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UBot Underground

Seeking The Right Viral Thread Idea ...

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Fellow Botters,



This forum is not active as I thought. I understand Ubotters are busy building bots but everyone needs a break from work and I was expecting a lot of engagements in this forum where fellow experienced Ubotters give a lot of insights to new botters.

And so, I'm wondering what kind of game to start in this forum that will attract every Ubotter's attention to this forum every night before they go to sleep.

Maybe, we Ubotters can give each other something to dream about when we go to sleep. Like $$$ or fame or game.

Start something viral. Need to have a viral effect idea that will get this thread and forum going viral. An effect on the minds of Ubotters to stay tuned everynight to ... "... find-out how deep the rabbit hole is still going ...".

Maybe we open a thread where Ubotters discuss how many bots they sold each day and earned how much in total for the day.

Or, maybe a game thread of some sort.

How-about a contest thread ? A challenging thread (eg. try breaking into my bot's source code, try building a better bot, try guessing where my bot gets traffic from, etc.) ?

Some idea to keep us engaged so we look forward to the thread and forget our worries when we're feeling gloomy and down for the day. Mondays are gloomy. Maybe, a "lift your spirits up/raise your spirits ona monday" thread. Something to give you boost on a miserable monday.

Oh well, I've said my piece. How-about you ?

Mmm.Was thinking about a viral idea thread. How-about a viral idea bot ? A bot that lifts peoples' moods when they're feeling low. That would be a billionnaire bot.


Any ideas guys on a viral thread ? A thread that keeps on going forever. And fast into forever land! ;)

The rain pour outside is not helping my mood. Have you noticed it's usually sunny on fridays and saturdays but not so bright on sundays and then the rain pours start on mondays. Go wet to work.

No. Don't ask me to have a drink (alcohol). I might aswell have some tea after a while after I finish testing my latest bot.

Edited by bangali_beta
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Actually this forum is extremely active. When you need help coding something, pop a message in and any supporting code that you already have and you'll find that experienced botters are happy to jump in and lend a hand. As for casual visiting and goofing off, this really isn't that type of forum. A lot of us make our income with the bots we make and have precious little time to screw around needlessly.

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Actually this forum is extremely active. When you need help coding something, pop a message in and any supporting code that you already have and you'll find that experienced botters are happy to jump in and lend a hand. As for casual visiting and goofing off, this really isn't that type of forum. A lot of us make our income with the bots we make and have precious little time to screw around needlessly.


Ha! Ha! That was real "Brutal" man. ;)

Mmm. I'll be going out for a walk now. Gonna keep a "Brutal" bot in mind. Let's see if I can come-up with a wicked "Brutal" bot idea or not.

Thanks for making the post man! Atleast I think i know what my next bot's name should be. Lol!


".... and have precious little time to screw around needlessly."


Another bot name popped-up in my mind: Screwer!

Imagine a bot that screws your competitions rankings on the searchengines. Lol! I can build one right now and I'm sure it'll sell well but it will be an illegal activity bot and so I'll give this one a miss and stick to the "Brutal" one. Lol! :)

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