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"reset Browser" Feature, Bug?

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Looks like someone was drunk when they shipped the release.

It is a function that most of the time comes with a auto generated function, mostly the result from Resharper.

for example


public void Example()

     throw new NotImplementedException();


This can of course never happen if they actually test the code they wrote...

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i see that "reset browser" is a new feature which looks interesting, but somehow i see this : http://prntscr.com/a1u7q2 not sure if the this feature is beta & buggy or just me doing something wrong?




Your link isn't working for me, what does Ubot say?

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i see that "reset browser" is a new feature which looks interesting, but somehow i see this : http://prntscr.com/a1u7q2 not sure if the this feature is beta & buggy or just me doing something wrong?




Your error snapshot seems to not be working, but just in case you are trying to use it in Chrome 21, Reset Browser is compatible with Chrome 39 only at the moment and it was tested for Chrome 39 only: http://wiki.ubotstudio.com/wiki/Reset_Browser


If you have any other questions about features, please open a ticket at to our staff support.ubotstudio.com

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