/api2/payload?p=06AOLTBLTa-vvrnIWo7i1_Eix6gNYTpUzPqU12orIsTHtCreitubGC47NpV5W65VenezqAvBB9phZcGYE6v9OYJ4I3s8nroGgeAOWQbVj7Weydh5KaDmwq73-QYKgZkttOzh-8LLq-ef4dOfOgxPBxA-694yvaaFvUTCjUVq7FDrR0eKhx3KV9jXM&k=6LfYMygUAAAAAM1da_u97ejUiRNeG_b2opEPAKkv" style="top:0%; left: -300%">

I've copied the html to the regex tester so it is how it appears on the website. The weird thing is when I remove the "payload" section I get all the other google links on there, so for some reason "payload" is not matching, so I have no idea what it could be, i'm not that great with regex so any help would be appreciated.

Edited by HelloInsomnia
Formatted code so you can view the entire link
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Just tried it and it appears to be working, give this a try:

set(#img,$find regular expression("<img class=\"rc-image-tile-44\" src=\"https://www.google.com/recaptcha/api2/payload?p=06AOLTBLTa-vvrnIWo7i1_Eix6gNYTpUzPqU12orIsTHtCreitubGC47NpV5W65VenezqAvBB9phZcGYE6v9OYJ4I3s8nroGgeAOWQbVj7Weydh5KaDmwq73-QYKgZkttOzh-8LLq-ef4dOfOgxPBxA-694yvaaFvUTCjUVq7FDrR0eKhx3KV9jXM&k=6LfYMygUAAAAAM1da_u97ejUiRNeG_b2opEPAKkv\" style=\"top:0%; left: -300%\">","https:\\/\\/www\\.google\\.com\\/recaptcha\\/api2\\/payload[^\"]+"),"Global")
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